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研究生(外文):Yu-Han Su
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Preventing Air Exfiltration from Retail Stores through Doors for Energy-Saving
外文關鍵詞:Retail StoreExfiltrationEnergy-saving
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根據能源局委託綠基會,針對住商部門零售商家所進行之節能調查發現:超過四成以上零售商家門口有冷氣外洩之情況。因此,探討零售商家如何有效防止冷氣外洩,及相關整體節能效益之評估,就值得吾人著手進行。本文研究目的在於:以住商部門零售商家為研究對象,利用冷氣外洩耗能模式及建築耗能模擬軟體POWER DOE-2之理論分析,探討商家門口使用不同防護措施對冷氣外洩耗能之影響,並進行整體節能減碳效益之評估。本文考慮之防護措施分為:無防護(全開式與常開式)與有防護(空氣簾或自動門)等型式。研究結果發現:零售商家門口由常開式加裝空氣簾或自動門後,經過門口之冷氣外洩耗能減少幅度在74.0-96.8 %間,冷氣外洩占整體空調負荷之比例由61 %降至27-4.3 %間,夏月電費之降幅於13-26 %間,回收年限為3.6-5.2年,二氧化碳排放量之降幅於13-26 %間。顯見在零售商家門口裝設空氣簾或自動門,不但能夠有效減少能源浪費、降低空調電費外,亦有助於降低台灣地區二氧化碳排放量,順應政府節能減碳之政策宣導。
According to the Taiwan Green Productivity Foundation was entrusted to investigate the energy saving of retail stores which are in the lives and business department by Bureau of Energy, it discovered that the air exfiltration escaping through the door of retail stores is over 40% in whole retail stores in Taiwan. Therefore, it is worth to discuss how to prevent the air exfiltration effectively and estimate the energy-saving potential. The objective of this study is discussing that prevent the air exfiltration by using the different way of protection and estimating the energy-saving potential by using the theory analysis which is combined with the consume energy simulation software of building, POWER DOE-2. There are two type of protection: non- protective type (still-open type and always-open type) and protective type (using the air curtain and automatic door). It is found that always-open type improved to install the air curtain or automatic door: the energy-consumed can reduce 74.0 – 96.8 %, the ratio of the air exfiltration to the cooling load from 61.0 % reduces to 27 – 4.3 %, the costs of the power rate can reduce 13 – 26 %, the payback period is 3.6 – 5.2 years, the quantity of carbon dioxide emission can reduce 13 – 26 %. Obviously retail stores install the air curtain or automatic door, not only can reduce the energy-loss and the costs of cooling load, but also decrease the emission of carbon dioxide. It complies with the government which advocates the policy of energy saving and the emission of carbon dioxide reduced.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究目的 8
1.4 論文架構 9
第二章 理論模式 10
2.1 簡介 10
2.2 物理模型建立 10
2.3 門口冷氣外洩耗能分析模式 13
2.3.1 門口冷氣外洩耗能-無防護型式 15
2.3.2 門口冷氣外洩耗能-有防護型式 17
2.4 整體空調負荷模式 19
2.4.1 整體空調負荷-無防護型式 24
2.4.2 整體空調負荷-有防護型式 28
2.5 整體節能減碳效益評估模式 35
2.5.1 節能效益評估模式 35
2.5.2 減碳效益評估模式 36
2.6 求解流程 38
第三章 結果與討論 39
3.1 門口冷氣外洩耗能分析 39
3.2 整體空調負荷分析 43
3.3 整體節能減碳效益分析 51
3.3.1 節能效益比較 51
3.3.2 減碳效益比較 58
3.4 綜合比較 61
第四章 結論與建議 64
4.1 結論 64
4.2 建議 65
參 考 文 獻 66
附錄A 氣象資料 69
附錄B 安裝防護措施之廠商估價表 89
符 號 彙 整 90
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