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研究生(外文):Wei-Chiang Hung
論文名稱(外文):Research of biocompatibility on titanium-based implant with porosity
外文關鍵詞:biocompatibilityTitanium-based alloynanoporous-TiO2
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本研究以電化學的陰極處理方式使鈦金屬表層形成一層氫化鈦薄膜,再以電化學陽極處理,使表面形成一層奈米多孔性的二氧化鈦(nanoporous-TiO2)結構,並以物理及化學性的分析儀器測試表面之成分、元素、膜厚、孔洞大小及結構是否符合要求,之後將對符合要求的試片在無塵室加以清洗、消毒後,即以這些鈦金屬試片進行細胞培養,經特定的時間分別對細胞的攀附,增殖作不同的測試, 並加以比較不同條件下這些測試的結果。
Titanium-based alloys with excellent biocompatibility have been investigated by many researches. It is due to its passive oxide film. The surface characteristics of titanium implant, such as pore sizes/roughness, are related to initial cell behaviors and osseointegration. However, the surface design of dental implant for enhancing the rate and result of osseointegration remains unknown. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the various the titanium oxide thicknesses and pore sizes/roughness on the initial attachment and proliferation of the osteoblast-like cell (MG-63) based on the above investigation, it is believed that optimal pore sizes/roughness will be promoted the osseointegration.
In this study, electrochemistry process was performed as surface treatment of titanium-based implant. Titanium hydride was formed on titanium implant surface after cathode treatment. Nanoporous titanium oxide structure was formed by anodic surface treatment. In order to realize the properties of titanium oxide film, physical and chemical properties of titanium implant with and without surface treatments. In addition, biocompatibility of titanium implant with and without surface treatments was performed by cell cultures. MTT test and cell counting is used to investigate the cell attachment and proliferation.
Contents 1
Table captions 2
Figure captions 3
中文摘要 4
Abstract 5
Chapter 1 Introduction 7
1.1 General Background 7
1.2 Motivation of This Study 8
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Osseointegration of titanium 10
2.2 Osseointegration of rough surfaces 12
2.3 Contact of boneimplant with and without surface treatment 12
2.4 Higher removal torque values (RTVs) 14
2.5 Impact of the implant surface on clinical implant stability 16
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedures 20
3.1 Titanium implant preparation 20
3.2 Physical and Chemical properties of dental implant with and without treatment 23
3.3 Cell culture 28
3.4 Cells attachment and proliferation observation 29
3.5 Statistic analysis 30
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 31
A. Properties of Ti and O-Ti plates 31
B. Biocompatiility of Ti and O-Ti 38
Conclusion 41
Reference 43
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