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研究生(外文):LIN CHIEN-YU
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a Web-based Tool for Ontological Knowledge Construction
外文關鍵詞:OntologyOWLKnowledge Construction Tool
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本研究主要目的在於設計一個Web-based領域知識建構工具,且此工具採用W3C所建議用來表示Ontology的OWL(Web Ontology Language)語法,並引用WIKI的概念讓多人來共同參與知識本體的建立,最後再由專家學者做最後的評定。除此之外,此建構工具也能夠將建構好的領域知識匯出成OWL的語法格式,以及相對能匯入同樣以OWL語法設計的領域知識,換言之,提供一種相互交換領域知識的方式,以達成領域知識交換與再利用的目的,並且降低重複建立相同領域知識所需花費的代價。希望透過這樣的領域知識建構工具,讓對某個相關領域有研究的使用者們可以夠過本研究發展的工具共同建立出一個客觀的領域知識庫,以做為日後發展其他e化教學與學習系統的基礎,改善一般非以本體為基礎這類系統的缺失,進而對於教學者與學習者提供更好的協助。
With the widespread of Internet, the knowledge we contact become more various and spacious. So how to apply current knowledge and create new knowledge rapidly is a very important task. In order to reach the goal of reusing and sharing knowledge, we should describe knowledge at first. According to viewpoint of Ontology we can formalize various concepts of a special domain, their properties and the relationships between those concepts in a specific way. Eventually we can construct a domain knowledge database. In other words, when we adopt the ontology theory to analyze the curriculum, we can not only present the concepts of the curriculum but also the relationship between them. Therefore we can represent the whole framework of the curriculum more explicitly.
The main purpose of this research was to design an ontology-based knowledge representation tool for constructing some domain knowledge based on OWL that W3C recommends. And we employ the idea of WIKI to offer all users to create domain knowledge collaboratively. Then the experts have the right to dispose of argument. Furthermore the developed tool in this research can provide exchange of domain knowledge with the function of importing and exporting OWL documents for the sake of reusing and sharing knowledge and reducing the cost of constructing the same domain knowledge. This tool can be used for providing the users to construct an objective domain knowledge database for extending application by other learning systems to improve defects of some learning systems which are not based on ontology and to offer more assistance to teachers in courseware and instruction design.
第一章 緒論
 第一節 研究背景與動機.................................1
 第二節 研究目的......................................3
 第三節 研究問題......................................3
 第四節 名詞解釋......................................4
 第五節 研究限制與範圍.................................6
第二章 文獻探討
 第一節 本體論(Ontology)..............................7
 第二節 OWL之探討....................................13
 第三節 國小部分的數學Ontology分析.....................17
 第四節 本體論之相關工具及研究.........................19
 第五節 VML (Vector Markup Lanaguage)之探討..........24
 第六節 本體論知識工具與其他知識分享工具的比較...........26
第三章 研究設計與實施
 第一節 知識建構工具與Ontology教學系統發展之關係及角色....29
 第二節 系統發展......................................31
 第三節 系統設計......................................33
 第四節 系統評估......................................42
第四章 系統評估
 第一節 系統功能說明..................................43
 第二節 系統評估之結果分析.............................63
第五章 結論與建議
 第一節 結論.........................................69
 第二節 建議.........................................70
附錄一 訪談大綱........................................75
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