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研究生(外文):Wei-Hung Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Implementation of Chaos-Based FM Secure Communication System
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Chiang Chou
外文關鍵詞:ChaosSynchronousSecure System
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本論文嘗試研製一實用性之混沌保密通訊系統,在構思上將訊息隱藏於混沌信號內,繼而應用頻率調變完成訊號傳送,另於訊號還原則是透過同步解調及混沌遮罩剔除兩個過程完成;因此在實體電路上發射端分別由混沌遮罩產生器、載波產生器、混沌-基頻介面電路、調變電路構成;而在接收端則為混沌同步電路、本地振盪電路、混沌-基頻介面電路、解調電路構成;為減少實作上的重複錯誤,我們將以Matlab 程式模擬混沌行為,以確定混沌遮罩訊號的產生,並以Spice軟體模擬整體電路行為。經由此研究,相信對於提升混沌理論於保密通信上有非常大的助益,在實際應用價值亦更具效用。
The development of the science has been dominated by the linear theory from the nineteenth century. However, from the advanced science point of view, the linear theory is a special case of the nonlinear theory. Chaos is a part of the nonlinear theory with the most use in research. Therefore, in recent years many researches of different territories have involved in the chaos, such as physics, chemistry, sociology, economics and engineering etc. Among them, the chaotic phenomena applied in secure communication of engineering have been extensively discussed. However, in those published paper secure communication discussed which base on chaotic phenomena are almost paper research or unpractical circuits.
The implementation of a practical chaos-base secure communication system is the purpose of this thesis. In conception, our approach to achieve secure communication uses a chaotic signal to mask the information signal through interface circuit of chaos-basic frequency, this masking signal through frequency modulator from transmitter to receiver. The basic building block for our approach is constructed by four parts in the transmitter and receiver respectively. A chaos-mask generator, carrier generator, interface circuit of chaos-basic frequency and modulator are included in transmitter; and receiver is constituted by chaotic signal synchronization circuit, local oscillator, interface circuit of chaos-basic frequency and modulator. It is believed our approach can help those people who desire to produce a more practice chaotic communication system.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
致 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.1.1 歷史回顧 1
1.1.2 電子元件與電路應用上之探討 3
1.2 研究動機 6
1.2.1 混沌式保密通訊系統之概述 6
1.2.2 問題描述 7
1.2.3 解決方案 7
1.3 論文架構 8
第二章 混沌的特性與應用 10
2.1 混沌概述 10
2.1.1 線性與非線性現象 12
2.2 混沌的特性 13
2.2.1 蝴蝶效應 17
2.2.2 邏輯斯諦映射 20
2.2.3 菲根鮑姆常數 27
2.3 驗證混沌的方法 29
2.4 混沌的應用 35
第三章 驗證混沌現象之軟體開發 37
3.1 模擬演算法說明 37
3.2 實際電路與系統驗證 38
3.2.1 傳統式蔡氏電路 39
3.2.2 勞倫茲系統 45
3.2.3 考畢子震盪器 51
3.2.3 羅斯勒系統 57
3.3 模擬結果分析 63
第四章 硬體構建及理論探討 64
4.1 系統架構 64
4.2 電路結構及理論 66
4.2.1 發射端電路結構及理論 66
4.2.2 接收端電路結構及理論 75
第五章 模擬結果與分析 83
5.1 混沌產生器現象之模擬結果與分析 83
5.2 電路模擬結果與分析 89
5.2.1 IsSpice模擬軟體及模擬流程 89
5.2.2 發射端電路模擬結果與分析 93
5.2.3 接收端電路模擬結果與分析 96
第六章 實體電路研製與波型量測結果 100
6.1 Protel DXP佈線軟體介紹 100
6.2 量測儀器之簡介 101
6.3 實體電路製作 102
6.3.1 發射端實體電路 104
6.3.2 接收端實體電路 105
6.4 實驗量測結果與分析 107
6.4.1 發射端量測結果與分析 107
6.4.2 接收端量測結果與分析 111
第七章 結論與未來發展方向 114
參考文獻 115
附 錄 122
作者生平簡介 129
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