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研究生(外文):Hsiao-Ting Su
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Form Features of Identification of Table Lamp
指導教授(外文):Yow-Sheng LiuLi-Chieh Chen
外文關鍵詞:perceptionform featureelement quantityelement proportionidentification
  • 被引用被引用:5
  • 點閱點閱:525
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Ya-ling Cheng (2007) pointed out that modern people decorate their household with table-lamps, and their demand is greater than other types of lamps. While designers often design the form of table-lamps according to the subjective design concepts, such kind of creation can hardly be collated and analyzed with systemic data. If designers can apply these data during the development of design concepts and thereby affect the user’s efficiency in identifying the features of table-lamp styles, this will help to enhance product identification. However, as there are many factors affecting the user’s identification of the features of table-lamp styles, this study plans to investigate the identification efficiency in terms of the amount of form feature elements and proportion of element quantity of table-lamps on the market.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect on identification efficiency of the form design elements in table-lamp design with two experiments.
The aim of Experiment 1 is to investigate the visual identification efficiency of the quality of form feature elements and form contours. Independent variables included presentation (grey-scale effect include contours and contours) and element quality level (high and low), where gender is the within-subject-design factor; and table-lamp presentation, element quality level and style are the between-subject factors. Results indicate: element quality has a significant effect on the identification reaction time of participants, when the element quantity is low, the reaction time is faster than it is when the element quantity is high; the reaction time difference in table-lamp presentation is insignificant; however, element quantity has no significant effect on identification accuracy.
The aim of Experiment 2 is to investigate form feature element proportion and the visual identification efficiency of form contours. Independent variables include element proportion level (consistent and inconsistent) and element quantity (4, 5 and 6), where gender is the within-subject-design factor; and element proportion level and element quantity are the between-subject factors. Results indicate: the effect of the element proportion of table-lamp on the identification reaction time of participants is significant; particularly when the proportion is inconsistent, and viewers spend more time on table-lamps with inconsistent element proportion. Also, when there are five elements, the response time is the least, and this is different from the results obtained in Experiment 1. However, neither the element proportion nor the element quantity has a significant effect on the identification correct rate of participants.
This study investigated the identification effect on viewers of element quantity and element proportion in order to provide a supplementary reference for industrial designers to develop design concepts in addition to subjective aesthetic view.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍及限制 3
1.4 研究步驟與架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 探討方向及架構 6
2.2 造形的定義 6
2.2-1 形態的意義與分類 7
2.2-2 色彩 8
2.2-3 輪廓 10
2.2-4 美的形式原理 11
2.3 完形心理學 12
2.3-1 完形心理學的主張及架構 14
2.3-2 簡潔律 (law of prägnanz) 15
2.4 人類的學習與認知系統 16
2.4-1 感覺訊息的登錄 17
2.4-2 注意力 18
2.4-3 物件辨識的本質 19
2.4-4 記憶 27
2.5 立體視覺辨識影響因素 29
2.5-1 構件數量 29
2.5-2 輪廓 30
2.5-3 明暗 30
第三章 研究方法 32
3.1 前言 32
3.2 前置實驗:造形特徵相似性與構件數量之研究 32
3.2-1 樣本收集與製作 32
3.2-2 相似性集群分析 34
3.2-3 構件數量分析 36
第四章 實驗一:造形特徵構件數量與造形輪廓視覺辨識績效之研究 39
4.1 前言 39
4.2 受測者 39
4.3 實驗材料 39
4.4 實驗環境 42
4.5 實驗程序 43
4.6 搜集效標 44
4.7 實驗結果 44
4.8 討論 51
第五章 實驗二:造形特徵構件比例與造形輪廓視覺辨識績效之研究 54
5.1 前言 54
5.2 受測者 54
5.3 實驗材料 54
5.4 實驗環境 56
5.5 實驗程序 56
5.6 蒐集效標 57
5.7 實驗結果 57
5.7-1 反應時間 58
5.7-2 正確率 61
5.8 討論 62
第六章 結論 64
6.1 結論與建議 64
6.2 未來研究建議 65
參考文獻 67
附錄一 桌燈樣本原始圖片 70
附錄二 桌燈整體造形特徵相似度評估之調查問卷 71
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