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研究生(外文):Chi-ching Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of M Society Groups Needs to Cellular Phone and Innovation Design
指導教授(外文):Jih-Shyong Lin
外文關鍵詞:innovative designM societycellular phone
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其中,大前研一提出之M型社會現象中將整體消費市場分成五大消費族群,分別為『富裕的高齡者』、『DOM』、『敗犬足』、『寄生蟲』與『尼特族/飛特族』。由於作者提出『敗犬族』與『寄生蟲』乃M型社會現象下廣大中下階層消費群中最具消費能力的兩大族群,因此本研究針對此兩族群對於手機之需求特徵做深入探討與調查。再以M型化理論中所提出之兩個核心理論:『憧憬自由之丘』與『新奢華』來探討族群的消費型態特色,透過Jonathan Cagan與Craig M. Vogel這兩位學者所提出的SET與LEF三要素分析方法,了解兩群體的生活型態與SET/LEF的各項因素分析,進而歸納提出符合他們需求的手機設計規範,經由Sketch概念化發展與電腦模擬繪圖將概念視覺化,完成寄生蟲的設計成果caseA、caseB、caseD三案;敗犬族caseC、caseE、caseF三案,共六個設計成果。最後再進行評估驗證各設計案的價值是否符合該族群所喜好。
With the rapidly advancing cellular phone technology, the life cycle of the cellular phone products is shortened rapidly due to the breakthroughs in new technologies and the various consumers’ demands; the cellular phone manufacturers pressured by the ever shorter product life cycle must expand their market shares and improve profitability through incessant innovations, newly developed functions, new applications, and more attractive consumer products. Kenichi Ohmae in June 2006 proposed that the Japanese and Taiwanese societies are undergoing a major industrial restructuring, i.e. the formation of the M-shape society, so-called because the dwindling middle class and the abundance of the lower class have reshaped the society as representing a poor majority and a rich minority.
In such an M society, he proposed that the overall consumer market be divided into five consumer groups, respectively “affluent seniors”, “DOM”, “loser dog”, “parasite single” and “neet/freeter”. As he proposed the “loser dog” and “parasite single” as the two most capable groups in the vast lower class consumer groups of the M society, the research profoundly discusses and studies the characteristics of the demands of the two groups on cellular phone phones. The consumption styles of the two groups are further discussed with the two cores of the M shape theory: “high quality but low price” and “new luxury”; the life styles of the two groups and each factor of the SET/LEF are determined with the SET and LEF analytical methods put forward by Jonathan Cagan and Craig M. Vogel, so that the cellular phone design specifications conforming to their demands may be induced; through Sketch conceptualization and the concept visualized by computer simulation drawings, a total of six design cases are completed with three cases for the parasite group: case A, case B, case D and three for the loser dog group: case C, Case E and case F. Finally we assess the values of the designs to see if they fit in with the preferences of the two groups.
The research shows that the parasites prefer case C and case E while the loser dogs prefer case C and that the parasites desire to have the cellular phones with M shape features in the former two design cases which focus on high end unit price cellular phones for loser dogs with additional premiums. The fact that the two cases are preferred by both groups shows that the high quality products with high added value attract not only the loser dogs with stronger consumption power but also the parasites with weaker power into choosing or purchasing uniquely designed products with enhanced functionalities; this conforms to the new luxury theory discussed in the literature. Although the results show the parasites fail to choose case A/B/D as expected, they also show that the consumption power of the parasites are not so limited to low price products and the “high quality but low price” consumption style expected to occur on parasites is not entirely applicable; therefore it may be concluded that the “high quality but low price” as proposed by Kenichi Ohmae may be more appropriate for the “neet and freeter” group.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
謝誌 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 5
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 研究範圍與限制 8
1.5 論文架構圖 9
第二章 文獻探討 10
2.1 M型社會之形成 10
2.1.1 所得階層兩極化 10
2.1.2 台灣M型社會之形成 13
2.1.3 『憧憬自由之丘』與『新奢華』 16
2.1.4 M型社會五大消費族群 19
第一類:『富裕的高齡者』 19
第二類:『DOM』 20
第二類:『敗犬族』 20
第三類:『寄生蟲』 20
第四類:『尼特族』(NEET,Not in Employment, Education, or Training ) 21
第五類:『飛特族』(Freeter) 21
2.2 整合式產品開發 23
2.2.1 SET三要素 27
2.2.2 LEF三要素 28
2.2.3 機會價值分析 29
第三章 研究方法 31

3.1研究方法步驟與分析 31
3.2 研究架構圖 32
3.3 族群市場定位與產品需求調查問卷設計 33
3.3.1 受訪者基本資料項目 33
3.4.1 兩群體基本資料 38
(1)寄生蟲族群 38
(2)敗犬族族群 38
3.4.2 消費生活型態特徵(Lifestyle impact)分析 45
(1) 寄生蟲族群 45
(2) 敗犬族族群 47
(3) 小結 49
3.4.3 社會價值觀特徵(Social)分析 51
(1) 寄生蟲族群 51
(2) 敗犬族族群 53
(3) 小結 54
3.4.4 經濟價值觀特徵(Economic)分析 56
(1) 寄生族族群 56
(2) 敗犬族族群 58
(3) 小結 59
3.4.5 科技價值觀特徵(Technology)分析 61
(1)寄生蟲族群 61
(2)敗犬族族群 62
(3) 小結 63
3.4.6 人因工程特徵(Ergonomic) 65
(1) 寄生蟲族群 65
(2) 敗犬族族群 66
(3) 小結 66
3.4.7 功能特色特徵(Function) 67
(1) 寄生蟲族群 67
3.4.8 基本規格需求分析 71
(1) 寄生蟲族群 71
(2) 敗犬族族群 73
(3) 小結 74
3.4.9 手機主體材質重視度分析 75
(1) 寄生蟲族群 75
(2) 敗犬族族群 76
(3) 小結 77
3.4.10 兩族群於外觀造型風格分析 78
3.5.8 寄生蟲族群特徵與需求總結 82
(1)寄生蟲族群產品差異 82
(2)敗犬族族群產品差異 82
(3)寄生蟲族群LEF分析 83
(4) 敗犬族族群LEF分析 84
第四章 M形社會族群手機產品設計個案 85
4.1 設計案(一)StandSTYLE 85
4.1.1 設計規範訂定 85
4.1.2 構想發展─草圖繪製 87
4.1.3 概念視覺化─電腦模擬製圖 88
4.2 設計案(二)Tabaco 91
4.2.1設計規範訂定 91
4.2.3 概念視覺化─電腦模擬製圖 94
4.3 設計案(三) SideSTYLE 97
4.3.1設計規範訂定 97
4.3.2 構想發展─草圖繪製 99
4.3.3 概念視覺化─電腦模擬製圖 100
4.4 設計案(四) SlideSTYLEI 103
4.4.1設計規範訂定 103
4.4.2 構想發展─草圖繪製 105
4.4.3 概念視覺化─電腦模擬製圖 106
4.5 設計案(五) SlideSTYLEII 109
4.5.1設計規範訂定 109
4.5.2 構想發展─草圖繪製 111
4.5.3 概念視覺化─電腦模擬製圖 112
4.6 設計案(六) TurnSTYLE 115
4.6.1設計規範訂定 115
4.6.2 構想發展─草圖繪製 117
4.6.3 概念視覺化─電腦模擬製圖 118
第五章 設計驗證與評估 121
5.1 評估方法與分析 121
5-2『造型風格』評估 123
5.3『人因工程』評估 131
5.4『功能特色』評估 136
第六章 結論與討論 145
6.1 結論 145
6.1.1 憧憬自由之丘與新奢華導向消費形態 146
6.1.2 寄生蟲族群與敗犬族族群 147
6.2 研究建議 148
參考文獻 150
英文部分 150
中文部分 150
附錄 152
問卷A:M型族群生活形態特徵調查與需求調查問卷 153
問卷B:M型社會族群對於手機需求及產品創新設計研究設計驗證問卷 176
Jonathan Cagan and Craig M. Vogel. (2002). Creating breakthrough products, Prentice Hall.

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全虹通信(2008)。全虹通信 2007 熱門手機銷售排行榜 TOP 10 出爐。上網日期:2008年1月15日。網址:http://www.sogi.com.tw/newforum/article_list.asp?forum_no=243&topic_ID=60158。



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