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研究生(外文):Kuei-Mei Chiang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Design of Animated Advertisement for Cosmetics Websites
指導教授(外文):Li-Chieh Chen
外文關鍵詞:memory of advertisement (MAD)dynamic modeinternet advertisementattitude toward the advertisement (AAD)
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後續實驗分為二個階段,第一階段的網路廣告實驗,包含網路廣告之「產品動態模式」: A1 「產品三支一起淡入再消失」、A2 「產品三支一起飛入再消失」,與「文字動態模式」:B1「文字放大後縮小再消失」、B2 「第一行文字放大後縮小,第二行文字由右飛入,再一起消失」。共組合成四套網路廣告樣本進行廣告記憶、廣告態度的徧好實驗。
第二階段的網路廣告實驗以網路廣告之「產品動態模式」: C1 「第一次三支產品一起淡入再消失,第二次產品三支一起飛入再消失」、C2「產品一支一支的由大縮小後再消失」,與文字動態模式之「文字動態模式」:B1「文字放大後縮小再消失」、B2 「第一行文字放大後縮小,第二行文字由右飛入,再一起消失」,共四組網路廣告樣本進行廣告記憶、廣告態度的偏好實驗。
As internet continues to develop vigorously, new type of transaction mode has been formed to subvert the traditional commercial pattern completely. More and more consumers start to use the internet to obtaining required items, including the rapidly-rising demand of care products. Websites have become one of the main channels for care product distribution recently. This research focuses mainly on the dynamic advertisement of care product websites, concentrating on the preference influence of dynamic advertising design of care product website on the memory of advertisement (MAD) and attitude toward the advertisement (AAD) to make proper recommendations for dynamic dvertising design of care product website.
This research investigates on the category of current internet advertisements of care product websites, inviting subjects with different gender to join the experiment and come out with the differences and similarities of perception from different gender towards care product internet advertisements. All subjects, regardless of gender, were unanimously impressed with the dynamic effects of flying-in, fading-in, showing up one-by-one and shrinking text, therefore, these effects will be the main points for discussion in the follow-up experiment.
Follow-up experiments are classified into two stages: The first stage of internet advertising experiment includes “product dynamic mode”: A1 “three sets of product disappearing after fading-in”; A2 “three sets of product disappearing after flying-in” with “text dynamic mode”: B1”Text shrinking and disappearing after being enlarged”; B2 “first text row shrinking after being enlarged, second text row flying-in from right and disappearing together”. ‘Four sets of internet advertising sample have been used for performing MAD and AAD preference experiment.
The experiment result shows that the dynamic mode in the first stage is not notable, therefore a new dynamic mode will be added to integrate with the dynamic effect in the first stage, making it the experiment for the second stage.
The second stage of internet advertising experiment includes “product dynamic mode”: C1 “First time: three sets of product disappearing after fading-in. Second time: three sets of product disappearing after flying-in”; C2 “product shrinking and disappearing one-by-one” with “text dynamic mode”: B1”Text shrinking and disappearing after being enlarged”; B2 “first text row shrinking after being enlarged, second text row flying-in from right and disappearing together”. ‘Four sets of internet Ad sample have been used for performing MAD and AAD preference experiment.
It is known from the second stage of the experiment that the two combinations of dynamic effects of “product shrinking, disappearing one-by-one, text shrinking and disappearing after being enlarged” and “three sets of product disappearing after fading-in and flying-in, first text row shrinking after being enlarged, second text row flying-in from right and disappearing together” show a better result. There is remarkable difference in advertisement attraction for “text dynamic mode” which makes it a better choice.
摘要 i
謝誌 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究範圍 2
1.5 研究流程 2
第2章 文獻探討 4
2.1 網頁廣告的定義 4
2.2 網路廣告的特性 4
2.3 網路廣告的分類與形式 5
2.4 網頁廣告呈現方式 11
2.5 不同性別的差異性 12
2.6 廣告發生影響之過程 12
2.7 注意力與動畫效果之關聯 13
2.8 廣告效果的衡量 14
2.8.1 廣告效果的過程 14
2.8.2 廣告效果的衡量 14
2.9 文獻探討結論 15
第3章 現況調查 17
3.1 調查範圍 17
3.1.1 樣本來源 17
3.1.2 研究範圍與限制 18
3.1.3 受測者 18
3.1.4 實驗步驟 18
3.2 網路廣告實例驗證與討論 19
3.2.1 單一產品廣告 20
3.2.2 系列產品廣告 23
3.2.3 不同性別對網路廣告的差異結果 27
3.2.4 網路廣告呈現方式的分類 29
第4章 實驗設計 32
4.1 研究架構 32
4.2 實驗對象 32
4.3 實驗系統 32
4.4 實驗廣告的設計範圍 33
4.4.1 實驗因子說明 33
4.4.2 實驗廣告組別 40
4.4.3 實驗設計與說明 45
4.5 問卷設計 46
4.6 實驗流程 47
第5章 實驗結果分析 49
5.1 受測者資料 49
5.2 結果分析 50
5.2.1 第一階段結果分析 50
5.2.2 第二階段結果分析 53
5.3 討論 57
5.3.1 廣告記憶 57
5.3.2 廣告流暢度 58
5.3.3 廣告吸引程度 58
第6章 結論與對後續研究建議 59
6.1 結論 59
6.2 對後續研究之建議 60
參考文獻 61
中文文獻 61
英文文獻 63
附錄 65
附錄1:現況調查-保養品網路廣告效果問卷調查 66
附錄2:保養品網站動態廣告模式之研究問卷調查 75
附錄3:第一階段廣告記憶之雙因子變異數分析表 77
附錄4:第一階段廣告流暢度之雙因子變異數分析表 78
附錄5:第一階段廣告吸引程度之雙因子變異數分析表 79
附錄6:第二階段廣告記憶之雙因子變異數分析表 80
附錄7:第二階段廣告流暢度之雙因子變異數分析表 81
附錄8:第二階段廣告吸引程度之雙因子變異數分析表 82
[9]林政億(2004)。保養品廣告訴求對廣告效果影響之研究 以性別認知和贈品類型為干擾,輔仁大學織品服裝學系碩士論文。
[17]Robbin Zeff & Brad Aronson(1999)。廣告anytime—網際網路廣告(周怜利譯),台北:和碩,pp.14-15, pp.28-65(原作出版1997年)。
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