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研究生(外文):Shiue-Lun Zou
論文名稱(外文):The Feasibility Study for ZigBee Transmission Security Using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem and Key List.
外文關鍵詞:ZigBeeAES SystemKey List
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It is important to notice safety in the era which is filled with internet and wireless network. Compared with wireless network, the time of development of internet is much longer, therefore, as for safety; internet has developed a mature safety agreement, but wireless network lacks this kind of discussion. It is an important issue, thus, to know how to steady the safety of wireless network before scholars develop a feasible safety agreement.
ZigBee, which is one of wireless network technicality, is a newborn technicality, and is also a topic behind this paper. The most popular property of ZigBee, for family networks, is monitoring, such as safety monitoring, energy management, healthy caring…etc., which is based on network-testing wirelessly of condition-sensitivity. The development of ZigBee, so far, has not been completed for whole.
This paper aims to the identification of elliptic curve cryptosystem which applies to the ZigBee-connected server, then applies AES system and key list to encode and decode. The server, which is to identify, can strength its safety through elliptic curve cryptosystem, and this can make the identifications of servers much safe, then applies key list to combine AES coding system. One advantage is that can save the time of key produced; the other is that it is much safe than before.
The use way of new code system is much different than the original one, therefore considering whether the ciphertext is destroyed for decoding or transmission or not when decoding the ciphertext. This study put the time and safety into consideration, and got data by experiments. For the server the produced key list is much time-spent, from 0.3115 (sec.) to 0.9739 (sec.), but the safety is higher 15 times than original data.
As for speed of transmission, ZigBee is faster than RFID because RFID needs 0.2 (sec) per datum, while ZigBee only needs 0.01 (sec). When using old DES code system to encode and / or decode, ZigBee only need 0.01 (sec), as the same as new AES code system. We do not take DES code system into cosideration because it is probably that DES code system may be destroyed in one day.
指導教授推薦書 i
口試委員審定書 ii
碩博士論文授權書 iii
誌謝 iv
摘要 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
1.3研究限制 4
1.4研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 ZigBee介紹 6
2.2 ZigBee應用情況 7
2.3 密碼學 8
2.3.1對稱式加密系統 8
2.3.2非對稱式加密系統 9
2.3.3 認證中心(Certification Authority,CA) 10
2.3.4 信任清單(Trust List) 11
2.3.5 AES密碼系統 11
2.3.6 橢圓曲線密碼系統(Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem,ECC) 11
2.4 安全性需求 16
2.4.1鑑別性(Authenticity) 16
2.4.2機密性(Confidentiality) 16
2.4.3完整性(Integrity) 16
2.4.4不可否認性(Non-Requdiation) 17
2.5 相關應用文獻 17
2.5.1智慧家電 16
2.5.2行動電子商務的資訊安全論文 16
2.5.3使用認證處理架構RFID的安全性研究 16
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 系統架構 20
3.2 系統設計 21
3.2.1 橢圓曲線密碼系統建置 21
3.2.2 金鑰清單 23
3.2.3 安全性測試 25
3.2.4 亂數分析 25
3.2.5 時間分析 27
第四章 系統安全性分析與驗證 28
4.1 安全性分析 28
4.2 金鑰產生之亂數檢測 29
4.2.1單一位元測試(MONOBIT TEST) 29
4.2.2樸克測試(POKER TEST) 30
4.2.3位元重複值測試(RUNS TEST) 31
4.3 時間分析 33
4.4 資料完整性分析 39
4.5 金鑰清單更新 43
4.6 AES密碼系統可能被破解時間計算比較 46
4.7與舊密碼系統DES之時間比較 47
4.8與RFID每筆傳輸之時間比較 48
4.9 虛擬IP與防火牆 48
第五章 結論 49
第六章 後續研究建議 51
參考文獻 52
附錄1 ZIGBEE系統規格 55
附錄2 應用橢圓曲線在中文加解密之使用探討 56
附錄3 實驗設備圖 66
附錄4 系統程式 67
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