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研究生(外文):Jung-Kuang Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Fatigue Effects among Shift Work Drivers
指導教授(外文):Yung-Ching Liu
外文關鍵詞:tachographmonotonous roadshift work driving
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研究結果發現:可控制的單調路面顯然對於疲倦的產生有顯著的影響,其中又以固定觀看儀器所造成疲倦較為顯著,故建議增設抬頭顯示器,以減少人員過度監視,並降低疲倦之效應所造成之事故。而輪班之班別顯然對於疲倦不會產生顯著的影響,但輪班各班別均有一段是屬於比較疲倦時段,故建議於較疲倦時段以定期無線電呼叫來降低對疲倦效應之影響。客觀之行車紀錄器(Tachograph)則以車速之標準差值(standard deviation)作為疲倦時段之參考。應用本研究結果,希望透過相關疲倦偵測電子科技產品開發,未來能發展一套疲勞駕駛量測系統,來警示及佐證駕駛人疲倦之狀況,作為派班之依據及降低因疲勞駕駛所發生的潛在的危險,並可即時了解輪班與單調路面對駕駛疲倦狀態之影響,提供相關產業管理職業駕駛,及提供指派單位作為預防事故安全管理之參考。
Driver fatigue may have been the effect of both monotonous road riving and shift work driving. The objective of this study is to identify the fatigue effect using data collected from pre, after driving questionnaires and tachograph speed comparison results, to find out the different factors in working environment, and how these factors affect drivers physically and psychologically. A driving experiment was designed for the study, day, afternoon and night shifts driving tests at monotonous road was conducted and the data was analyzed with statistic software. 30 research subjects participate with actual driving. Data obtained from questionnaires includes general information, physical and psychological measurements and tachograph data.
The result shows that controllable monotonous road do have significant effects on driving fatigue, especially when staring at instrument panel. Thus, it is suggested to install head up display to minimum the accident ratio. The schedule of shift work apparently did not have significant effect on driving fatigue, but there is a specific period among each shift that the drivers feel more fatigue. Therefore, it is also suggested to send radio messages to drivers during specific period to decrease the fatigue. A tachograph was used to record the standard deviation of speed to determine the period that drivers are most fatigue. With the conclusion of this study and modern electric monitor devices, driving fatigue measurement systems might be developed in the future to warn and suggest driver’s current condition, and then provide professional drivers and authority useful information for safety driving management among shift work driving and monotonous road driving.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 xii
圖目錄 xiii

第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 4
1.4觀念性架構 5
1.5研究流程 6
1.6研究範圍和限制 7
第二章文獻探討 8
2.1產生疲倦的影響 8
2.1.1 疲倦的因素 8
2.1.2 疲倦的種類 10
2.2環境因素對疲倦的影響 10
2.2.1單調路面環境誘發性疲倦 11
2.2.2駕駛時刻與時間產生疲倦差異 12
2.3工作性質對疲倦的影響 12
2.3.1輪班(Shift Work)的定義 12
2.3.2輪班工作的類型 12
2.3.3輪班對睡眠的影響 13
2.3.4勞工睡眠相關研究 14
2.4行車記錄器之演進與功能介紹 16
2.5疲倦文獻與整理 22
2.6總結 24
第三章研究方法 25
3.1受測者 25
3.2實驗設備 25
3.3受測者工作 26
3.4實驗設計 26
3.4.1駕駛疲倦問卷調查問卷設計 26
3.4.2駕駛疲倦問卷調查抽樣方法 29
3.4.3駕駛疲倦問卷調查進行步驟 29
3.5實驗程序 29
3.6資料收集 30
3.7資料分析 30
第四章實驗結果 31
4.1實驗資料收集情形 31
4.2問卷結果之分析 31
4.2.1個人基本資料之分析 31
4.2.2生理構面之狀況 34
4.2.3心理構面作之狀況 38
4.2.4自覺構面之狀況 42
4.3行車紀錄器之分析 48
4.3.1 各班別時間對照表 48
4.3.2 日班各行車紀錄器車速時間差比較 48
4.3.3中班各行車紀錄器車速時間差比較 48
4.3.4夜班各行車紀錄器車速時間差比較 49
第五章結論與建議 50
5.1 結論 50
5.2 建議 51
參考文獻 53
附錄一 正式問卷 57
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