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研究生(外文):An-chia Chen
論文名稱(外文):Image Fusion and 3D Visualization for Head and Neck Magnetic Resonance Angiography and Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging
指導教授(外文):Ja-chih Fu
外文關鍵詞:Magnetic Resonance ImagingImage RegistrationMagnetic Resonance Angiography3D Visualization
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根據行政院衛生署2006年死亡原因統計,台灣每年約有13,000人死於腦血管疾病,高居死亡原因第二位。磁振造影血管影像(Magnetic Resonance Angiography, MRA)為現階段診斷腦血管疾病的主要工具,但橫軸切面(Axial Plane)磁振血管攝影僅能呈現較小範圍之顱內血管影像且末端血管過於微弱,醫師若需要完整頭頸部血管之診斷資訊,往往需要透過橫軸切面與冠狀切面(Coronal Plane)兩組MRA影像比對。腦腫瘤是侵犯中樞神經疾病中最普遍的一種,所有的腦腫瘤,不論是良性或是惡性,都可能會威脅病人的生命,大多數腦瘤生長速度緩慢,患者本身不易早期察覺,當出現症狀時,腫瘤通常已很大,有時候腦瘤會包住神經或血管,造成治療更加困難。在臨床上,腦瘤之區域可以使用磁振影像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI)做為重要之檢查工具。
本論文利用混合型粒子群最佳化(hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization, hPSO)、粒子群最佳化演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)與基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)搜尋校準之近似最佳幾何轉換參數組合,尋找一有效將MRA影像及MRI影像校準、融合演算法及參數組合。在校準績效衡量上,本論文使用相對均方根誤差(Root Mean Square Error , RMSE)加以衡量演算法之優劣;實驗結果顯示,混合型粒子群最佳化演算法在校準品質上,皆優於粒子群演算法與基因演算法。並運用脈衝耦合類神經網路(PCNN)演算法切割出細微的橫軸切面血管影像;Active Contours using Level Sets(ACLS)演算法切割出腦瘤影像。最後將近似最佳幾何轉換參數組合應用於頭頸部血管及腦瘤影像之融合,並以三維視覺化呈現,提高醫師臨床診斷醫療品質。
In Taiwan, there are about 13,000 people per year die from cerebrovascular diseases, the second highest cause of death. Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is one of the main tools for diagnosis of cerebrovascular diseases, which can provide a complete view of bilateral internal carotid artery and intracranial vessel. Because of the sampling constraints, MRA axial plane only presents a smaller scope of intracranial vessel imaging. Head and neck integrity of the vascular diagnostic information often need comparison with the axial and coronal plane MRA. Brain tumor invasion of the central nervous disease is the most common one, whether benign or malignant tumor, may threaten the patient''s life. Most of brain tumors were growing slowly, patients are difficult to detect early, and when symptoms appear the brain tumors are usually become large. Sometimes, brain tumors will surround the nerves or vessels that resulted in treatment more difficult. In the clinically, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the main tools for diagnosis the brain tumors of the region.
In this thesis, we expect to align the axial and coronal plane MRA in order to obtain the complete head and neck vascular information. And brain tumors with blood vessels or nerve actual relative position in the treatment of very important. Therefore, through brain tumors and head and neck vascular imaging integration, can be clearly observed that the brain tumor will move the vessel, or including the vessel.
The performance of hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (hPSO), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA) for optimal alignment parameters is compared, to enhance clinical research and physician preoperative planning. In this paper, the alignment quality performance of measurement is used root mean square error (RMSE) to measure the algorithms'' quality. The results of performance comparison showed that hPSO outperformed PSO and GA in alignment quality. This paper used pulse coupled neural network (PCNN) algorithms to segment the axial plane vascular image, and used active contours using level sets (ACLS) algorithms to segment the brain tumor image. Finally, the optimal geometric transformation parameters used in brain tumors and head and neck vascular imaging integration. Meanwhile, the fused information is presented as the form of 3D visualization, which provides the integrated information for clinical diagnosis and medical research.
摘要 i
目 錄 v
表 目 錄 vii
圖 目 錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究範圍與目的 4
1.3 研究方法 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 影像校準之相關研究 6
2.2.1 影像形式 7
2.1.2 影像維度 7
2.1.3 校準參考點 8
2.1.4 幾何轉換 8
2.2 影像前處理 9
2.2.1 Active Contours using Level Sets(ACLS)演算法 9
2.2.2 脈衝耦合類神經網路(PCNN)演算法 10
2.2.4 影像分割小結 10
2.3影像校準 11
2.3.1粒子群最佳化演算法 12
2.3.2基因演算法 19
2.3.3 粒子群最佳化演算法與基因演算法之比較 22
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1 研究架構 26
3.2 影像校準系統 28
3.2.1 混合型粒子群最佳化演算法搜尋校準近似最佳參數 31
3.2.2 基因演算法搜尋校準近似最佳參數 38
3.3 模擬影像校準及其績效衡量研究方法 39
3.3.1 前處理 40
3.3.2 模擬影像校準 42
3.3.3 績效評估 42
3.5 實際影像校準及融合 43
3.5.1 影像前處理 45
3.5.2 影像校準 47
3.5.3 影像融合 47
第四章 實驗結果與分析 48
4.1模擬影像校準實驗 50
4.1.1模擬影像來源及實驗設置 50
4.1.2模擬影像校準實驗結果 55
4.1.3模擬影像校準結果績效衡量 62
4.2實際影像校準實驗 71
4.2.1實際影像校準實驗設置 72
4.2.2實際影像校準結果 74
4.3 實際影像融合 78
第五章 結論與未來展望 79
5.1 結論 79
5.2 未來展望 80
參考文獻 81
附錄A 脈衝耦合類神經網路(PCNN)演算法 84
附錄B Active Contours using Level Sets(ACLS)演算法 87
附錄C PSO演算法之田口實驗規劃 91
附錄D 模擬影像校準結果績效衡量數據 94
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