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研究生(外文):Po-hsiang Lu
論文名稱(外文):An Approach of Vehicle Routing Problem with Split Delivery and Pick-up Consideration
指導教授(外文):Chinyao Low
外文關鍵詞:Time WindowsVehicle Routing Problem with BackhaulsSplit DeliverySimultaneous Delivery and Pick-up
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Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls is an extensive problem of the Vehicle Routing Problem. For the most of past research, the carrier can pick up goods on the way back after a delivery trip is finished is assumed. However, in many real cases, those two demands, pick-up and delivery, might be occurred on the same demand point, simultaneously. Meanwhile, if the needs of demand points are greater than the volume of vehicles, split delivery is considered. The addressed problem is solved in two ways. First, a mathematical programming model is constructed for solving the problem optimally. Following, a tabu search based heuristic is presented to obtain a near optimal solution. In the experiment analysis stage, a variety of delivery environments based on the ratio of average demand and vehicle volume, and variation of demands are analyzed. The experimental results have shown that split delivery turns out to be more successful when the average demand is half to 3/4 greater than the vehicle volume and the variable of demand is smaller. The greater the punishment cost of time window violation increases, the more successful the split delivery is concluded as well.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 車輛途程問題 8
2.1.1 參數與變數之定義 9
2.1.2 車輛途程問題之數學模式 10
2.1.3 車輛途程問題之相關啟發式解法 11
2.2 車輛途程問題含時窗限制 12
2.2.1 參數與變數之定義 13
2.2.2 車輛途程問題含硬時窗限制之數學模式 13
2.2.3 車輛途程問題含軟時窗限制之數學模式 14
2.2.4 車輛途程問題含時窗限制之相關啟發式解法 15
2.3 車輛途程問題含回程取貨 15
2.3.1 參數與變數之定義 16
2.3.2 車輛途程問題含回程取貨之數學模式 16
2.3.3 車輛途程問題含回程取貨之相關啟發式解法 18
2.4 車輛途程問題含混合送貨和取貨 18
2.4.1 參數與變數之定義 19
2.4.2 車輛途程問題含混合送貨、取貨之數學模式 19
2.4.3 車輛途程問題含混合送貨和取貨之相關啟發式解法 20
2.5 車輛途程問題含分批送貨 21
2.5.1 參數與變數之定義 22
2.5.2 車輛途程問題含分批送貨之數學模式 22
2.5.3 車輛途程問題分批送貨之相關啟發式解法 23
2.6 車輛途程問題彙整 26
2.7 小結 26
第三章 數學模式建立 28
3.1 問題描述 28
3.2 變數定義 29
3.3 數學規劃模式 30
3.4 本研究數學模式驗證 32
3.4.1 需求量大於車容量時的模式驗證 32
3.4.2 需求量小於車容量時的模式驗證 33
第四章 考慮混合分批送貨和取貨車輛途程問題之啟發式方法 35
4.1初始途程建構階段 35
4.2 禁忌搜尋法 38
4.3 鄰近解改善階段 41
4.3.1 途程間改變分批點交換 41
4.3.2 途程間2-opt*交換 42
4.3.3 途程間1-0節點交換 43
4.3.4 途程間1-1節點交換 44
4.3.5 途程內2-opt節線交換 45
4.4 演算法例題說明 46
第五章 例題測試與分析 49
5.1 測試例題說明 49
5.2 禁忌搜尋法參數設計 50
5.3 求解品質測試 55
5.4 本研究例題求解 57
5.4.1 送貨需求75%,取貨需求50% 57
5.4.2 送貨需求75%,取貨需求60% 61
5.5 敏感度分析 65
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 73
6.1 結論 73
6.2 未來研究方向 73
參考文獻 74
附錄一 產生Beta分配 78
附錄二 小規模測試例題資料 79
附錄三 MP-ES演算法 84
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