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研究生(外文):Che-Chuan Pai
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Fuzzy Control for a PEM Fuel Cell Power Generation System with Heat Integration
指導教授(外文):Wei Wu
外文關鍵詞:Heat IntegrationPEM Fuel Cell(PEMFC)Fuzzy PID
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模擬方面,先從反應器和溫度需求來建立數學模式,再用熱交換器處理預熱或降溫的工作,因此做出熱整合(heat integration)系統,再進入燃料電池中計算功率,再將所得到的數學模式以方塊圖法建立在Matlab/Simulink,做熱整合系統性能及控制效果分析。設計方面,利用方塊圖法在Simulink模擬平臺之上建立熱整合系統組合設計,針對燃料電池PEMFC的數項參數設定如燃料溫度、進氣壓力及進料比率等做各系統的比較,可比較出較佳的系統組合。本論文所建立之熱整合及PEMFC系統設計及熱分析軟體為通用模式。並利用模糊PID控制做設定點追蹤及干擾消除的控制設計。
In the last few years, since petroleum crisis happened, the control, storage and exploitation become a great urgency. This research put forward a pattern of generation of electric power. We use a PEM Fuel Cell Power Generation System with Heat Integration to meet the demand of load. We use reforming to produce hydrogen which supply to fuel cell to use. The more current needs we need, the more the temperature of fuel cell rise. If the temperature of fuel cell runaway form operating range, it will cause dehydration and fracture of proton exchange membrane. We can use cooling water to cold down fuel cell system. The cooling water can also cool down the heat integration system, and make hydrogen pres sure lower. So there is no doubt that we should take temperature and methanol flow rate seriously.

In Simulation part, we use the temperature of reforming to build up the model, then use heat exchanger to handle the problem of preheat and cooling and to build this heat integration(HI) system. Then HI system output into the PEM fuel cell to calculate how many power it is. We use Matlab/Simulink to build the model, and analyze the HI system performance and control effect. In Design part, we use Simulink to build HI system design. To change the parameters of the PEM fuel cell, such as temperature, the pressure of input and the ratio of input etc, to compare different system. This research brings up the HI and PEMFC system in common use. Utilize fuzzy PID control to do set point trace and disturbance suppression.

第一章 緒論............................................................1
1.1 前言...........................................................1
1.2 重組器熱整合系統...............................................3
1.3 燃料電池.......................................................5
1.4 文獻回顧.......................................................8

第二章 熱整合重組器及PEMFC數學模式建立..............................10
2.1 數學模式之假設................................................11
2.2 質子交換膜燃料電池系統........................................12
2.3 燃料電池中的能量平衡方程式....................................15
2.4 陰陽極通態方程式..............................................18
2.5 甲醇重組器(Methanol Reforming) ................................19
2.6 水煤氣轉換(Water-gas shift) ...................................22
2.7 前段燃燒重組器................................................23
2.8 熱交換器......................................................25
2.9 熱整合系統....................................................26

第三章 質子交換膜燃料電池的模擬與控制................................31
3.1 模擬燃料電池起動階段..........................................31
3.2 模擬燃料電池負載改變階段......................................33
3.3 溫度控制問題的浮現與系統操作點的選定..........................35
3.4 開環路測試....................................................38
3.5 SISO模糊控制系統............................................. 39
3.5-1 設定點追蹤控制策略....................................... 39
3.5-2 歸屬函數的數目與控制器IF-THEN設定........................42
3.5-3 干擾消除控制策略......................................... 51
3.6 傳統PID控制器................................................58

第四章 熱整合重組系統與質子交換膜燃料電池的模擬與控制................62
4.1 開環路測試....................................................62
4.2 冷卻水控制器的影響............................................65
4.3 熱整合RMFC系統控制與模擬.....................................75
4.4 改變不同的干擾需求所看到的影響................................79

第五章 總結..........................................................81
5.1結論.......................................................... 81
5.2 未來建議工作..................................................82

附錄A................................................................ 85
附錄B................................................................ 88
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