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研究生(外文):Li-Wen FU
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Characterization of SiO2 Reinforced Poly(imide siloxane) Thermoplastic Rubber
外文關鍵詞:poly(imide siloxane) copolymerthermalplastic e
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本研究以pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), 2,2’-bis[4-(3-aminophenoxy)phenyl] sulfone (m-BAPS)和α, ω-bis (3-aminopropyl) polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS)合成出不同軟硬鏈段含量的聚亞醯胺-聚矽氧的前驅物(PAAS),再將不同比例的SiO2摻混入PAAS中,經由熱環化程序製備出PIS/SiO2複合材料。在PIS共聚物的研究中,微相分離是一個很重要的現象,此現象會影響到PIS/SiO2複合材料的物理性質及其日後的應用。
The poly(imide siloxane) precursor were blended with Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) modified silica were synthesized through straightforward simultaneous condensation reaction of pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA), 2,2’-bis[4-
(3-aminophenoxy) phenyl] sulfone (m-BAPS) andα, ω-bis (3-aminopropyl) polydimethyl siloxane(APPS). The prepared PIS copolymers possess the properties of thermal plastic elastomers. Microphase separation, affected by formulation, was found to be important phenomenon that determined the physical properties of the PIS copolymer.
The achievement of reinforcement by the incorporation of SiO2 in PIS matrix can be well reflected in mechanical properties of hybrid composites. Mechanical measurement with the tensile meter showed that the poly(imide siloxane)/SiO2 composites exhibited a good extension. These poly(imide siloxane)/SiO2 composites exhibited excellent rubber property. The thermal stability and mechanical properties were found to increase with increasing SiO2 content.
目 錄

中文摘要 ---------------------------------------i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------ii
誌謝 -------------------------------------iii
目錄 --------------------------------------iv
表目錄 -------------------------------------vii
圖目錄 ------------------------------------viii
第一章、 緒論-----------------------------------1
第二章、 原理及文獻回顧-------------------------5
2. 1 熱塑性彈性體---------------------------5
2. 1. 1 熱塑性彈性體的性質---------------------5
2. 1. 2 熱塑性彈性體的分類---------------------7
2. 2 聚亞醯胺------------------------------12
2. 3 有機聚矽氧之結構及其物性--------------17
2. 4 矽橡膠及一般傳統橡膠------------------20
2. 5 有機/無機奈米複合材料-----------------25
2. 5. 1 二氧化矽之特性------------------------25
2. 5. 2 無機補強材料及複合材料兩者之相關性----27
2. 5. 3 二氧化矽補強聚(亞醯胺-矽氧)共聚物-----29
2.6 研究目的及動機------------------------32
第三章、 實驗部份------------------------------33
3. 1 實驗藥品------------------------------33
3. 2 實驗分析儀器--------------------------35
3. 3 實驗步驟------------------------------36
3. 3. 1 單體之純化程序------------------------36
3. 3. 2 聚亞醯胺-聚矽氧摻混SiO2之合成反應-----37
3. 3. 3 PIS/SiO2複合材料之鑑定----------------38
3. 3. 4 實驗配方------------------------------39
3.3.5 實驗樣品分析與製備方法----------------42
第四章、 結果與討論----------------------------44
4. 1 材料結構鑑定--------------------------44
4. 1. 1 聚亞醯胺-聚矽氧烷共聚物之FTIR分析-----45
4. 1. 2 有機聚矽氧之1H-NMR分析----------------50
4. 2 PIS/SiO2複合材料之微結構分析----------52
4. 2. 1 PIS共聚物TEM之分析--------------------52
4. 2. 2 PIS/SiO2複合材料之SEM分析-------------54
4. 3 PIS/SiO2複合材料之熱性質分析----------59
4. 3. 1 熱裂解溫度( thermal degradation temperature, Td)------------------------------59
4. 3. 2 玻璃轉移溫度( glass transition temperature, Tg)------------------------------65
4. 4 機械性質------------------------------71
4. 5 彈性恢復試驗--------------------------76
4. 6 PIS/SiO2複合材料之透光性分析----------78
4. 7 溶解度試驗----------------------------82
第五章、 結論----------------------------------84
第六章、 參考文獻------------------------------86
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