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研究生(外文):Wei-chun Lee
論文名稱(外文):The research on the business strategy of signage material industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Han-shen Lei
外文關鍵詞:Business strategyAdvertisementSignage material
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由於國內近幾年,尤其自1998年後,大量產業外移,廣告製造業也面臨環境快速的轉變,台灣內部經濟發展的變遷,歸屬於傳統產業的招牌業者,面臨了加工成本與工資高漲、人力資源取得不易的經營困境。又大陸廉價的成品和半成品不斷進入,更加劇招牌產業發展。近來,石油價格,屢創新高,中下游之相關產品,價格飛漲,對已經營不易的業者,更是雪上加霜。本研究之對象是以廣告招牌材料市場為主,本產業之客戶乃成千上萬的商家和低資本,技術門檻低,勞安成本高的廣告招牌製作商。 由於受經濟景氣的影響相當大,除同行之間的激烈競爭外, 替代品的進入, 也威脅頗大。此外,種種的困素導致本產業一直是進出入門檻皆高的行業。 然而,面對需求不斷的廣告市場商機,材料業者,在面對客戶預算不足,技術人才缺乏及其它國際品牌競爭激烈的情況之下,如何調整自己的經營策略,適應未來的環境變化及抓住潛在龐大的市場。


1. M公司經營策略的發展方向與市場的需求是一致的。
2. 企業的資源條件會影響企業的經營策略與方向。
3. 策略形態的前三大構面 : 產品線廣度與特色、目標市場之區隔與選擇、垂直整合程度之取決,須妥為思考制定安排,才是成功關鍵因素。
4. M公司的創新與技術的領先,在產業的競爭優勢有明顯的影響。

1. 對招牌材料產業業者之建議 :
(1). 創造新利基市場。
(2). 慎重選擇自己的目標市場。
(3). 開發客戶與教育客戶,往創新之路前進。
(4). 投入研發及生產更符合環保與節能的新產品。

2. 對招牌製作廠商之建議 :
(1). 不斷的學習與成長以應付愈來愈嚴峻的市場變化。
(2). 同業間應以策略聯盟的方式創新利基市場,避免削價競爭。
(3). 提升員工的專業素養能力。
Since year 1998 in Taiwan, the massive traditional industry had migrated outward gradually. The advertisement manufacturing industry faces the environment fast transformation, and the situation of operation cost and the wages increase upward. Also the difficulty of labor to obtain had been an obstacle to maintain the business as before. Meanwhile, the mainland inexpensive end product and the half-finished product enter unceasingly, also intensifies the operation difficulty. Recently, the petroleum price reach new high which cause the related product or semi product of signage material get the price soar. Above are all the reasons that cause the sign-making industry a hard job, as well as signage material market.
Object of this research is focus on signage material market. Customer of this industrial is tens of thousands of small businesses with low capital, low technical required to enter. With the import or substitute and competitive products, domestic material supplier had facing the threat never ever happen before. However, there are more and more opportunity had been create by booming chain store business. The material entrepreneur, in faces the customer budget insufficiency, the technical talented person lacks and under the other international brand competition intense situation, how to adjust own management strategy in order to take the challenge of environmental variation and get the business will is a good topic to research.
Because of case M Corporation had been in the field of signage material
specialized in R&D, manufacturing and marketing for a long history. We may summarize some valuable experience of operation strategy by researching on the case M corporation in the end.
The finding and discovery of comparative analysis by way of the case are as following:
1. The choice of fine material benefits both sign-maker and its customer.
2. Enterprise''s resources condition will affect enterprise''s management strategy and the operation direction.
3. Scope of the product line and its feature, the choice of target market , and the vertical integration which is the success key aspect by Case M corporation.
4. The M Corporation''s innovation and technical being in the lead, has the obvious influence in the industrial competitive advantage.

In addition research also infers to the signage material industry entrepreneur and the sign maker suggestion as following:
1. Suggested to the signage material industry:
(1). Must take own core product, chooses own target market prudently.
(2). Provide service with differential aspect to customer is much smart then cutting prices
(3). Raise the bar of ability to enhance vertical integration.

2. Suggested to the sign maker:
(1).Weapon up the competitive ability by improving innovative thinking
(2). Differential in service and product
(3). Owner of sign company should upgrade the software and hardware in order to catch up the gab of technology and management insufficiency.
壹 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
貳 文獻探討 4
2.1 招牌之基礎概念 4
2.2 策略管理理論 11
2.2.1 策略的定義 11
2.2.2 策略的層級 13
2.2.3 競爭策略 14
2.2.4 產業環境分析 18
2.2.5 經營策略的選擇 23
2.2.6 策略構面 25
2.2.6 策略分析 26
参 研究方法 30
3.1 研究架構 30
3.2 研究方法 31
3.3 研究流程 31
3.4 研究限制 33
肆 台灣廣告招牌產業環境與材料市場趨勢分析 34
4.1 廣告招牌產業環境概況 34
4.1.1 招牌製作產業特性 37
4.1.2 招牌廠商之工作流程 38
4.1.3 招牌製作未來的趨勢 41
4.2 廣告製作物分析 42
4.2.1 招牌底才 43
4.2.2 招牌面才 45
4.2.3 招牌材料市場現況與趨勢分析 45
4.2.4 彩繪輸出 46
4.3 客戶的聲音(Voice of Customer) - 招牌製作廠商的訪談整理 48
伍 個案公司描述與分析 52
5.1 M公司介紹 52
5.1.1 臺灣公司簡介 54
5.1.2 組織說明 56
5.1.3 產品說明 57
5.2 策略型態分析-現在形貌 58
5.2.1 產品線廣度與特性 58
5.2.2 目標市場的區隔與選擇 62
5.2.3 垂直整合程度的取決 63
5.2.4 規模經濟 66
5.2.5 地理涵蓋範圍 66
5.2.6 競爭優勢 68
5.3. M公司在傳統招牌版面材料市場的績效表現 71
5.3.1 市佔率 71
5.3.2 顧客滿意度 72
5.3.3 業績成長率 73
5.4 個案公司經營策略分析 74
5.4.1 環境前提-五力分析 74
5.4.1 條件前提- M公司優勢與劣勢分析 76
5.5 未來策略發展 78
5.5.1 產品發展策略 78
5.5.2 市場發展策略 80
5.5.3 低成本差異化策略 81
5.5.4 向前整合策略 82
陸 結論與建議 83
6.1 研究結論與發現 83
6.2 研究建議 84
6.3 後續研究 87
參考文獻 88
附錄 91
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