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研究生(外文):Hsu-ling Chang
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Relationship between Stock Prices and Earnings under Different Capital Structure in Taiwan Stock Market: Application of Panel Smooth Transition Regression
指導教授(外文):Tsang-yao ChangYahn-shir Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Capital StructureEarnings Response Coefficient (ERC)Panel Smooth Transition Regression ModelsPanel Cointegration
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In this study, we use panel cointegration methods to investigate the relationship between stock prices and earnings-per-share (EPS). Moreover, we consider the degree of Earnings Response Coefficient (ERC) under different industries. The empirical result indicated that the cointegration relationship existed between stock prices and EPS in the long-run. Furthermore, we apply the panel smooth transition regression to explore the characteristics of capital structure. The model is useful for describing heterogenous panels, with regression coefficients that vary across individuals and over time. Our results confirm the nonlinearity of the link between stock price and capital structure. The new model is applied to describe firm’s financing behaviors in the presence of capital market imperfections.
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………………1
Chapter 2 Literatures Review…………………………………………10
Chapter 3 The Empirical model…………………………………….…...23
3.1 Relationship between Stock Prices and Earnings………………...23
3.2 Panel Smooth Transition Regression Model Construction……….25
Chapter 4 Methodology………………...……………………………….28
4.1 Panel Unit Root Tests……………………….……………………28
4.1.1 Levin, Lin and Chu (L-L-C, 2002) Panel Unit Root Test…28
4.1.2 Im, Pesaran and Shin (IPS, 2003) Panel Unit Root Test…30
4.1.3 Maddala and Wu (MW, 1999) Panel Unit Root Test……31
4.1.4 Hadri (2001) Panel Unit Root Test………………………32
4.2 Panel Cointegration Test…. ...……………………….….……….33
4.2.1 Kao (1999) Homogeneous Panel Cointegration Tests with the null of non-cointegration………………………..……34
4.2.2 Pedroni (1997, 1999) Heterogeneity Panel Cointegration Tests for the null of non-cointegration with multiple variables………………………………….………………35
4.3 The Estimation of ERCs………………………………………….39
4.3.1 The Traditional Panel Estimators…………………………39 Pooled OLS Estimator…………..……………………39 Fixed-Effected Estimator……..………………………40 Between-Group Estimator……………………………40
4.3.2 The ERCs Estimation of Panel Cointegrated Regression..41
4.4 Panel Granger Causality Test…………………………….43
4.5 Panel Smooth Transition Regression……………………………44
Chapter 5 Empirical Results…………………………………………….50
5.1 Data……………………………………….………………………50
5.2 Panel Unit Root Tests…………………………………………….50
5.3 Panel Cointegration Test………………………………………….52
5.4 ERCs from traditional panel analysis……………………………52
5.5 ERCs from panel cointergration analysis…….…………………53
5.6 Panel Granger Causality test results……………………………54
5.7 Panel Smooth Transition Regression results……………………54
Chapter 6 Conclusions…………………………………………...……...61
Statistical Tables…………………………………………………...……73
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