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研究生(外文):Yin-Huang Hong
論文名稱(外文):The Month Effect of Tourism Stockson Taiwan Stock Market
指導教授(外文):Ai-Chi Hsu
外文關鍵詞:AnomalyARCH/GARCH ModelTourismSeasonlityMonth Effect
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This paper aims to examine the income anomalies of the tourism stocks in Taiwan stock market, to search the anomaly of seasonlity. By applying the AR(P)-ARCH/GARCH models, it is aimed to discover the influence of “month effect” on the income of the tourism industry. The results show that the “month effect” has the positive influence on the income of the tourism industry during summer vacation and the end of the year. Theme parks and tourism in July and August, hotels are effected positively from October to December, and food and beverage in December. However, the ”month effect” also has the negative impact during in the taxing season and summer vacation. Theme parks and tourism in April and May, hotels in July and August, and food and beverage in August.The results suggest that festival and vacation have great influence on the income of the tourism industry.
目 錄
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
符號說明 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii
一、 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景與動機-------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.3 研究問題----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.4 研究架構----------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.5 觀光類各股經營業務概況-------------------------------------------- 6
二、 理論基礎與文獻探討-------------------------------------------------- 7
2.1 效率市場假說----------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.2 停駐資金假說----------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.3 稅賦損失銷售假說----------------------------------------------------- 9
2.4 會計資訊假說----------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.5 風險與報酬率之關係具有季節性----------------------------------- 10
三、 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------- 12
3.1 研究期間及資料-------------------------------------------------------- 12
3.2 先將類股每月營收取對數一階差分-------------------------------- 12
3.3 ADF單根檢定----------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.4 Granger 因果關係檢定------------------------------------------------ 15
3.5 判斷變數的ARMA型態---------------------------------------------- 17
3.6 估計ARCH/GARCH模型---------------------------------------------- 19
3.7 選定模型中加入虛擬變數-------------------------------------------- 21
3.8 進行模型診斷----------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.8.1 殘差的自我相關檢定(Q統計量) ------------------------------------ 23
3.8.2 殘差的JB常態性檢定------------------------------------------------- 23
3.8.3 Q2 統計量(殘差平方的檢定) ---------------------------------------- 24
3.8.4 ARCH-LM檢定--------------------------------------------------------- 25
四、 實證結果與分析-------------------------------------------------------- 26
4.1 JB常態性檢定實證結果---------------------------------------------- 26
4.2 ADF單根檢定實證結果----------------------------------------------- 31
4.3 Granger 因果關係檢定實證結果------------------------------------ 40
4.4 判斷變數的ARMA型態實證結果----------------------------------- 43
4.4.1 利用自我相關判斷變數的AR(P) ----------------------------------- 43
4.4.2 檢查迴歸的殘差是否自我相關及ARCH型態的異資變異------- 44
4.5 加入月份虛擬變數估計ARCH/GARCH模型檢定實證結果------ 45
4.6 殘差的自我相關檢定(Q 統計量) 實證結果--------------------- 49
4.7 殘差的JB常態性檢定實證結果------------------------------------- 50
4.8 殘差平方的檢定(Q2 統計量) 實證結果--------------------------- 55
4.9 ARCH-LM檢定實證結果--------------------------------------------- 56
4.10 加入季節虛擬變數估計ARCH/GARCH模型檢定實證結果------------ 57
五、 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------------- 59
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
附錄一 台股上市櫃觀光類各股的單根檢定(2000/01~2007/12)---------- 64
附錄二 台股上市櫃觀光類各股Granger因果關係檢定------------------- 71
附錄三 台股上市櫃觀光類各股的自我相關檢定(2000/01~2007/12) --- 73
附錄四 台股上市櫃觀光類各股估計AR(p)-OLS/ARCH/GARCH模型- 80
附錄五 台股上市櫃觀光類各股(Q統計量)殘差的自我相關檢定------ 87
附錄六 台股上市櫃觀光類各股(Q2 統計量) )殘差平方的自我相關檢- 94
附錄七 台股上市櫃觀光類各股ARCH-LM test檢定---------------------- 101
附錄八 台股上市櫃觀光類各股AR(p)- ARCH/GARCH「季節效應」---- 107
自傳 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
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