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研究生(外文):Rong-Mao Jheng
論文名稱(外文):Simulative Analysis of IEEE 802.17 Resilient Packet Ring in the Protection Mode
指導教授(外文):Wen-Fong Wang
外文關鍵詞:Metropolitan NetworkProtection MechanismResilient Packet Ring
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在彈性封包環網路(IEEE 802.17)中定義了二種保護機制:引導式保護機制(steering mechanism)和包覆式(wrapping mechanism)保護機制。二者都可以在50 毫秒內將網路修復完成,並且維持各個節點之間的連通性。然而,過去極少有研究針對彈性封包網路在保護模式下之傳輸延遲和延遲抖動作分析。本論文本主要著重在解釋二種保護機制的運作特性和行為模式,我們模擬並分析了在典型的場景下,三種不同服務等級的訊框,在二種保護機制下的效能表現,得知在保護模式下的傳輸延遲和延遲抖動相對於正常情況下來得相當高。在引導式保護機制中,每條環(ringlet)的前面節點可以獲得較下游節點高的頻寬,在包覆式保護機制中,無需被繞送的訊框仍然會受到受繞送訊框的影響,而使得傳輸延遲變高,我們也比較了二種保護機制下的封包丟失個數和拓樸資料庫更新時間。藉著此次的模擬,我們可以了解二種保護機制的優缺點,以及改善空間。
IEEE 802.17 working group defines two protection mechanisms, steering and wrapping, to recover the link failure on the RPR network. Both of them can restore the network in less than 50 ms, and maintain the connectivity between each node. However, the researches of the throughput and the frame delay in the protection mechanisms are very few. This thesis focuses on explaining the characteristics of systematic operations and the behavior of the two protection mechanisms. We simulate and analyze some typical models to understand the properties of the three different traffic classes in the two mechanisms. We find that the frame delay and delay jitter in comparison with the normal condition are very high. In the steering mechanism, the head nodes of each ringlet can seize more bandwidth than their downstream nodes. In the wrapping mechanism, the frame delay of unwrapped frames may be influenced by the wrapped frames and become higher. We also compare with the numbers of dropped frames and the topology database update time in the two mechanisms. In the simulation, we can understand the advantages and the disadvantages of the two protection mechanisms and undiscovered issues to achieve further improvement.
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ii
Tables.............................................................................................................................. vi
Figures ............................................................................................................................. vi
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview of recovery mechanisms .................................................................... 1
1.2 Related work....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Motivation .......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Structure of this thesis ........................................................................................ 5
2. Topology Discovery and Protection Mechanism.......................................................... 6
2.1 Ring and node architecture ................................................................................. 6
2.2 Packet priority and traffic shaper........................................................................ 6
2.3 Fairness algorithms............................................................................................. 8
2.4 Topology discovery and protection .................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Topology database ................................................................................... 9
2.5 Frame format .................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Fault response mechanisms ...............................................................................11
2.6.1 Steering mechanism................................................................................11
2.6.2Wrapping protection ...............................................................................11
3. Protection Simulation Mechanism ............................................................................. 13
3.1 Data path selection............................................................................................ 13
3.2 Topology database update ................................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Topology database setup........................................................................ 15
3.2.2 Failure insertion/removal....................................................................... 16
3.2.3 Topology update by receiving TP frames ...................................................... 16
3.3 Topology checksum calculation ....................................................................... 17
3.4 Context Containment........................................................................................ 18
4. Simulation Experiments ............................................................................................. 20
4.1 System parameter ............................................................................................. 20
4.2 Traffic model .................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Uniform traffic scenario ................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 Normal condition................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Steering mechanism............................................................................... 25
4.3.3Wrapping mechanism............................................................................ 29
4.3.4 Summary................................................................................................ 34
4.4 Jitter analysis .................................................................................................... 35
4.4.1 Normal condition................................................................................... 36
4.4.2 Steering mechanism............................................................................... 37
4.4.3Wrapping mechanism............................................................................ 40
4.4.4 Summary................................................................................................ 43
4.5 Centralized traffic scenario............................................................................... 45
4.5.1 Steering mechanism............................................................................... 46
4.5.2Wrapping mechanism............................................................................ 50
4.6 Topology database update time ........................................................................ 53
5. Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 56
Reference:...................................................................................................................... 57
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