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研究生(外文):Ren-Bang Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Query Expansion Approach Based on Word Correlations to Improve the Retrieval Effectiveness
指導教授(外文):Yin-Fu Huang
外文關鍵詞:word mismatchsearch engineword correlationinformation retrievalquery expansion
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:326
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Nowadays, the rapid development of computers and the Internet makes search engines as important platforms to search desired information. However, the major challenge in information retrieval is the word mismatch. In order to solve the word mismatch, a query expansion technique that extends the keywords specified in initial queries is proposed. In the paper, we retrieve the titles and keywords of related web pages as the data source to build the document database. Then, we use specified keywords to find other keywords co-occurring in the same documents, and then find out more relevant documents. In the experiments, it reveals that our method could provide more relevant documents even for a complex query.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
一、 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
二、 相關工作------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.1 擴張查詢------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.2 全域分析------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
2.3 局部分析------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
三、 系統架構------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
3.1 建立文件資料庫--------------------------------------------------------------- 4
3.2 搜尋相關文件------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
四、 搜尋相關文件演算法--------------------------------------------------------------- 9
4.1 找出相關關鍵字--------------------------------------------------------------- 9
4.2 找出Frequent Keywords------------------------------------------------------ 10
4.3 找出Correlated Keywords---------------------------------------------------- 11
4.4 找出相關的文件--------------------------------------------------------------- 12
4.5 搜尋相關文件------------------------------------------------------------------ 13
五、 實驗與評估--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
5.1 WebSearchEngine-------------------------------------------------------------- 14
5.2 相關性分析--------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
六、 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19
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