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研究生(外文):Yu-ting Yen
論文名稱(外文):Language Learning Guided by Automatically Graded Translation
指導教授(外文):Wing-kwong Wong
外文關鍵詞:E-learningComputer-assisted translation systemEnglish Learningscoring system
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In learning English as a foreign language (EFL), Taiwanese students generally rely on their knowledge of Chinese. When translating an English sentence, they usually translate them by copying the Chinese sentence structure. Besides, suppose students translate correctly from Chinese to English grammatically, the sentences translated by students often read funny for native speakers because of incorrect collocations. This study reports on our design of a computer-assisted translation system which assists students in constructing English sentences while translating Chinese texts. Four modules, user interface, grading, recording, and feedback module are implemented. Students recombine the English chunks of the word strings provided by the system to construct a sentence on the student interface. The grading module grades the sentences submitted by students. The recording module records the results produced from the grading module into the database. The feedback module provides students with the information. Teacher can check students’ translation process through the teacher interface. The system helped students distinguish the differences between Chinese and English sentence structure, and learn more English vocabularies, phrases, and collocations. It pushed students to both think why they constructed incorrect sentences and correct their English grammar.
目 錄
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
一、 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機--------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.3 常見中英翻譯學習問題--------------------------------------------- 5
1.4 論文架構--------------------------------------------------------------- 6
二、 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.1 研究對象--------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.2 研究工具--------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.3 資料收集--------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.4 資料分析--------------------------------------------------------------- 9
三、 系統設計與實作------------------------------------------------------ 11
3.1 相關研究--------------------------------------------------------------- 11
3.2 系統開發工具簡介--------------------------------------------------- 14
3.3 系統架構--------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.4 學生使用者介面------------------------------------------------------ 16
3.5 記錄器模組------------------------------------------------------------ 19
3.6 回饋器模組------------------------------------------------------------ 21
3.7 計分模組--------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.8 教師使用者介面------------------------------------------------------ 25
四、 實驗數據與資料分析------------------------------------------------ 28
4.1 學生建構及改寫句子的四個學習過程--------------------------- 28
4.2 自動評分系統之實驗結果------------------------------------------ 32
4.3 翻譯錯誤--------------------------------------------------------------- 33
4.4 學生訪談--------------------------------------------------------------- 45
4.5 問卷調查--------------------------------------------------------------- 49
五、 結論與未來展望------------------------------------------------------ 54
5.1 研究成果--------------------------------------------------------------- 54
5.2 未來方向--------------------------------------------------------------- 55
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
附錄一 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
附錄二 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
附錄三 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66
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[1]WIKIPEDIA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch-Kincaid_Readability_Test
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