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研究生(外文):Yu-Hao Li
論文名稱(外文):An Authoring Tool for Natural Language Understanding of Geometry Proofs and Dynamic Geometry Figure Generation
指導教授(外文):Wing-Kwong Wong
外文關鍵詞:dynamic geometry environmentauthoring toolXMLgeometry proofNatural language processing
  • 被引用被引用:3
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隨著自然語言處理技術的快速發展,使得使用者與電腦間的互動能更友善,近年來利用自然語言的輸入方式,已經成為使用者與電腦輔助學習系統之間的溝通橋樑。在本篇論文中,利用基於InfoMap知識引擎工具與Java Sketchpad動態幾何工具,我們提出一套線上教材編輯系統用來幫助學生學習幾何定理和證明,此教材編輯系統,協助老師只需在Client端編輯幾何論證,利用InfoMap理解分析。除此之外,系統即時將教材內容轉換成XML儲存格式存入資料庫,並配合Java Sketchpad對題目自動產生正確的圖形。在網頁瀏覽器上,學習者可選擇想要學習XML教材檔案來閱讀幾何論證,並在系統提供的動態幾何環境下操弄的幾何圖形。藉此來引導學生有效閱讀並理解幾何論證的涵意,而我們從臺灣三家出版商(南一、建宏、康軒)出版的國中教科書,收集幾何文字題,對開發的系統效能評估理解77%的題目。
With advanced technologies of natural language processing, can be very user-friendly interactions between computer and human. Recently, humans can use their language to manage computers in applications of NLP on many domains, especially in learning. In this paper, an authoring tool has been proposed to help students learn geometry proof. This tool is based on Java Sketchpad an object of geometer’s sketchpad, and InfoMap, which is a knowledge engine. By using the tool, teachers can edit a geometry proof problem with a client browser, and then analyze the problem with knowledge engine. Finally, the interpretive program produces a script for drawing a dynamic geometry figure within Java Sketchpad, and then translates the online materials into a XML format (eXtensible Markup Language); moreover, students can learn these materials by loading the XML files repeatedly. This tool also provides dynamic geometry figure to help students discover and understand the process of solving geometry proof. Furthermore, an evaluation for the performance of knowledge engine shows that it can understand about 77%.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
一、 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機--------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 論文架構--------------------------------------------------------------- 2
二、 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 教材編輯工具--------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1.1 SCORM----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.2 XML在數學領域的應用-------------------------------------------- 4
2.2.1 OpenMath--------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.3 MathML----------------------------------------------------------------- 4
三、 教材編輯系統--------------------------------------------------------- 6
3.1 概要--------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
3.2 系統架構--------------------------------------------------------------- 6
3.3 系統流程--------------------------------------------------------------- 7
3.4 編輯介面--------------------------------------------------------------- 8
3.5 InfoMap伺服端------------------------------------------------------- 9
3.5.1 InfoMap簡介---------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.5.2 幾何文字知識庫與模板比對--------------------------------------- 11
3.5.3 知識庫編輯器--------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.6 動態幾何圖形產生器------------------------------------------------ 13
3.6.1 Java Sketchpad -------------------------------------------------------- 14
3.6.2 自動產生Java Sketchpad Script功能介紹------------------------ 16
3.7 幾何論證教材檔案之XML結構描述----------------------------- 20
3.7.1 XML的優點----------------------------------------------------------- 21
3.8 XML文件產生器----------------------------------------------------- 21
3.9 XML閱讀器----------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.10 學習介面--------------------------------------------------------------- 27
四、 實驗--------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
4.1 題目來源--------------------------------------------------------------- 29
4.2 幾何知識庫概念節點------------------------------------------------
4.3 理解與構圖實驗------------------------------------------------------ 29
五、 結論與未來工作------------------------------------------------------ 32
5.1 結論--------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
5.2 未來工作--------------------------------------------------------------- 37
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
附錄A --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
附錄B --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
附錄C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
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