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研究生(外文):Tsung-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Figure Extraction and Synthesis System by Neural Networks
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Yu Chang
外文關鍵詞:Figure ExtractionSynthesisNeural Networks
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本篇論文利用臉部偵測技術的結果與一些影像處理技術,建立出一個人形樣板 (figure template) 。依據此模型的相對位置從人形影像 (figure image) 中取出人形、非人形及未知區域的影像特徵,透過自組織映射圖 (Self-Organizing Map, SOM) 與學習向量量化 (Learning Vector Quantization, LVQ) 類神經網路做訓練分類,將人形影像中未知區域正確分類成人形或非人形區域,擷取出的人形區域融合到使用者所選擇的另一張背景影像中,最後,將融合新背景的影像製作成影片,方便使用者保存並瀏覽觀看。實驗結果顯示,本文所提出的方法能夠有效的從背景複雜的環境中,正確擷取出人形區域並做融合,也能製作出一段句個人風格的影片。
Extracting complete figures from videos with complicated environments is difficult. A new figure extraction and synthesis system with capability of extracting figures from consecutive frames in a messy environment is proposed in this thesis. A figure template is constructed based on the face detection results and some image processing techniques.
Figural and non-figural features are extracted from the figure images. By means of these features, a self-organizing map (SOM) and a learning vector quantization (LVQ) neural network are applied to classify the uncertain regions into figural and non-figural objects. The extracted figure can be further synthesized into an optional cinestrip. Experimental results showed the proposed method successfully extract the figure object from a complex background environment.
摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
圖例索引 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
表格索引 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 相關文獻------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究方法與成果---------------------------------------------------- 3
1.4 章節大綱------------------------------------------------------------- 5
第二章 前處理程序及相關影像處理技術------------------------------- 6
2.1 群組內部變異數極小化------------------------------------------- 8
2.2 點處理運算---------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.3 形態學影像處理---------------------------------------------------- 9
2.3.1 凸形封包------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.3.2 斷開------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.4 人形樣板建立------------------------------------------------------- 12
第三章 利用類神經網路實現人形擷取與融合之方法---------------- 14
3.1 特徵擷取------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.2 SOM類神經網路--------------------------------------------------- 19
3.2.1 計算訓練範例與各輸出層單元的距離------------------------- 20
3.2.2 找出優勝單元與調整權重值------------------------------------- 20
3.2.3 使用SOM類神經網路-------------------------------------------- 21
3.3 LVQ類神經網路---------------------------------------------------- 22
3.3.1 LVQ網路架構------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.3.2 使用LVQ類神經網路--------------------------------------------- 25
3.4 影像融合與影片製作---------------------------------------------- 27
第四章 實驗結果與討論 -------------------------------------------------- 30
4.1 實驗環境------------------------------------------------------------- 30
4.2 實驗模擬結果------------------------------------------------------- 32
4.3 效能評估------------------------------------------------------------- 37
4.4 正確率探討---------------------------------------------------------- 38
4.4.1 人形樣板與正確率探討------------------------------------------- 39
4.4.2 類神經網路使用與正確率探討---------------------------------- 40
4.5 其他實驗模擬------------------------------------------------------- 42
4.6 其他實驗模擬數據比較------------------------------------------- 45
4.7 影片製作展示------------------------------------------------------- 46
第五章 結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 49
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
附錄 A Figure Extraction and Synthesis System by Learning Vector Quantization Neural Networks---------------------------- 52
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