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研究生(外文):Shih-Bin Lin
論文名稱(外文):A study of applying ensemble classifier and case-based reasoning for identifying Internet addiction
指導教授(外文):Dong-Her Shih
外文關鍵詞:ensemble classifierweb services securitycase-based reasoningInternet addictionweb services
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The use of the Internet has increased dramatically in recent years. This increasing use and availability has also resulted in an increase in the potential negative impact of the Internet. One recurring concern is Internet addiction, which involves individuals whose Internet usage has become excessive, gone out of control, and severely disrupts their lives. In order to reduce the negative impact of the Internet, it is necessary to detect inappropriate Internet usage behavior at an early stage. This study analyzes the temporary Internet files on a personal computer by using the data mining approach in order to identify potential Internet addiction in the user. The sample used in this study is a real-world dataset; we posted a message on a national forum to recruit participants. Finally, we obtained 217 effective samples to evaluate the proposed method for identifying Internet addiction.

In this method, we extract the feature of Internet usage behavior by using a self-organizing map and combine two classification methods to identify Internet addiction. The first stage is the ensemble classifier, which comprise a support vector machine, decision tree, Bayesian network classifier, and K-nearest neighbor. When the result of the base classifier was not consistent, the data was processed in the second stage, which involved case-based reasoning. The results of the experiment indicated that the ensemble classifier with case-based reasoning can improve the accuracy of identification. In this study, we also developed a secure web services-based Internet addiction monitoring system. The system using web services techniques was able to solve the problem of information integration among cross platforms and cross devices. Moreover, the proposed system uses WS-Security to enhance communication security in web services. With the help of this system, it is possible to identify the addiction level of Internet users, correct inappropriate Internet usage behaviors, and reduce the probability of the increase in Internet addiction levels. This study is expected to assist in Internet addiction diagnosis and contribute to solving the serious problem of Internet addiction.
1. Introduction..........................................................1
2. Related works.........................................................3
3. Methodology...........................................................6
3.1 Self organizing map...................................................7
3.2 Support vector machine................................................8
3.3 Bayesian Network Classifier...........................................8
3.4 Decision tree.........................................................9
3.5 K-nearest neighbor techniqe..........................................10
3.6 Case Based Reasoning.................................................11
4. System Overview......................................................13
4.1 Management Unit......................................................13
4.2 Guardian Unit........................................................14
4.3 User Unit............................................................14
4.4 Web services based system............................................15
4.5 Web Service Security Model...........................................17
4.5.1 Transport level security.............................................18
4.5.2 Message level security...............................................18
5. Experiment...........................................................22
5.1 Real world data set..................................................22
5.2 Feature extraction of Internet behaviors.............................23
5.3 Identification addiction by ensemble classifier and CBR..............25
5.3.1 Strategies for building base classifier..............................25
5.3.2 Ensemble classifier..................................................26
5.3.3 Combine ensemble classifier with CBR.................................28
6. Experimental results and Discussions.................................30
6.1 Performance of base classifiers......................................31
6.2 Performance of ensemble classifiers and CBR..........................32
7. Conclusion...........................................................34
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