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研究生(外文):Chu-Ching Pan
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing Responsiveness to Customers Through Improving Personal Recommendation System In Business Market
指導教授(外文):Huan-Ming Chuang
外文關鍵詞:collaborative filter (CF)personal recommendationproduct taxonomyrelationship marketingresponsiveness to customers
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:467
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Rapid growth of Internet and the e-commerce environment caused information overload. Customers receive the benefit of e-commerce but they also undertake the shortcoming it has – the explosion of information. Although there are only few customers in business market, they bring enormous purchase ability. Customers, who are more valuable to the enterprises, are very important. In order to attach importance to the customers, retailers need to not only provide the excellent quality of products and services but also know the customers well. It’s important to provide personal marketing strategies and to improve customers’ loyalty to the enterprise. To enhance the relationship marketing, a variety of recommendation systems and methods have been developed, such as typical CF, RFM-based CF and RFM-based association rule mining method. Collaborative filtering is one of the most successful methods. It not only very effective and efficient but also been widely used in various applications. Its widespread use has exposed some well-known limitations, such as sparsity and scalability, which can lead to poor recommendations. This paper proposes a hybrid recommendation method that based on CF method and adjusted product taxonomy. This method tends to make the information and products less complicated. Several experiments on real e-commerce datasets show that the proposed methodology dose provide better quality of recommendations and better performance than association rule mining method and typical RFM-based CF methodology have.
摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 vii
一、研究動機與目的 1
二、文獻探討 3
2.1 企業市場與顧客回應性 3
2.1.1 企業市場 3
2.1.2 顧客回應性 3
2.2 顧客終身價值分析與區隔化 4
2.2.1 顧客終身價值分析 5
2.2.2顧客區隔化 7
2.3 資料探勘與推薦系統 7
2.3.1 資料探勘 7群集分析 8
2.3.2 推薦系統 10關聯法則探勘 12協同過濾法 13
2.4 產品分類學 14
三、研究方法 16
3.1 研究流程 16
3.2 使用工具 17
3.3 RFM分析 18
3.4 顧客終身價值分群 20
3.5 產品分類調整 22
3.6 協同過濾分析 30
3.7 個案介紹 – N公司 31
3.8 資料處理 33
四、驗證與評估 34
4.1 資料集 34
4.2 實驗設定 34
4.3 實驗結果 35
5.3.1 AT-CF法與關聯法則探勘法之比較 38
5.3.2 AT-CF法與RFM-CF之比較 39
五、結論、研究限制與未來研究 42
5.1 結論 42
5.2 研究限制 42
5.3 未來研究 43
六、參考文獻 44
附錄 49
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