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研究生(外文):Chien-Nan Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Discussion on the Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Information System Implementation - Examining the Implementation of SFS3 System in Elementary Schools in Yunlin County
指導教授(外文):Ching-Tao Chang
外文關鍵詞:information system effectivenesssuccessful models of information systems
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隨著資訊科技的進步,發展出了許多能提高工作效率的資訊系統,因此我國政府大力推行電子化政府的相關措施,而各級政府單位更是導入了許多的資訊系統以達到行政電子化、管理網路化的目的,即使是學校單位也不例外,隨著資訊系統的導入,其所達到的成效到底如何,已成為一個重要的議題,其中以DeLone & McLean (1992)所提出的衡量資訊系統成效的六個構面目前最被為採用,這六個構面為系統品質、資訊品質、使用、使用者滿意度、個體之影響以及組織之影響,有關這方面的研究也很多,但由文獻探討的結果發現,影響這六個構面的因素並不一致,不同的組織可能會有不同的影響因素。
Taiwan government is currently conducting policies related to “e-government,” and different governmental agencies have already introduced many information systems in order to achieve the objectives of electronic administration and web-based management. One important question is how effective is the implementation of information systems, and many scholars have conducted related research. Among which, the six aspects proposed by DeLone & McLean (1992) for evaluating the effectiveness of information systems are most commonly adopted. Literature discussion, however, indicates that the factors that influence the six aspects are different from each other, and different organizations may be prone to different influential factors. In this study, the researchers look at the implementation of SFS3 systems in elementary and junior high schools in Yunlin County by conducting case analysis and in-depth interview (including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding) in order to determine the factors that influence the six aspects, propose a research construct, and help schools determine what they need to be careful with when implementing information systems, ensuring the systems implemented can actually help maximum work efficiency.
The findings indicate that the factors that influence the effectiveness of information system implementation include the system itself, the organizational environment, the user, perceived practicality, perceived user-friendliness, education and training, and information personnel. Among these seven factors, “information personnel” is the most critical factor, and the important topic is how to establish a complete training program through which teachers who also work as information personnel could acquire needed knowledge and skills. “Organization environment” is influential over the effectiveness of information system implementation. School principals and directors are advised to care about and actively participate in the implementation of information systems.
中文摘要 ..........................................................................................................................i
英文摘要 .........................................................................................................................ii
目錄 ........................................................................................................................iii
表目錄 .........................................................................................................................v
圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................vi
一、 緒論.................................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景... 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究問題 3
1.5 名詞釋義 3
1.6 研究範圍及研究限制 3
1.7 論文結構 3
1.8 研究流程 4
二、 文獻探討.........................................................................................................5
2.1 學務系統 5
2.1.1 學務系統的定義 5
2.1.2 學務系統的簡介 5
2.2 衡量資訊系統成效的構面 7
2.2.1 資訊系統成功的模式 7
2.2.2 衡量資訊系統成效的六個構面 8
2.2.3 衡量導入資訊系統成效指標 10
2.2.4 使用意圖、使用頻率、使用者滿意度及對組織的績效 11
2.3 影響資訊系統成效的因素 12
2.3.1 知覺實用 12
2.3.2 知覺易用 12
2.3.3 高階主管參與 13
2.3.4 對電腦的瞭解 14
2.3.5 使用者態度 15
2.3.6 教育訓練 16
2.3.7 組織氣候 16
三、 研究方法.......................................................................................................20
3.1 個案研究 20
3.2 個案分析架構 21
3.3 研究方法設計 22
3.3.1 訪談大綱及先導個案 22
3.3.2 個案研究設計 22
3.3.3 個案選擇 23
3.4 資料來源及資料搜集方式 23
3.4.1 資料來源 23
3.4.2 資料搜集方式 24
3.5 資料處理 24
3.6 資料分析方法 25
3.6.1 開放性編碼(open coding) 25
3.6.2 主軸編碼(axial coding) 25
3.6.3 選擇性編碼(Selective coding) 26
3.7 研究的效度和信度 26
四、 資料分析.......................................................................................................29
4.1 受訪者基本資料 29
4.1.1 受訪學校........................................................................................................29
4.1.2 受訪者基本資料...........................................................................................30
4.2 開放性編碼 31
4.3 主軸編碼 38
4.4 選擇性編碼 46
4.5 研究命題與研究命題架構 48
4.5.1 研究命題........................................................................................................48
五、 結論與建議...................................................................................................56
5.1 結論 56
5.2 建議 58
5.3 後續研究建議...............................................................................................59
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................60附錄一 訪談問題相關附錄 65
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