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研究生(外文):Yin-Yi Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):A Domain Ontology Combined TOVE Ontology Engineering With Formal Concept Analysis-A Case Of Acupoint
中文關鍵詞:本體論穴位推論OWL DLSWRLFCA
外文關鍵詞:SWRLOWL DLOntologyFCA
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「本體論」(Ontology)源於哲學領域,其解釋為有系統且存在的事物。而正規化概念分析法(Formal Concept Analysis;FCA)可豐富知識架構,能夠明確定義類別與概念,也可從資料中擷取出概念層級,適用於手動或半自動發展本體論,而且最重要的是FCA可以當作一個找出屬性(attribute)相依的機制;另一方面,鑑於OWL語言為目前知識表達較完整的語言,因此可以利用OWL語言描述穴位知識,並以Racer推理機加以推論,以驗證知識建構的一致性;再者,因為每一個穴位都有特定的治療效果、按摩方法等相同或不同的屬性,而穴位彼此之間擁有錯綜複雜的關係,因此找出一個適切的方法論來建構穴位本體論確實有其必要性。
This study of ontology engineering constructs ontology to be a knowledge base. We propose the methodology of ontology engineering with philosophy and aesthetic. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a key point to construct acupoint ontology. FCA not only makes acupoint ontology abundantly, but also helps us to well define the concept of the class. On the other hand, FCA could retrieve the hierarchical concept because of finding the common attribution among the classes. In addition, we follow the TOVE ontology engineering development process of constructive activity. It is base on the standard of IEEE software development. This study also uses the Ontology Web Language Descript Language (OWL DL) to describe the knowledge of acupoint because OWL DL could reason the logic of ontology by Racer reasoned. The Racer reasoner checks the logical consistency of the ontology. We also use SWRL rule language that supports a rule engine which provides for new information after reasoning. Therefore, our ontology constructed by using FCA, TOVE ontology engineering and the OWL DL. Finally, we use SWRL to ask some question to answer by ontology. This aesthetic ontology contains the well defined term, and completely constructs the knowledge framework, so we expect the programmer or human-and-machine interface designer could use this ontology to build a website to everyone. It also helps doctor to diagnose the patient.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 3
1.3. 研究範圍與資料蒐集 4
1.4. 研究限制 4
1.5. 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 本體論 7
2.1.1 本體論的定義 7
2.1.2 OWL本體論語言 9
2.2 本體論工程 12
2.2.1 本體論的活動發展程序 12
2.2.2 相關專案之本體論工程 15
2.2.3 本體論開發工具與推論工具 19
2.2.4 使用RacerPro 9.0之相關研究 22
2.2.5 語意網規則語言 23
2.3.1 正規化概念分析法之定義 27
2.3.2 正規化概念分析法之相關研究 29
2.4 穴位按摩 31
2.4.1 穴位的定義 31
2.5.3 穴位按摩的原理 32
第三章 研究方法 34
3.1 研究流程 34
3.2 穴位按摩本體論工程 37
3.2.1 Motivating Scenario 37
3.2.2 Informal Competency Question 39
3.2.3 Terminology 40
3.2.4 Formal Competency Question 43
3.2.5 Axioms 49
3.2.6 Completeness Theorems 54
第四章 領域知識本體論實作 55
4.1 本體論領域範圍的定義 55
4.1.1 穴位位置之概念階層 55
4.1.2 按摩功效之概念階層 57
4.1.3 按摩方法之概念階層 60
4.2 定義屬性關係與實例 61
4.2.1 實體知識、屬性關係與類別限制之實作 61
4.2.2限制式與SWRL規則實作 68
4.2.3 本體論之驗證 70
4.3推論結果 76
4.3.1 基本Rule之推論 76
4.3.2 按摩步驟的推論 77
4.3.3 新資訊的推論 81
4.4專家評估 83
第五章 研究結論與貢獻 86
5.1 研究結論 86
5.2 研究貢獻 89
5.2.1 描述完整的穴位按摩領域本體論 89
5.2.2 拓展應用本體論新領域 91
5.3 未來展望 94
參考文獻 95
附錄A 100
附錄B 102
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