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研究生(外文):Chih-Cheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Complexsion analysis system based on computer vision
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Huang Wu
外文關鍵詞:human face detect
  • 被引用被引用:4
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Recently, automatic skin inspection and analysis has become a new trend in order to make the skin and cosmetics complement each other and achieve a better improvement. While many products have been available, most of the inspection instruments have some limits. Firstly, these instruments are physically contact probes and the inspection area is only a specific area. They are not able to record all of human face condition completely. Secondly, inspectors need multi-training and learning to be familiar with these instruments. On the other hand, imagine analysis is able to inspect wider range face health status, process high resolution face image and simplify complicated procedures. The main objective of this study is to propose an improved approach which can objectively evaluate human face skin status and collocate proper cosmetic medical products. Digital image analysis techniques were used to process face skin information and estimate face characteristics such as skin texture, acne, spot and wrinkle. Basically, a standard photoing environment is established to capture human face and detect face region automatically. The ROI judgment is the next step to detect the main area for analysis automatically. After ROI zone was detected, color space characteristics in the image will be transformed and spot, acne, wrinkle and skin texture algorithms were executed to obtain various skin properties. Finally, by utilizing Pearson number in statistics, the attributes of the face skin will be decided.
第一章 序論........................................................1
1.1 研究背景動機..............................................2
1.2 研究方法概述..............................................7
1.3 論文的架構................................................7
第二章 基礎原理介紹與相關研究....................................8
2.1 肌膚的概述................................................8
2.2 HSV與YCbCr.............................................14
2.3 Connected Components Labeling..............................17
2.4 攝像系統取像設備........................................18
第三章 臉部膚色擷取與特徵區域劃分...............................22
3.1 YCbCr皮膚顏色轉換.......................................24
3.2 十字濾波器...............................................26
3.3 影像Subsample............................................27
3.4 人臉定位演算法...........................................29
3.5 人臉特徵點擷取...........................................32
3.6 影像標準化辨識分析之前處理..............................36
第四章 肌膚分析演算法............................................39
4.1 L angleA angleB 色彩空間置換..............................39
4.2 膚斑偵測演算法...........................................43
4.3 膚斑延展度計算...........................................44
4.4 皺紋偵測演算法...........................................48
4.5 痘疤偵測演算法...........................................53
4.6 肌膚紋理偵測演算法......................................56
第五章 結論及未來研究方向........................................60
5.1 研究成果..................................................60
5.2 研究限制..................................................61
5.3 未來展望..................................................62
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