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研究生(外文):Yuan-yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Establishment of Construction Performance Evaluation Mode of Asphalt Concrete Pavement
指導教授(外文):Nai-hsin Pan
外文關鍵詞:the Factor Analysis Methodthe Analytic Hierarchy Processtraditional open-graded asphalt concreteporous asphalt concrete
  • 被引用被引用:6
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因鑒於國道第三代新材料多孔隙瀝青混凝土排水鋪面技術應用於國道六號南投段工程,而以第三代多孔隙瀝青混凝土稱為(Porous Asphalt Concrete,PAC或PA)取代傳統開放級配(Open-Graded Asphalt ,OG或OGAC)為主要考量,然而主管單位之主政者或工程專家者之主觀意識,對於多孔隙瀝青混凝土是否具備客觀決策與永續經營之理念?本研究藉由探索瀝青混凝土鋪面材料施工績效評估之模式建立,分析出瀝青混凝土鋪面材料績效評估指標之架構及權重,發現構面準則第二層級指標中,首重「材料優勢性」其次「鋪面使用性」最後「採用原則性」,可見「材料優勢性」之指標在瀝青混凝土鋪面材料績效中是非常被重視的,往後在國道鋪面工程上,應以鋪面材料為主導,結合各階層之相關構面及其影響因子,作為瀝青混凝土鋪面材料施工績效之依據。

本文以整理適宜因子之類型為考量,輔以因素分析(Factor Analys Method)配合問卷調查法,驗證本研究擷取之相關影響因素,及以排水類型之相關因子,重新取得具代表性之構面及因子架構,並透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)進行構面及各因子間之權重值,權重值愈大則表示施工績效愈佳,並以案例PAC與OG間之相互影響權重值,評選出適合國道瀝青混凝土鋪面材料應用於國道工程運輸價值客觀環境下最佳優先順序的方案,經研究實證結果,發現PAC總權重值為0.65,OG總權重值只有0.35,由此可知PAC被大多數專家所認同,較適合使用在國道上,本研究經由瀝青混凝土鋪面材料評估模式之建立,可提供國道鋪面工程排水面層之合宜的評比決策模式。
A procedure isIn recent years, the national highway pavement construction in Taiwan has tried to advance its service performance on the emphasis of the adaptability of the geographical and climatical environment in the Taiwan area and local vehicle features, so that the drainage asphalt concrete has been brought into Taiwan from Europe and America in which it has been used for years in order to make the pavement construction durable and extend the life cycle of the highway and to advance several functions, such as the safety in driving, rapid drainage and skid-proof of paving when raining and so on. Because the drainage paving technique of the third generation new material, porous asphalt concrete, for national highways has been applied in the construction of National Highway No. 6 of Nantou, the third generation porous asphalt concrete (also called PAC or PA) has been taken into consideration to take place of traditional open-graded asphalt concrete (called OG or OGAC). However, the chief of the supervisor unit or engineering experts have subjective consciousness, can they make objective decisions or have concepts of sustainable management in regard to the issue of porous asphalt concrete? Via exploring the establishment of construction performance evaluation mode of asphalt concrete pavement, this research has analyzed the structure and weight of the performance evaluation index of the asphalt concrete pavement and has found that in the second-layer indices of the dimensional principles, the first priority is “material advantages”, the next is “usability of pavement” and the last is “principles of adoption”. It is obviously seen that the index of “material advantages” is relatively valued in the performance of asphalt concrete pavement. In the future construction of the national highways pavement, pavement materials should take the lead and integrate all layers of relevant dimensions and their factors to set up criteria for the construction performance of asphalt concrete pavement
This article collects proper types of factors for consideration collocating with the Factor Analysis Method and the questionnaire survey method, and verifies the relevant factors obtained from this research and the drainage-type relevant factors in attempt to regain the representative structure of dimensions and factors. Besides, through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the weight values of dimensions and factors are conducted; the larger weight values show the better construction performance. Furthermore, the weight values of interactions between the cases of PAC and OG are considered to select out the appropriate material for asphalt concrete pavement which can be regarded as best the proposal of the first priority under the environment with objective values for the national highways construction and transportation. The research has authenticated the result and discovered that the total weight value of PAC is 0.65 whereas the total weight value of OG occupies 0.35 only. Thus, it can be seen that PAC has been recognized by most experts and is more appropriately used on the highways. With the establishment of the evaluation mode of the asphalt concrete pavement, this research can provide the drainage unit of the national highways pavement construction with a favorable decision making mode for evaluation.
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------- i
ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------- vii
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------- viii
符號說明 ------------------------------------------------- ix

一 、 緒論---------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機與背景 ---------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的 ---------------------------------------- 1
1.3 研究範圍 ---------------------------------------- 2
1.4 研究方法與步驟 ---------------------------------- 4
1.5 論文架構------------------------------------------ 5
二、 文獻回顧------------------------------------------ 9
2.1 績效評估理論之文獻探討---------------------------- 9
2.2 績效指標選取的原則-------------------------------- 9
2.3 瀝青混凝土相關介紹-------------------------------- 10
2.4 小結---------------------------------------------- 12
三、 研究架構及方法 ----------------------------------- 13
3.1 研究架構及因子------------------------------------ 13
3.1.1 考量因子的選取原則-------------------------------- 14
3.1.2 因素分析法要件------------------------------------ 14
3.2 層級分析法---------------------------------------- 16
3.2.1 層級分析法相關文獻回顧---------------------------- 16
3.2.2 層級的建立---------------------------------------- 16
3.2.3 AHP的評估尺度------------------------------------- 17
3.2.4 層級分析法的進行步驟------------------------------ 18
3.2.5 AHP 法架構---------------------------------------- 21
3.3 研究對象與抽樣方法-------------------------------- 22
3.4 資料分析方法-------------------------------------- 22
3.5 小結---------------------------------------------- 23
四、 問卷設計及調查結果分析---------------------------- 24
4.1 初步因子之擷取------------------------------------ 24
4.1.1 初步評選指標之層級分析系統------------------------ 24
4.1.2 初步各層級準則說明-------------------------------- 26
4.1.3 進行問卷設計與調查-------------------------------- 32
4.1.4 小結---------------------------------------------- 34
4.2 問卷調查結果分析---------------------------------- 34
4.2.1 問卷回收計算與分析-------------------------------- 34
4.2.2 構面指標分析-------------------------------------- 36
4.2.3 小結---------------------------------------------- 39
五、 實證分析與結果------------------------------------ 40
5.1 PAC和OG瀝青混凝土之應用現況----------------------- 40
5.1.1 路面材料變革-------------------------------------- 40
5.1.2 瀝青混凝土介紹------------------------------------ 40
5.1.3 開放級配瀝青混凝土之特性-------------------------- 43
5.1.4 多孔隙瀝青混凝土之特性---------------------------- 43
5.1.5 多孔隙瀝青與開放級配瀝青混凝土之特性及材料性能之比較 44
5.2 案例背景說明-------------------------------------- 48
5.2.1 國道六號南投段工程為案例-------------------------- 48
5.2.2 國道工程鋪面結構簡介------------------------------ 50
5.2.3 國道六號南投段工程特色---------------------------- 52
5.3 第一階段資料分析方法及結果------------------------ 53
5.3.1 問卷信度與效度------------------------------------ 53
5.3.2 探索性因素分析------------------------------------ 54
5.3.3 因素分析後因素構面的選取及命名-------------------- 59
5.4 第二階段利用層級分析問卷結果分析------------------ 63
5.4.1 建立成對比較矩陣---------------------------------- 63
5.4.2 計算特徵向量-------------------------------------- 64
5.4.3 一致性檢定---------------------------------------- 65
5.5 評選最佳瀝青混凝土鋪面材料------------------------ 66
5.5.1 瀝青混凝土鋪面材料構面及因子權重表---------------- 66
5.5.2 PAC與OG瀝青混凝土鋪面材料因子相對權重------------- 67
5.5.3 瀝青混凝土鋪面材料PAC與OG構面因子之總績效--------- 68
5.5.4 小結---------------------------------------------- 69
六、 結論與建議---------------------------------------- 70
6.1 研究結論------------------------------------------ 70
6.2 研究建議及限制------------------------------------ 71
參考文獻-------------------------------------------------- 72
附錄一 第一、二階段學術性問卷調查------------------------ 74
附錄二 問卷分析------------------------------------------ 87
簡歷 -------------------------------------------------- 94
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