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研究生(外文):Hung-Pin Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis of Transverse Partially Constrained of Seismic-isolation Bridges
外文關鍵詞:Fundamental FrequencyTransverse IsolationBridgeVirtual-work
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In the initial stage of the seismic-isolation concept used for bridge design, only traffic direction of the bridges were considered to adopt the new design concept so the dynamical behavior was simple but the mitigation of seismic effect was limited. Later, the concept was extended to the transverse design of the bridge and then the behavior became more complicate. When the concept was used in transverse design of the bridge in Taiwan the girder was constrained at both ends in order to make the behavior simpler as well as to use the traditional expansion joint. To investigate the dynamical characteristics and response of the isolated bridges partially constrained, the method of virtual work was applied in this study to attain the approximate solution of the fundamental period of the flexural vibration of the bridges in different assumptions of the boundary condition at the both ends of the girder, which is used to.
總 目 錄

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
本 文 目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1緣起 1
1.2研究背景 2
1.3研究目標與範疇 4
1.4研究方法與流程 6
1.5符號說明 7
第二章 隔震分析模擬 12
2.1說明 12
2.2隔減震系統 13
2.3隔震橋模擬 15
2.4隔震橋分析流程 20
2.4.1說明分析流程架構 20
2.5鉛心橡膠支承墊 22
2.5.1 LRB基本參數設計流程 23
2.5.2 LRB靜態特性檢核流程 25
2.5.3 LRB動態特性檢核流程 27
第三章 隔震橋隔震效益影響因子分析 40
3.1說明 40
3.2跨數配置影響分析 42
3.3橋墩高度影響分析 44
3.4橋墩高差影響分析 47
3.5地盤條件影響分析 48
3.6小結 50
第四章 橫向部分束制隔震之研析 63
4.1說明 63
4.2橋梁橫向隔震 65
4.3橫向部分束制隔震對橋梁的影響 75
4.3.1隔震橋橫向基本振態頻率的近似解公式推導 76
4.3.2橫向振動之主梁形狀函數 78
4.3.3基本振動頻率近似解 84
4.4橫向束制隔震橋分析 91
4.4.1橫向部分束制 92
4.4.2橫向部分彈性束制 93
4.4.3連續單元 94
4.5小結 97
第五章 橋梁橫向隔震設計 107
5.1說明 107
5.2案例橋梁說明 108
5.2.1聖湖一號排水橋 108
5.2.2新城二號高架橋 109
5.3靜力分析 110
5.3.1聖湖一號排水橋 111
5.3.2新城二號高架橋 114
5.4動力(歷時)分析 116
5.4.1分析結果 117
5.5小結 118
第六章 結論與後續研究 131
參考文獻 134
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【18】J. S. Hwang and J. M. Chiou,1996, “An Equivalent Linear Model of Lead - Rubber Seismic Isolation Bearing, Eng. Struct. 18(7).
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【26】唐治平、李維森、柯孝勳,2002,“橋梁結構耐震、隔震及減震技術之應用研究”,結構工程, 第十七卷,第二期。
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