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研究生(外文):Chun-siou Hou
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationship between Teacher-student Style Match or Mismatch and English Learning Achievements
指導教授(外文):Teng-lung Peng
外文關鍵詞:learning achievementteaching stylelearning style
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The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between teacher-student style match or mismatch and students’ English learning achievements. The instruments of this study were one learning style survey, one teaching style survey, and a follow-up student interview. A total of 155 second-year junior high school students and 3 English teachers participated in this study. Descriptive statistics and independent-samples t-test were used to analyze the survey data; the interview was transcribed and analyzed by the researcher to support the quantitative data. The results indicated that the students were more visual, extroverted, closure-oriented, and global; mismatches did exist between the students and teachers in several style dimensions. As expected, teacher-student style match would lead to significantly higher student achievements in the style dimensions of using physical senses and exposing to learning situations. Style match would also bring positive influences on students’ learning. Based on the results of this study, the researcher provided some implications and suggestions for the field of English teaching.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgement .iii
Table of Contents ..v
List of Tables …x
List of Figure xii
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Purposes of the Study 5
1.3 Research Questions 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 6
1.5 Definition of Terms 7
1.6 Organization of the Thesis 8
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 The Definition of Learning Styles 9
2.3 The Classifications of Learning Style Models and Inventories 11
2.3.1 Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Models and Inventory 12
2.3.2 Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model and the Learning Style Inventory 16
2.3.3 Cohen, Oxford and Chi’s Learning Style Survey 18
2.4 Related Studies on Learning Styles 21
2.4.1 Culture as an Important Factor in Learning Style Preferences 22
2.4.2 The Relationship between Learning Styles and Learning Strategies 25
2.4.3 The Relationship between Learning Styles and Learner Achievements 28
2.4.4 Match or Mismatch between Teaching and Learning Styles 29
2.4.5 Related Studies on Learning Styles in Taiwan 31
2.5 Summary 32
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Research Design 34
3.3 Participants 36
3.4 Instruments 37
3.4.1 Questionnaires 37 The Learning Style Survey 37 The Teaching Style Survey 39
3.4.2 Follow-up Interviews 40
3.5 Pilot Study 41
3.6 Data Collection Procedures 43
3.7 Data Analysis 46
4.1 Introduction 49
4.2 Results for Research Question 1: What are the preferred learning styles of the EFL junior high school students in Taiwan? 49
4.2.1 Results of the Learning Style Survey 49
4.2.2 Results of the Students’ Learning Style Preferences from Interview 52
4.3 Results for Research Question 2: To what extent do the EFL junior high school students’ learning styles match or mismatch their English teachers’ teaching styles? 61
4.3.1 Results of Teacher-student Style Match or Mismatch from the Learning and Teaching Style Surveys 61
4.4 Results for Research Question 3: What is the relationship between match or mismatch in teaching and learning styles and the EFL junior high school students’ learning achievements? 71
4.4.1 Results of the Relationship between Teacher-student Style Match or Mismatch and Students’ Learning Achievements 71
4.4.2 Results of the Possible Influences of Style Match or Mismatch on Students’ Learning from Interview 73
4.5 Summary of the Results 79
5.1 Introduction 82
5.2 Summary and Discussion of the Major Findings 82
5.2.1 Discussion on Research Question 1: What are the preferred learning styles of the EFL junior high school students in Taiwan? 82
5.2.2 Discussion on Research Question 2: To what extent do the EFL junior high school students’ learning styles match or mismatch their English teachers’ teaching styles? ..88
5.2.3 Discussion on Research Question 3: What is the relationship between match or mismatch in teaching and learning styles and the EFL junior high school students’ learning achievements? ..92
5.3 Conclusion ..97
5.4 Implications of the Study 100
5.5 Limitations of the Study 104
5.6 Suggestions for Future Studies 105
APPENDIX A. A Comparison between the Original Learning Style Survey for Young
Learners and the Modified Learning Style Survey 119
APPENDIX B. The Learning Style Survey (English Version) 127
APPENDIX C. The Learning Style Survey (Chinese Version) 130
APPENDIX D. A Comparison between the Learning Style Survey and the Teaching
Style Survey 134
APPENDIX E. The Teaching Style Survey (English Version) 136
APPENDIX F. The Teaching Style Survey (Chinese Version) 139
APPENDIX G. The Student Interview Questions (Chinese Version) 143
APPENDIX H. The Student Interview Questions (English Version) 144
APPENDIX I. Sample Transcripts of the Interview 145
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