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研究生(外文):I-Hao Hsu
指導教授(外文):Yi-Ren ChiouHong-Sheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Chinese ink paintingGenerative design systemVisual or graphic design
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近年來有許多中國元素被應用於設計上。對視覺或圖像設計師而言,中國水墨畫亦是其中一種藝術的表現手法,水墨畫不僅代表了一種風格的呈現,藉由水墨畫的筆觸質感也可以呈現出其設計作品不同的風格。因此,使中國水墨畫於電腦輔助設計上的應用,具有更為靈活的可能性技術,來幫助設計問題 – 花費較多的時間與單調的變化,為本研究之動機。
本研究的目的為,以L-system植物生長之概念與NPR(Non-Photorealistic Rendering)為理論架構,提供視覺設計師或圖像設計師在從事中國水墨圖像設計過程中,可以藉由運用衍生式系統的輔助,進而將中國水墨畫的設計圖像,在筆觸與質感上的呈現能更具實用性、豐富性與便利性。L-system植物生長之概念與NPR技術來提供系統更多元的呈現方式,使設計師在水墨圖像創作時的需求,能獲得更大且多面的可能性,藉此,讓中國水墨畫的應用範圍更廣泛也更提高其效果的價值。
Recently, many elements of Chinese graphics are used in design. Chinese ink painting is one of them – a skill applied by visual designers or graphic designers; as well as represents many kinds of styles. Visual designers or graphic designers often apply Chinese ink painting in design. Therefore, the application of Chinese ink painting has its potential to be a more flexible skill in the Computer Aided Design. That helps solve the problems of being time-consuming and changeless.
This study focus on manipulating the variables that construct on growth processes of plant - L-system concept and Non-Photorealistic. We should support visual designers or graphic designers in designing process which a generative design system to generate Chinese ink painting. By the generative design system, when designer is working the graphic of Chinese ink painting, it can make the textures of stroke represent more practicability, more plenty and more conveniently. The conception of plant growth and NPR (Non-Photorealistic Rendering) technique support the system with diversified way, it can gained wide possibility, when designer create Chinese ink painting. Finally, the application of Chinese ink painting will be extensive and enhance its value.
摘 要------------------------------------------------------------i
Table of Contents-----------------------------------------------iv
List of Tables--------------------------------------------------vi
List of Figures------------------------------------------------vii
1. Introduction--------------------------------------------------1
1.4.Research structure-------------------------------------------3
2. Background----------------------------------------------------5
2.1. Introduction of Chinese ink painting------------------------5
2.1.1. Textures of Stroke----------------------------------------5
2.1.2. Basic elements of graph – Four Gentlemen-----------------7
2.1.3. Techniques of Four Gentlemen------------------------------7
2.2. L-system and plant of generative---------------------------11
2.2.1. Introduction of L-system---------------------------------12
2.2.2. Graph representation of L-system-------------------------13
2.3. Non Photo-Realistic----------------------------------------17
2.3.1. Introduction of Non Photo-Realistic----------------------17
2.3.2. Simulating Painting with Wet Paint-----------------------18
2.3.3. Simulating of Chinese ink Painting-----------------------18
2.4. Generative design system-----------------------------------24
2.4.1. Generative design----------------------------------------24
2.4.2. Generative design system---------------------------------24
2.5. Related Works----------------------------------------------25
2.5.1. Virtual Brush--------------------------------------------25
2.5.2. Simulate Ink and Color Diffusion-------------------------27
2.5.3. Non-Photorealistic Rendering-----------------------------28
2.6. Summary----------------------------------------------------30
3. Approach-----------------------------------------------------31
3.1. Generation of plant skeleton-------------------------------32
3.2. Simulating generation of texture of Chinese ink painting---37
4. System implementation----------------------------------------43
4.1. System architecture----------------------------------------43
4.2. System development environment-----------------------------44
4.3. Functional specification and User interface----------------44
4.4. Scenario---------------------------------------------------47
4.5. System evaluation and user test----------------------------57
5. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------61
5.1. Discussion-------------------------------------------------61
5.2. Contribution-----------------------------------------------61
5.3. Future researches------------------------------------------62
Appendix 1.-----------------------------------------------------65
Appendix 2.-----------------------------------------------------69
Appendix 3.-----------------------------------------------------71
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