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研究生(外文):Wei-tai Chen
論文名稱(外文):A study of BVOCs flux measurements and its environmental factors at middle altitud in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chu-chin Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:vertical gradientpollution coefficieneddy diffusivity coefficient
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由於揮發性有機物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)為空氣污染物臭氧生成的前驅物,而植物所排放之揮發性有機物(biogenic vocs, BVOCs)的速率除會受到環境因子的影響外,也與植物種類的不同而異,因此對於總BVOCs總量的推算實為不易,一般常應用微氣象法量測BVOCs之排放通量,因此本研究則採用微氣象法中的隨意渦旋累積法(multi- pumps relaxed eddy accumulation, MPREA)及垂直梯度法(vertical gradient‚ VG)進行BVOCs量測,透過二種不同的量測技術證明彼此的穩定性,並推算及評估VG法所求得渦旋擴散係數(eddy diffusivity coefficient, K)之合理性,以通量(flux)來表示所量測之BVOCs總量,推算影響範圍(effective fetch)來評估所量測到BOVCs之貢獻來源範圍,於二個不同季節進行BVOCs量測,並配合溫度、濕度、光照度等環境因子解析其排放率,量測地點為人為污染少的中海拔區域,此海拔範圍除涵蓋針、闊葉林相外,台灣80%以上的生物源物種皆於此區域出現。
經由MPREA與VG推算之渦旋擴散係數(eddy diffusivity coefficient, K)結果顯示,推算之K值並符合文獻所提出之範圍,而不同採樣點所推算之K值有其相異處,推測由不同土地型態所造成之影響,其日、夜所推算之K值亦有其差異。進行BVOCs實測前,先推算此採樣地點所能量測之影響範圍及污染係數(pollution coefficient),評估所量測物種可能來源方向及距離。在中海拔BVOCs量測結果顯示,白天及夜間之累積通量和分別為2434與1150 (mg m-2 h-1),其白天通量和約高於夜間2倍,顯示白天之光照度與溫度的升高對BVOCs排放具有顯著影響。而冬季與春季之累積通量分別為425與823 (mg m-2 h-1),冬季通量總和約為春季之半,顯示季節明顯影響BVOCs之排放趨勢,而採樣點之特徵物種,量測結果顯示以已醛(Hexanal)為主,其符合主要林相之茶樹(C. Sinensis)所排放物種。
經物種出現頻率分析得知,Isoprene、MACR與MVK之出現頻率與物種通量高低具有相同趨勢,當物種出現頻率增多時,所量測之通量較高,而β-pinene與Heptanone之通量高低與出現頻率則呈現相反之趨勢,β-pinene春季出現頻率較冬季高約2倍,而其物種通量春季則較冬季減少約50%。 環境因子與物種之相關性評估後,顯示Isoprene與MACR對光照度有良好相關性,而溫度則對α-pinene具有顯著影響。另外物種間之相關性分析發現,物種間之相關性以其物化特性為影響主因。
Student:Wei-tai Chen
Advisor:Chu-chin Hsieh

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are one of ozone formation precursors and the rate of emission of biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) by vegetation would be affected by environmental parameters, and the flux would also vary with different plant species. Two micrometeorological techniques, multi-pumps relaxed eddy accumulation (MPREA) and vertical gradient (VG), are developed to measure the flux of BVOCs at altitude of 1200-m in mid-Taiwan. Moreover, the results of MPREA and VG could confirm with each other for attesting to the system’s stability. Eddy diffusivity coefficient (EDC) at atmosphere is calculated by VG and proved its rationality. The range of effective fetch at the sampling site is estimated using the available equations to evaluate the influence area of this study. The BVOC flux measured at two different seasons are related well with environmental parameters including temperature, humidity, and photosyn- thetically active radiation (PAR).
EDC calculated using Valentine approach integrated with the results of MPREA and VG. EDC vary with time and locations due to different environment factors. The result of EDC measured in this study is similar to that of the previous studies. At middle altitudes of 1200-m, the flux of BVOCs measured at day and night are different, the BVOCs flux is 2434 and 1150 (mg m-2 h-1) in day and night, respectively. The BVOCs flux of day is two times higher than that of night because the emissions of BVOCs would raise with temperature and PAR. The flux of BVOCs in spring and winter are 823 and 425 (mg m-2 h-1), respectively. The flux of spring is 2 times higher than that of winter. We conjecture that hexanal, the major species of BVOCs, is emitted by C. Sinensis.
The detection frequency of Isoprene, MACR and MVK have the positive correlate with their flux value. The higher emission frequency of the BVOCs indicate the higher flux of the BVOCs, but β-pinene and Heptanone show opposite correlation. The emission frequency of β-pinene detected in spring indicate 2 times higher than that in winter, but its flux in spring is 2 times lower than in winter. After correlation analysis of environmental factors and species, the result shows that the isoprene and MACR have the better relativity with PAR, and temperature would affect the flux of α-pinene.

第一章 前言.....................................1
1.1 研究緣起....................................1
1.2 研究目的....................................2

第二章 文獻回顧.................................3
2.1 自然源之種類及特性..........................3
2.1.2 海拔與林相關係............................7
2.2 微氣象量測技術 .............................10
2.2.1 渦旋共變異法(eddy covariance, EC)......11
2.2.2 隨意渦旋累積法(relaxed eddy accumulation‚
2.2.3 多泵隨意渦旋累積法(multi-pumps relaxed
eddy accumulation, MPREA)...............13
2.2.4 垂直梯度法(vertical gradient‚ VG)......16
2.2.5 K值之範圍................................24
2.3 微氣象法量測BVOCs通量之應用................25
2.4 大氣穩定度之判斷...........................26
2.5 影響範圍(effective fetch)推算............29

第三章 研究方法................................33
3.1 研究流程...................................33
3.2 採樣地點選擇...............................34
3.2.1 採樣點A(雲科大電子環安館)..............34
3.2.2 採樣點B(碧湖茶園)......................36
3.3 採樣設備...................................38
3.3.1 MPREA系統單元............................38
3.3.2 其他設備.................................42
3.3.3 採樣介質選擇 .............................44
3.4 分析儀器和偵測物種.........................46
3.4.2 分析儀器.................................47
3.4.3 檢量線製備...............................48
3.4.4 方法偵測極限(MDL)......................49
3.4.5 準確度及精確度...........................49

第四章 結果與討論..............................51
4.1 系統測試與K值推算..........................51
4.1.1 MPREA系統測試............................51
4.1.2 K值推算結果..............................52
4.1.3 K值與大氣穩定度..........................55
4.2 影響範圍推算...............................56
4.2.1 污染係數(pollution coefficient)推算....58
4.3 K值與b值之分析.............................61
4.3.1 通量與b值關係............................63
4.4 BVOCs通量及趨勢............................65
4.4.1 各採樣日BVOCs通量趨勢....................68
4.4.2 物種出現頻率分析.........................71
4.4.3 BVOCs季節及日夜通量分析..................77
4.4.4 環境因子與BVOCs相關性....................81
4.4.5 物種相關性評估...........................90

第五章 結論與建議..............................92
5.1 結論.......................................92
5.2 建議.......................................93

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