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研究生(外文):Ming-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Influence Factors of Fire Service Employee’s Safety Culture
指導教授(外文):Jet-Chau Wen
外文關鍵詞:safety culturesafety cognitionfire servicesafety performance
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本研究目的是要探討消防機關管理階層對消防人員安全認知之影響,藉以了解不同消防人員特性之安全認知差異,並探討各級消防主管及管理階層對員工安全、安全文化及安全績效認知感受之影響,希望作為消防機關推動安全管理之規劃參考。文中是以彰化縣消防局所屬之各專業別消防人員為研究對象,探討消防人員安全認知影響因素之關係。以修訂之「消防人員工作安全認知」結構性問卷,抽樣調查樣本共760 份,有效樣本數為631 份,問卷回收率為83.03%,實證研究主要發現及結論摘述如下:
Safety fire service environment is basic needs for the fireman’s. In recent years,dangers and errors are truly occurring in the existing fire settings. For this reason, fire service safety management has gradually been taken into serious consideration among those fire institutions in our country. Fire service managers should be responsible for safety management and enhance the security of healing environment in many ways.First, to create an organizational safety culture, the managers should actively build a consensus with the members and cultivate a common safety concept together. Second,through the coordination within the organization, the safety culture is formed and safety performance is displayed.
This research aims to discuss the impact of fire service management on the
fireman’s safety cognition, which is different with various personnel characteristics.Furthermore, the discussion on managers’ influence on the perception of fireman safety,safety culture and safety performance can be a reference for the fire service to promote safety management.
The research samples the fireman from Fire Bureau Chang-Hua County with various characteristics in an attempt to gain insights into the influence factors of fireman’s safety cognition. With the population proportion random sampling, a total 760 of investigation samples are collected in the revised "fireman’s safety cognition" structured questionnaire. 631 are valid and the recovery rate is 83.03%.
The analysis shows that managers’ support is strongly correlated with the perception of fireman’s safety, safety culture and safety performance. The management levels are more influential on the fireman’s safety cognition than the higher positioned who makes strategies.
This research suggests that the core management of fire institutions should carry on the analysis of influence factors on safety management, safety culture and safety performance to build certain principles of strategies. The establishment of safety culture is based on the smooth communication channels across department and between the employees and further the fully authorized unit governors that take responsibilities to certainly monitor and assist the operation of fireman’s safety activities.
中文摘要.............................................................. I
英文摘要.............................................................. III
目錄.................................................................. VI
表目錄................................................................ VIII
一、 緒論..............................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機......................................................................2
1.2 研究目的......................................................................9
1.3 研究方法與研究流程......................................................................10
二、 文獻探討......................................................................13
2.1 安全認知理論......................................................................15
2.2 意外事故發生的情境描述.......................................................................27
2.3 消防工作的特殊危險性.......................................................................33
三、 研究設計.......................................................................40
3.1 研究架構與假設.......................................................................41
3.2 問卷設計.......................................................................43
3.3 資料整理與分析方法.......................................................................47
四、 調查與分析.......................................................................49
4.1 樣本基本資料分析.......................................................................50
4.2 安全認知分析.......................................................................56
4.3 安全文化分析.......................................................................61
4.4 安全績效分析.......................................................................66
4.5 安全認知、安全文化與安全績效之相關分析.......................................................................71
4.6 管理支持對安全認知之影響分析.......................................................................96
五、 結論與建議.......................................................................97
5.1 研究結果討論與結論.......................................................................98
5.2 建議.......................................................................105
問卷.................................................................... 111
簡歷.................................................................... 116
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