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研究生(外文):Yu-Wen Chiang
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Relay Placement Algorithm for WiMAX Networks
指導教授(外文):Gwo-Jong Yu
外文關鍵詞:IEEE 802.16jWiMAXThroughput
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IEEE 802.16j增強IEEE 802.16的標準,透過Mutlihop的RS (Relay Station),可增加無線通訊的訊號涵蓋範圍(Coverage Extension),並且透過高覆蓋率增加網路系統中使用者的傳輸速度(Throughput Enhancement)。雖然RS佈建可帶來傳輸速率增加的好處,但如果沒有慎選RS佈建的位置將會導致傳輸效能變差。因此本論文探討在已知BS(Based Station)和SSs(Subscriber Stations)位置的情況下,自動選擇適當的RS佈建個數及位置,讓訊號涵蓋範圍和傳輸速度比起沒有使用RS轉傳的網路來的更好。本論文RS佈建的方式將同時考慮到固接式的用戶端(Fixed SS)及移動式的用戶端(Mobile SS)頻寬需求。透過實驗模擬,本文所提出的方法比隨機佈建RS的方式能達到顯著的效能改善。
IEEE 802.16j enhances the flexibility of IEEE 802.16e standard, by exploiting multihop transmission through relay station to increase the coverage area and increase transmission rate. Although the usage of relay station can improve system throughput, the deployment strategy may also determine the final system performance. The objective of this thesis is to propose a relay deployment strategy which can automatically determine a suitable number of relay stations and the suitable locations for relay deployment. To make the proposed strategy more practical, bandwidth requests from both fixed subscribers and mobile subscribers are take into considerations. Through simulation, the proposed relay deployment strategy has significantly performance improvements in comparison with random deployment strategy.
1. 介紹
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 研究目的與方法
1.4 本文貢獻
1.5 章節安排
2. 相關文獻探討
3. 網路架構
3.1 中繼站佈建目的
3.2 中繼站的運作概要
4. 中繼站佈建演算法與細節詳述
4.1 分析採用中繼站之傳輸效益
4.2 針對BS和RS的傳送功率大小不同進行討論
4.3 分群演算法
5. 實驗與模擬
5.1 實驗場景描述
5.2 實驗參數設定
5.3 實驗結果
6. 結論與未來研究
1Bin Lin, Pin-Han Ho, Liang-Liang Xie, and Xuemin Shen, “Relay station placement in IEEE 802.16j dual-relay MMR networks,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), pp. 3437-3441, 19-23 May 2008.
2I-Kang Fu, Wern-Ho Sheen, and Fang-Ching Ren, “Deployment and radio resource reuse in IEEE 802.16j multi-hop relay network in Manhattan-like environment,” Proceedings of 2007 6th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing, pp. 1-5, 10-13 Dec. 2007.
3Bin Lin, Pin-Han Ho, Liang-Liang Xie, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Optimal Relay Station Placement in IEEE 802.16j Networks,” Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Wireless communications and mobile computing (IWCMC’07), pp. 25-30, 12–16 August, 2007
4V. Erceg, K. V. S. Hari, et al., “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications,” tech. ep., IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group, January 2001
5Mi Liu, Mugen Peng, and Wenbo Wang, “Optimal Deployment of Relay Stations in Fixed Relay Network Employing Spatial Reuse,” IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2007), pp.1-5, 3-7 Sept. 2007
6Vasken Genc, Sean Murphy, Yang Yu, and John Murphy, "IEEE 802.16J relay-based wireless access networks: an overview [recent advances and evolution of WLAN and WMAN standards]", IEEE Wireless Communications, Page(s):56 - 63, October 2008
7Steven W. Peters and Robert W. Heath, Jr., "The future of WiMAX: Multihop relaying with IEEE 802.16j", IEEE Communications Magazine, Page(s):104 - 111, January 2009
8Koon Hoo Teo, Zhifeng Tao, and Jinyun Zhang, "The Mobile Broadband WiMAX Standard [Standards in a Nutshell]", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Page(s):144 - 148, Sept. 2007
9Bin Lin, Pin-Han Ho, Liang-Liang Xie, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, and J´anos Tapolcai, " Optimal Relay Station Placement in Broadband Wireless Access Networks", Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on : Accepted for future publication, Page(s):1 - 11, June 2009
10Basak Can, Maciej Portalski, Hugo Simon Denis Lebreton, and Simone Frattasi, " Implementation Issues for OFDM-Based Multihop Cellular Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, Page(s):74 - 811, Sept. 2007
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