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研究生(外文):Chia-Chan Chao
論文名稱(外文):Research and Analysis of Sea Surface Topography around Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Sung-An Chen
外文關鍵詞:Sea Surface TopographyGeoidMean Sea SurfaceMarine Leveling
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Sea Surface Topography is the difference between geoid and mean sea surface. It is produced by the sea temperature, salinity and ocean current, etc. By the sea surface topography research can determine the shape of the earth and unify the global vertical datum.
In this study, the sea surface topography is determined by satellite altimetry method and marine leveling. The areas of this research are from longitude 119°E to 123°E and from latitude 21°N to 26°N. Satellite altimetry method obtains the sea surface topography determined by the mean sea surface and geoidal undulation model of Taiwan. The primary result of the annual sea surface topography around Taiwan is about 0.4 to 1.4 meters. The difference between the standard dynamic topography and the standard reference surface, the sea surface topography, is determined by marine leveling which utilizes the sea temperature and salinity data which are from depth 0 meters to 1000 meters. The primary result of the annual sea surface topography around Taiwan is about 0 to 2.8 meters. The two methods can recognize Kuroshio Current. Using the interpolation method to get the sea surface topography of tide gauges in Taiwan and the off-shore islands, and to obtain the difference between each tide gauge.
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
1.緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3文獻回顧 4
1.4研究方法與流程 6
2.研究原理 7
2.1衛星測高法 7
2.1.1大地起伏計算 8
2.1.2平均海平面計算 19
2.2海洋水準法 19
3.資料蒐集 24
3.1大地起伏計算資料 24
3.1.1全球地球重力位模型 24
3.1.2 重力資料 25
3.1.3 台灣數值高程模型 30
3.2平均海平面計算資料 31
3.2.1 CLS01海平面 31
3.2.2 海水位異常資料 33
3.3 動力高計算資料 37
3.3.1 海水各層溫鹽資料 37
3.3.2 海水表面壓力資料 39
4. 海面地形成果分析 40
4.1 衛星測高法成果分析 40
4.2 海洋水準法成果分析 51
4.3 兩法海面地形比較分析 60
4.4 各潮位站海面地形比較分析 63
4.5 衛星測高法精度分析 74
5.結論與建議 77
5.1 結論 77
5.2 建議 78
參考文獻 79
自傳 83
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