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研究生(外文):Ho-Chung Chang
論文名稱(外文):Opto-Mechatronic System Integration of Unmanned Ground Vehicle
指導教授(外文):Nen-Wen Pu, Chi-Ching Chang, Ta-ming Shih
外文關鍵詞:UGVFuzzy Status ControlVisual Servo
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美國國防部自1990 年提出開發無人載具(UGV, Unmanned Ground Vehicle)相關計畫,其中地面載具應用為陸軍主要開發專案,目的在增進敵情觀測效能與保障作戰人員安全。近年來已將其廣泛應用於伊拉克及阿富汗之綏靖行動,執行高風險任務,陸用無人載具的使用,正逐步如同無人飛行載具,成為未來作戰之趨勢。本研究主要目的在以美軍小型無人地面載具為藍本,藉由結合現階段網路化概念,影像辨識、無線傳輸、衛星定位、智慧型感測及機電控制技術,開發軍用無人地面戰術運動載具雛型,結果顯示本雛型已成功完成系統整合及遠端控制關鍵技術,可作為後續概念驗證及自主式系統開發參考。
The U.S. DOD has initialed the development project of unmanned vehicle in 1990. In order to improve the battle field situation awareness and protection of war fighter, the development of unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is the major concern of U.S. Army. The newly developed UGV has been widely used in military operation recently to perform high risk mission. In this regards, UGV will be the future trend of operation, just like unmanned aerial vehicles. We try to develop our UGV based on the concepts of US-developed UGV. By integrating the technology of network centric, image processing, wireless technology, GPS, smart sensors of UGV and mechanical control, we have developed the military UGV prototype successfully. The prototype can be further used for concept verification and system development.
1. 緒論....................................................1
1.1 研究背景及動機..........................................1
1.2 研究目的與方法..........................................2
2. 文獻回顧................................................6
2.1 無人地面載具系統回顧-以XUG DEMO III計畫為例[4]............6
2.2 運動能力..............................................10
2.3 定位.................................................12
2.4 導航.................................................17
2.5 電腦視覺..............................................18
3. 系統架構與分析..........................................29
3.1 需求分析..............................................29
3.2 系統功能定義...........................................30
3.3 系統架構..............................................30
4. 理論分析...............................................33
4.1 運動控制...............................................33
4.2 基於行為的控制(Behavior-Based Control).................35
4.3 定位與導航.............................................38
4.4 卡曼濾波器[25].........................................44
4.5 視覺伺服...............................................47
5. 系統設計與組成...........................................49
5.1 載具設計與製作..........................................49
5.2 定位導航系統............................................51
5.3 障礙迴避控制............................................54
5.4 道路識別...............................................59
5.5 運動控制...............................................61
5.6 Fuzzy Status Control..................................62
5.7 上載台視覺伺服射擊系統...................................66
6. 實驗與討論..............................................82
6.1 載具姿態估測............................................82
6.2 實驗場地路徑規劃........................................86
7. 結論....................................................91
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