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研究生(外文):Li-Chieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Formation of the α-Fe2O3 nanowires and their applications
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Yao Li
外文關鍵詞:thermal oxidation?Fe2O3 nanowiresphotodetectorfield effect transistorfield emissionmagnetic properties
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本論文的研究目的是利用熱氧化法(thermal oxidation)製備一維的三氧化二鐵(?Fe2O3)的奈米線材以及探討在電、磁與光電方面的應用。研究內容主要分為製造與應用兩部分;在製造部份將所合成的三氧化二鐵奈米線做材料檢測與控制生長密度及生長方向,在應用部分主要研究三氧化二鐵奈米線在磁(異相磁阻)、電(場發射及場效電晶體)與光電(可見光偵測器)特性之應用。
第二章中主要是利用熱氧化法在50 nm鐵膜上生長單晶三氧化二鐵奈米線,其氧化溫度為350oC恆溫半小時。由SEM檢測後發現產物之直徑約在8–25 nm,長約數個微米。將產物以TEM與XPS做檢測,可發現產物為單晶的三氧化二鐵奈米線,且其生長方向為[110]。利用磁力顯微鏡(MFM)可在室溫下觀察到磁矩存在於單根線材內。另外,由磁阻的檢測可知,室溫下三氧化二鐵奈米線之異相磁阻率約在0.5%。
在第三章中,利用不同的鐵膜厚度以熱氧化法生長不同密度之三氧化二鐵奈米線;當鐵膜的厚度越厚,熱氧化法後的奈米線密度就越大。其影響密度之原因推測與熱氧化速率、鐵膜的缺陷及特定方向之氧擴散有關。另外,利用導電式原子力顯微鏡(CAFM)量測單根三氧化二鐵奈米線之電阻約為4.42×103 Ωcm。我們利用兩平板系統探討三氧化二鐵奈米線之場發射應用,當線材密度在中等密度時,其最低的起始電場(turn on field)為3.3 V/μm且能得到最大的場發電流密度約10-3 mA/cm2。
在第四章中,利用熱氧化法在150 nm的鐵膜上,側向生長單根的三氧化二鐵奈米橋,將兩電極連結在一起,其氧化溫度為350 oC恆溫一個小時。所生長的奈米橋直徑約7nm,長度約170nm。利用微米級的探針直接量測單根三氧化二鐵奈米橋之電性,且利用此結構將三氧化二鐵應用於場效電晶體。由量測結果可知我們所生長的三氧化二鐵奈米橋為N型半導體,且其導電度約為1.67 S/cm。
第五章主要是利用熱氧化法,在氧化溫度為350 oC時,側向生長單根的三氧化二鐵奈米橋在兩電極間而形成奈米橋光偵測器。奈米橋光偵測器之直徑約8nm,長度約240nm。利用不同波長的光(300 nm–800 nm)以0.5 mW/cm2照射三氧化二鐵奈米橋光偵測器來量測光電流效應。當以490 nm的光照射三氧化二鐵奈米橋時,能產生最大的光電流(123 nA)、增益(gain=2.9×107)與最大的on/off ratio約12。因為三氧化二鐵奈米橋光偵測器具有奈米級的直徑與極大的比表面積(surface-to-volume),所以其應答時間(response time)小於20 ms。此外,我們在不同環境下(空氣、真空與氬氣下)以藍光(420 nm)LED閃爍(2.5Hz)光源量測奈米橋光偵測器,結果發現奈米橋對氧氣的吸附會影響光偵測器的應答時間。
The research includes the studies of the synthesis of these?Fe2O3 nanowires (NWs) vertically/laterally and explores their applications. Fundamentals of ?Fe2O3 nanomaterial were reviewed in Chapter 1. The structure of ?Fe2O3 NWs and their anisotropic magnetroresistance, field emission, field effect transistor and visible light photodetector applications were systematically study and reported in chapter 2-5, respectively.
In Chapter 2, single–crystalline hexagonal ?Fe2O3 NWs were synthesized on a 50 nm iron thin film by thermal oxidation within 30 minutes at 250oC in air. SEM images show that the diameters of ?Fe2O3 NWs were about 8 – 25 nm, and the lengths were up to a few μm. TEM analysis revealed that the NWs had a hexagonal crystal structure with the growth direction of [110]. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) analysis of a single ?Fe2O3 NW revealed that the direction of the magnetic domains was along the wire axis at room temperature. In addition, the results of magnetoresistance (MR) revealed that the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) of ?Fe2O3 NWs reached 0.5% at 300 K.
In Chapter 3, ?Fe2O3 NWs were formed by the thermal oxidation of an iron film in air at 350 oC for 10 hours. The rhombohedral structure of the ?Fe2O3 NWs was grown vertically on the substrate with diameters of 8–25 nm and lengths of several hundred nm. It was found that the population density of the NWs per unit area (DNWs) can be varied by the film thickness. The thicker the iron film, the more NWs were grown. The growth mechanism of the NWs is suggested to be a combination effect of the thermal oxidation rate, defects on the film, and selective directional growth. The electrical resistivity of a single NW with a length of 800nm and a diameter of 15nm was measured to be 4.42×103 Ωcm using conductive atomic force microscopy. The field emission characteristics of the NWs were studied using a two–parallel–plate system. A low turn–on field of 3.3 V/μm and a large current density of 10-3 A/cm2 (under an applied field of about 7 V/μm) can be obtained using optimal factors of DNWs in the cathode.
In Chapter 4, an ?Fe2O3 nanobridge (NB) was laterally grown via the one–step thermal oxidation of 150 nm Fe film at 350 oC for 1hr in air atmosphere to form a NB field effect transistor (FET). The diameter of the as–grown NB was 7 nm, with a length of 170 nm. The electrical properties of the individual ?Fe2O3 NB were directly measured by microprobing the NB FET. The results show that the NB demonstrated n–type semiconductive behavior with a conductivity of 1.67 S/cm.
In Chapter 5, a single crystalline ?Fe2O3 nanobridge (NB) was laterally grown between two electrodes by one–step thermal oxidation of 100 nm Fe film at 350 oC in air atmosphere to form a NB photodector. The diameter of the as–grown NB was 8 nm, while the length of the NB was about 240 nm. The photocurrents of an individual ?Fe2O3 NB photodetector were invenstigated with the illumination of the visible light (wavelength: 300nm–800nm). With a light intensity of 0.5 mW/cm2, the photocurrent of the NB photodetector was increased by two orders of magnitude. The rapid photoresponse time (< 20ms), high gain (2.9×107) and high on/off ratio (>12) of an individual ?Fe2O3 NB photodetector can be attributed to the small diameter and high surface-to-volume of the NB. In addition, photocurrent measurements in various ambient (air, Ar and vacuum) demonstrate that the absorption of the oxygen at the surface of the NB can significantly influence the photoresponse of the ?Fe2O3 NB photodetector.
Abstract I
中文摘要 III
Contents V
List of Table VII
List of Figures VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction of one–dimensional material 1
1.2 Brief Introduction of Iron Oxide material 3
1.3 Synthesis of ?Fe2O3 nanowires 6
1.4 Growth mechanism of ?Fe2O3 nanowires 11
1.5 Characteristics of 1-D ?Fe2O3 nanostructure 13
1.5.1 Magnetic property of 1-D ?Fe2O3 nanostructure 13
1.5.2 Electrical property of 1-D ?Fe2O3 nanostructure 18
1.6 Applications of ?Fe2O3 nanomaterials 22
1.6.1 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance (AMR) 22
1.6.2 Field Emission (FE) 24
1.6.3 Field Effect Transistor (FET) 30
1.6.4 Photodetector 33
1.7 Objective and Outlines 36
Chapter 2 Thermal growth and magnetic characterization of ?Fe2O3 nanowires 37
2.1 Introduction 37
2.2 Experimental 39
2.3 Results and discussion 40
2.4 Conclusion 53
2.5 Acknowledgment 53
Chapter 3 Synthesis, electrical measurement, and field emission properties of ?Fe2O3 nanowires 54
3.1 Introduction 54
3.2 Experimental 56
3.3 Results and discussion 57
3.4 Conclusion 75
3.5 Acknowledgement 75
Chapter 4 Direct electrical measurement of an individual ?Fe2O3 nanobridge field effect transistor formed via one–step thermal oxidation 76
4.1 Introduction 76
4.2 Experimental 78
4.3 Results and discussion 80
4.4 Conclusion 89
4.5 Acknowledgement 89
Chapter 5 On-chip fabrication of an individual ?Fe2O3 nanobridge and application of ultrawide wavelength visible-infrared photodetector/optical switching 90
5.1 Introduction 90
5.2 Experimental 92
5.3 Results and discussion 94
5.4 Conclusion 103
5.5 Acknowledgement 103
Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks and Future Researches 104
6.1 Concluding Remarks 104
6.2 Future Researches 106
References 107
Appendix 2.1 120
Appendix 2.2 125
Appendix 2.3 127
Appendix 3.1 129
Publication list 131
Patent list 131
Conferences 132
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