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研究生(外文):Chih-Yu Hu
論文名稱(外文):Discussed the Philippine Sea Plate structure dispersion of characteristic using Rayleigh wave phase velocity
指導教授(外文):Chau-Huei Chen
外文關鍵詞:phase velocityanisotropicdispersionRayleigh wave
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本研究是利用常態模式疊加運算式( normal mode summation;Capdeville, 2005)方法分析雷利波( Rayleigh wave )相速度的頻散資料,在不同週期下得到相對應深度的剪力波速度構造,並應用Debayle & Sambridge (2004)所發展反演剪力波速度構造及非均向性研究,反演菲律賓海板塊的地殼及上部地函的速度構造,且得到非均向性的側向變化。
本研究結果得出,在菲律賓海板塊淺層構造,由於地表的複雜地質構造,因此有明顯的速度側向變異;而在Amami Plate、Oki Daito Ridge、Daito Ridge存在過去岩漿活動殘留下來的地函熱柱物質,所以有較低速度的分佈。在深度到達上部地函時,菲律賓海板塊北端位於太平洋板塊、菲律賓海板塊與歐亞大陸板塊交接的地方,產生明顯的速度低區的現象;在Daito Ridge兩側有一對稱高速帶,可能是早期構造作用殘留下來的堆積物;在深度到達111公里和150公里時,菲律賓海板塊應為軟流圈範圍。
This research is uses the normal mode summation method ( Capdeville, 2005) analysis the phase velocity dispersion data of Rayleigh wave, obtains under the different periods correspond the depth the shear wave velocity structure, and using Debayle and Sambridge (2004) develops the inversion shear velocity structure and the anisotropic research, the shear velocity of the crust and upper mantle beneath of the Philippine Sea Plate, and obtains the anisotropic lateral variation.
This findings obtain, the shallow structure of Philippine Sea Plate, as a result of surface complex geologic structure, therefore has the obvious velocity lateral variation. But place has thermal column material which in Amami Plate, Oki Daito Ridge, Daito the Ridge existence the magmatic activity remained in the past, therefore had compares the low velocity the distribution. When the depth arrives at upper mantle, north part of the Philippine Sea Plate connected the Pacific Ocean Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate , has the obvious low velocity area. Both sides have a symmetrical high velocity belt in Daito the Ridge, possibly is the deposit which the early time tectonism remains. When the depth arrives at 111 kilometers and 150 kilometers, the Philippine Sea Plate should for the asthenosphere scope.
The anisotropic result obtains, west-south the Philippine basin''s quick wave direction mostly approaches east-west direction, with the earth stress approximately parallel. The Ryukyu Trench、the Nankai Trough anisotropic direction approximately for northwest - southeast approaches, related crust crack arrangement. West Philippine Basin anisotropic direction is obvious, for northeast - southwest, is consistent with the basin expansion direction. Anisotropic direction of Shikoku Basin and the Parece Vela Basin, for northeast-southwest, concerns with the basin tension crack''s direction.
第一章 緒論............................1
1.1 研究動機與目的........................1
1.2 文獻回顧..............................2
1.3 菲律賓海板塊地質特徵描述..............3
2.1 常態模式疊加運算式...................9
2.2 速度構造及非均向性反演..............15
第三章 資料處理與分析..................21
3.1 地震資料選取......................21
3.2 資料分析..........................22
4.1 剪力波速度構造....................28
4.2 非均向性的側向變化................31
第五章 結論..............................42
圖1.1 菲律賓海盆之地質構造,細灰線代表板塊邊界...........6
圖1.2 Seno和Maruyama (1984)建立第三紀時期的古菲律賓海盆之 演化......................................................7
圖1.3 Hall et al. (1995)重建菲律賓海盆,並提出海溝後縮模型,示意圖分別為10、24及45百萬年前........................8
圖2.1 利用常態模式疊加運算式(Normal mode summation)計算所得的合成地震波和觀測地震波...............................14
圖2.2.1 為求得 值,需先計算出每波線 上任一點 和球面上任一點 之間 的關係,即求得每波線所影響的區域。...............19
圖2.2.2 為定義每條波線有其影響區域之示意圖。.............19
圖2.2.3 為求得 值,需先計算波線 上任一點 和波線 上任一點 之間 的關係,即求得兩條波線間的相關性。....................20
圖3.1 地震與測站分佈圖..................................23
圖3.2 900條雷利波波徑分佈圖.............................24
圖3.3 相速分析結果,GUMO測站............................25
圖3.4 相速分析結果,MAJO測站............................26
圖3.5 相速分析結果,TATO測站............................27
圖4.1 雷利波相速週期(a)10秒、(b)40秒、(c)50秒的檢驗盤測試;左圖為原始模型,右圖為逆推結果,各區塊間以±10%速度擾動相互間隔,黑色表-10%,白色表+10%。.....................33
圖4.2 雷利波相速週期(d)80秒、(e)100秒的檢驗盤測試;左圖為原始模型,右圖為逆推結果,各區塊間以±10%速度擾動相互間隔,黑色表-10%,白色表+10%。...............................34
圖4.3 (a) 9公里、(b) 51公里、(c) 80公里、(d) 111公里、(f) 150公里為剪力波速度構造逆推結果。........................35
圖4.4 (a)A-A’ 剖面, (b)B-B’ 剖面, (c)C-C’ 剖面。.....36
圖4.5 (a) 9公里、(b) 51公里、(c) 80公里、(d) 111公里、(f) 150公里為菲律賓海板塊的速度非均向性,線段長度表示非均向性大小,線段方向表示快波方向,紅線為菲律賓海板塊邊界與海溝、海脊。.....................................................37
圖4.6 菲律賓海板塊應力場(Kim et al.,1999)。.............38
圖4.7 馬里安納海溝隱沒的形式。( Scholz, 2002)。.........39
圖4.8 Parece-Vela Basin之海底地形(Okino et al.,1998)。..40
圖4.9 (A) 菲律賓海板塊過去與現在的擴張方向(Okino et al.,1999)................................................41
圖4.9 (B) Shikoku Basin的海底地形構造(Okino et al.,1999) ...............................................41
表3.1 選用地震測站基本資料。............................22
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