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研究生(外文):Wei-yu Wang
論文名稱(外文):Biological Real-time O2 Sensor''s Fabrication
指導教授(外文):S. J. Huang
外文關鍵詞:optical fiberOxygenRuoptical-sensingfluorescence dyeing agent
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因此本研究,以研發生物體內氧氣即時感測器為目標,利用Ru (釕)複合物光感 (optical-sensing),於不同氧氣濃度下受激發所發出螢光相位的差異,藉測量相位差來判斷生物組織的氧氣濃度。本感測器不會消耗分析物,無須參考物,不因樣品流速、外在因子而干擾;並針對如何配合光纖傳遞光訊號、電子電路接收處理,以及使用注射針頭幫助進入生物組織等部分進行研究;成為小巧、反應快速、不易受環境干擾的體內即時感測器。
The oxygen is a very important molecule to the existence of the creatures. Not only the animals and the plants are dependent on the oxygen to live but also the concentration of oxygen is a vital parameter to the clinical inspection. Once the oxygen content is not normal in tissue, there will be produced the pathological changes. The over-higher level of the oxygen content leads to the pathological changes of over-oxidation, and the over-lower level leads to the oxygen deficiency and all kinds of cardiovascular disease.
The instantaneous detection of the oxygen content in vivo through the oxygen sensor offers people a new method to take responses in advance in order to achieve improved effect of the treatment, and oxygen sensor may provide a further research and application.
This research utilizes the Ru-based optical-sensing complex which excites luminescent phase shifts to measure the oxygen concentration of
the tissue as the target to develop the instantaneous detection of the oxygen content in vivo from the different oxygen content. The advantages of the O2 sensor are that the analyte will not be consumed, there is no need of the reference substance, and it won’t be disturbed by the speed of the flowing of the specimen and the external factors. This research also involves the O2 sensor used to incorporate with optical fiber and electronic circuit assembly transmitting and dealing with the signal, and the needle inserting into the tissue to measure it’s surrounding. This sensor will be a small, rapid response, and not environmentally disturbed instantaneous sensor in vivo.
For the sake of avoiding the complex procedures of adjusting the luminescences, the new method of luminescence immobilization shows the results of higher response of the luminescence through reducing the
oxygen concentration, and it is the normal response of the sensor. After trying a variety of tests, the signal of the luminescence can be obtained. However, the related applications and the technical integration of the oxygen sensor are not mature, and it has to be adjusted with electronic circuit in order to improve the performance of the system.
中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
目次 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 8
1-4 文獻回顧心得 10
第二章 相關理論之介紹 11
2-1 冷光所成感測器的偵測原理 11
2-1-1 冷光壽命測量方法 12
2-1-2 相位-壽命關係(Phase-Lifetime Relationship) 13
2-2 相位測量技術的儀器 14
2-2-1 相位測量儀器組裝 15
2-2-2 利用相位調節方法的壽命光化學感測器 16
2-2-3 相調節螢光檢測PO2 16
2-2-4 相偵測原則 17
第三章 實驗材料 19
3-1 氧氣敏感材料 19
3-2 氧氣敏感材料調配藥品 19
3-3 調配用品使用儀器 19
3-4 Silicone 20
3-5 光偵測電路測試用模擬訊號 21
3-6 光纖 22
3-7 檢測針頭結構 23
3-8 激發光源與光接收二極體 23
3-9 訊號檢測設備 24
3-10 訊號放大電路與相位差電路使用材料 25
第四章 實驗流程及方法 27
4-1 模擬訊號試片製作 27
4-2 檢測電路製作 28
4-2-1 訊號放大電路製作 28
4-2-2 相位差電路製作 30
4-3 置換靈敏的光接收二極體 31
4-4 測試模擬訊號 31
4-5 氧氣敏感材料之配製 31
4-6 實驗流程 33
第五章 實驗結果 34
5-1 化學藥品部分 34
5-1-1 調配螢光物質 34
5-1-2 改變螢光物使用方式 34
5-2 電路製作與濾波器微調 35
5-3 激發光源耦合入光纖 38
5-4 抓取螢光訊號 40
5-4-1 測試結構一 40
5-4-2 測試結構二 41
5-4-3 測試結構三 42
5-4-4 測試結構四-加入放大電路 43
5-4-5 測試結構五-1×2光纖耦合器 45
5-4-6 測試結構與氧濃度反應 47
5-5 檢測結構與電路整合抓取螢光相位差 52
第六章 結論與未來研究工作 53
6-1 結論 53
6-2 未來工作 55
參考文獻 56
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