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研究生(外文):Chien-you Lai
論文名稱(外文):Radio Frequency Power Amplifier and Integrated Balun Circuitry
外文關鍵詞:differential power amplifieractive differential phase splitterlinearization
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論文主要為差動?amp;#63841;放大器與主動分相器之研究。使用矽鍺異質接面雙載子接面電晶體來實現2.5GHz 線性化差動?amp;#63841;放大器。此電路使用在WiMAX802.16e,其傳輸頻寬為2400MHz 到2700MHz。利用差動技術抑制偶次諧波,並且使用線性化偏壓電路提升線性度。其最大?amp;#63841;輸出22dBm 時有11%的效率,?amp;#63841;增益為(Gain)17dB,輸出三次交互調變點(OIP3)為32dBm,輸出?amp;#63841;在16dBm時,其錯誤向量大小(EVM)值為2.8%。主動分相器研究方面為研製一4-6GHz差動主動分相器,採用疊接以減少米勒效應,shunt peaking 增加頻寬,耦合電容去改善輸出相位和增益不平衡。其有些微?amp;#63841;增益(4dB),輸出與輸入返回損耗小於-10dB,輸出增益不平衡在1dB 以內,輸出相位差在180.1~183.9 度,在4GHz時的最小雜訊指數4.2dB。
A research of differential power amplifier and active differential phase splitter are investigated in this thesis. The 2.5 GHz power amplifier with linearization bias control is realized by a SiGe HBT technology. It is designed to operate in the application of WiMAX 802.16e band, which has the transmit frequency ranging from 2400MHz to 2700MHz. A differential topology is used to suppress even-order harmonics, and a linearization bias circuit is employed to enhance the linearity. The circuit is capable of delivering 22dBm of output power with an 11% power-added efficiency. The power gain is 17dB, and the output third-order intercept point is 32dBm. The maximum average output power for a maximum 2.8% Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) is 16 dBm. A 4-6GHz active differential phase splitter is designed, too. Adopting the cascode topology can greatly reduce the Miller effect, the shunt peaking load enhances the bandwidth, and by the capacitive coupling, the gain and phase imbalances of the output can also be improved. The power gain is 4 dB, the input and output return loss is less than -10 dB, the gain imbalance is less/better than 1 dB, phase difference is between 180.1 to 183.9 and the minimal noise figure happened at the 4GHz frequency is 4.2dB .
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Thesis organization 3
Chapter 2 Principles of Radio Frequency Amplifier Design 4
2.1 Scattering Parameters 5
2.2 Power Gain 6
2.3 Stability 6
2.4 Efficiency of Power Amplifiers 8
2.5 Noise Figure 8
2.6 Conjugate match and power match 10
2.7 1-dB Compression Point 11
2.8 Distortion and Linearity 12
Chapter 3 Design of WiMAX Mobile Power Amplifier 17
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Power Amplifier Classification 18
3.3 Power Amplifier Design 29
3.4 Simulation Results 44
3.5 Layout and Fabrication 49
3.6 Measurement Results 51
3.7 Summary 60
Chapter 4 Design of Active Differential Phase Splitter Balun 61
4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Conventional Passive baluns 64
4.3 Active Balun Design 66
4.4 Simulation Results 71
4.5 Layout and Fabrication 78
4.6 Measurement Results 79
4.7 Summary 84
Chapter 5 Conclusions 85

Principles of Radio Frequency Amplifier Design
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Design of WiMAX Mobile Power Amplifier
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Design of Active Differential Phase Splitter
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