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研究生(外文):Shi-Yuan Liao
論文名稱(外文):Using Two-Segments Quadratic Polynomial Curve Approximation for Road Boundary Detection
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yang Chen
外文關鍵詞:sum of squared errorroad detectiondemarcation pointpiecewise quadratic polynomial curve
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In this thesis, we propose a new way to describe the road boundary more accurately. Originally, based on the 2nd–order polynomial equation, we can substitute the coordinates of the boundary points into the equation and minimize the sum of square errors to obtain the polynomial solution and hence the approximate curve. However, the quadratic polynomial curve cannot fit all road boundary curves well, especially when the road has abrupt turning point. In these cases, even though the higher order polynomial can be applied yet too complicated to solve.
In this research, we try to find a boundary point which separates the whole curve into two segments, and the total sum of square errors of the two curve segments must be minimized. According to our experiments, the curves turned out are definitely more accurate, especially the road has sharper turning point. The time needed to spend for this is to be considered next.
致謝詞 .................................................. I
中文摘要................................................ II
英文摘要 .............................................. III
目錄.................................................... IV
圖目錄 ................................................. VI
表目錄 ................................................. IX
第一章 簡介 ............................................. 1
1.1 動機與目的 .......................................... 1
1.1.1 動機 .............................................. 1
1.1.2 目的 .............................................. 1
1.2 相關研究 ............................................ 2
1.3 系統之基本功能與架構 ................................ 3
1.3.1系統之基本功能 ..................................... 3
1.3.2系統之架構 ......................................... 3
第二章 道路偵測之影像前置處理 ........................... 6
2.1 影像強化 ............................................ 6
2.2 影像邊緣點之偵測 .................................... 7
2.3 影像之相連成標記法 .................................. 9
第三章 分段式二次曲線近似法 ............................ 10
3.1 不分段二次曲線 ..................................... 10
3.2 分段式二次曲線 ..................................... 12
3.2.1 下半段二次曲線 ................................... 13
3.2.2 上半段二次曲線 ................................... 14
3.2.3 產生分段式二次曲線 ............................... 16
3.3 誤差均方根 ......................................... 17
第四章 道路偵測之分段式二次曲線程序 .................... 18
4.1 不分段二次曲線 ..................................... 18
4.2 分段點的決定 ....................................... 18
4.2.1 逐一比較法 ....................................... 18
4.2.2 縮減搜尋範圍比較法 ............................... 18
4.3 分段式二次曲線 ..................................... 20
4.4 近似曲線圖的比較與採用 ............................. 20
第五章 實驗結果與分析 .................................. 21
5.1 實驗設備與環境 ..................................... 21
5.2 實驗結果 ........................................... 22
5.3 成果分析 ........................................... 30
第六章 結論與未來展望 .................................. 32
6.1 研究結論 ........................................... 32
6.2 未來展望 ........................................... 32
參考文獻 ............................................... 34
附錄一 ................................................. 37
作者簡介 ............................................... 38
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