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研究生(外文):YEN-FANG LO
論文名稱(外文):Hands-on Experiments on Session Border Controller for IMS
指導教授(外文):Bo-Chao Cheng
外文關鍵詞:IP multimedia subsystemSIP(Session Initiation Protocol)network convergenceHSS( Home Subscriber Server)Session Border Controller
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採用會談啟始通信協定(SIP)系統架構, IP多媒體子系統(IMS)提供了重要的多媒體系統特性(如集中管理與漫遊支持)。因為穿越眾多的IP 網路邊界,IMS必需面對IP網路安全和相互聯繫的問題,為了成功管控所有的安全威脅和系統協商,這些問題皆需以更實際的方式解決。會談邊界控制器(SBC)是一個普通且有效的設備,藉由SIP, SBC被置於信號和/或媒體路徑中, 與其他重要的安全設備共同運作(例如防火牆,驗証和IPsec閘道器)。 準此,SBC能提供VoIP呼叫往返於一個被保護的IP網路。
Adopting the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) system structure, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) provides key multimedia system characteristics (such as centralized management and roaming support). Crossing over numerous borders of IP networks, IMS needs to face IP network security and interconnection issues that must be resolved in a more practical way so as to manage all threats security and system negotiations successfully.Session Border Controller (SBC) is a common and effective device, which is inserted into the signaling and/or media paths via SIP, to cooperate along with other strategical security equipments (such as firewall, authentication and IPsec gateway).As such, SBC is able to provide VoIP calls to and from a protected IP network.
It is the purpose of this thesis to explore the importance of SBC and determine what if SBC is deployed at the different locations/scenarios (e.g., carrier-to-enterprise/residential access and carrier-to- carrier access solutions). This research also provides comprehensive survey information on current main SBC products in the market. Through the extensive hands-on laboratory (such as tracing call flow and interpreting http authentication), this thesis offers a good starting point for understanding the operations of SBC.
誌謝辭 I
摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻討探 4
2.1 IMS 的技術與發展 4
2.2 IMS 網路分析 9
第三章 IMS 基本通訊協定介紹 18
3.1 SIP 議題 18
3.2 SDP 探討 25
3.3 RTP 簡介 27
3.4 TLS 與 IPSEC 分析 30
第四章 IMS 安全機制探討 35
4.1 IMS 安全議題 35
4.2 VOIP安全聯盟 38
第五章 SBC運用分析 40
5.1 SBC機能運用 40
5.2 SBC運用實證 48
第六章 結論與建議 60
參考文獻 62
附錄 中、英名詞彙編 66
作者簡介 68
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