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研究生(外文):Hui-Hsien Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Validating WSDL Mechanism of UDDI Server in SOA Platform
指導教授(外文):Kim-Joan Chen
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網際網路的盛行,促使網路服務(Web Services)得以實現服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture)的理念,讓查找服務和使用服務更加的便利和有效率。網路服務要能正確運行除了需要服務提供者提供服務、服務需求者使用服務,和服務仲介者幫助認識和查詢服務之外,還關係到在服務仲介者也就是UDDI (Universal Discovery, Description and Integration Language)伺服器內的WSDL(Web Service Description Language)能否正確被服務提供者產生給服務需求者使用,不因註冊服務的註冊時間長久而導致WSDL位址是失效或WSDL文件內容是損壞的,使得服務需求者查詢到的服務後,依據WSDL文件產生的連繫程式無法請求服務,造成網路服務無法正常運作。
因此,本論文為了驗證UDDI伺服器內的WSDL,利用JUDDI自由軟體架設JUDDI伺服器,JUDDI伺服器用來作為一個提供網路服務註冊、發佈的UDDI伺服器和以Java程式語言撰寫的WSDLChecker來驗證存放在UDDI伺服器內的WSDL位址,WSDLChecker驗證根據WSDL位址取得WSDL文件進行剖析,並分成三個階段對WSDL文件做驗證,第一階段驗證WSDL文件的基本元素是否存在;第二階段驗證WSDL文件元素間的關連性的正確性;第三階段驗證WSDL文件與UDDI tModel的對映是否一致。
The prevalence of the Internet promotes Web Services to achieve the concept of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Web Services provides the standard framework for Service Providers to supply services. Service Requesters can request services, while Service Brokers help to find and know services. Besides, the WSDL in UDDI Server (i.e. Service Broker) can be produced and published by the Service Provider correctly. Web Services make discovery and use services conveniently and efficiently. If the Web Service will be registered for a period of time, the WSDL address may not be valid or the WSDL document could be broken. This is because Service Requester sometimes produces not correct stubs due to the wrong WSDL document Therefore, Web Service may work incorrectly.
To validate the WSDL document and prevent Web Service from the wrong publishing, we need to design a validation methodology about validating WSDL document. We use an open source platform to set up a JUDDI Server and design the WSDLChecker by using Java programming language. WSDLChecker accesses and validates WSDL document according to WSDL address in JUDDI Server.
WSDLChecker processes three phases validation for WSDL document. First, do the elements exist? Second, is the relationship of elements right? Third, are the values separately received from the WSDL document and UDDI tModel which have the same values? Three phases validation of WSDLChecker for the WSDL document not only makes sure of the correctness of the WSDL mechanism about producing, publishing, and saving the WSDL, but also reports the result of validation to JUDDI Database for allowing the Service Requestor to query the normal information for that WSDL document. WSDLChecker increases the reliability of service information from Service Providers for UDDI Server and also assures Web Service to work normally.
Keyword: SOA, Web Services, WSDL, UDDI, JUDDI, WSDLChecker
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 背景介紹 3
2.1 網路服務 3
2.2 簡介XML技術 5
2.2.1 XML 5
2.2.2 XML剖析模型 5
2.3 簡介SOAP技術 6
2.4 簡介WSDL技術 7
2.5 簡介UDDI技術 10
2.6 WSDL文件在SOA架構下的運作機制 13
2.6.1 WSDL文件與服務仲介者間的運作機制 13
2.6.2 WSDL文件與服務提供者的運作機制 14
2.6.3 WSDL文件與服務需求者的運作機制 16
第三章 系統規劃與環境架構 17
3.1 系統功能需求與分析 17
3.2 系統規劃 19
3.3 系統環境平台 19
第四章 系統設計與實作 25
4.1 系統架構 26
4.2 WSDLChecker之實作 33
4.3 WSDLChecker錯誤測試 40
第五章 結論 47
References 48
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