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研究生(外文):Hsuan Chun
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of micro-phase separated nano-patterns in diblock copolymers by solvent indcuced method
指導教授(外文):Chia Chen Hsu
外文關鍵詞:phase separtationblock copolymersolvent induced
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本研究在探討利用溶劑誘導(solvent induced)方式使團聯式共聚物(block copolymers, BCPs)產生微相分離(micro-phase separation)的自組裝(self-assemble, SA)機制,利用其機制可產生具有週期的奈米結構,並做為不同之應用。
藉由改變溶劑誘導時間、環境溫度以及薄膜厚度等探討高分子量和低分子量之雙團聯式共聚物Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA)在溶劑誘導方式中產生微相分離並觀察其表面形貌。
The phase separation in diblock copolymers (diBCPs) thin film is controlled by using solvent-induced method. The nano structures of phase separation pattern is changed with different solvent-induced time, environment temperature and film thickness. Indeed, the nano-periodic structure in diBCPs can be obtained at 35o, twenty minutes, and an easy way. Furthermore, the nano structure of the phase-separated block copolymers can be arranged by using the 1D grating fabricated by interference lithography technique. It shows that this technique is useful for mass production of optoelectronics applications.
第一章 序論-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二章 團聯式共聚物微相分離原理
2.1 微相分離形態原理----------------------------------------------------- 13
2.2 溶劑誘導方法---------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.3 雷射干涉微影術------------------------------------------------------- 23
第三章 實驗步驟
3.1 實驗材料及製作流程------------------------------------------------- 25
3.2 PS-b-PMMA(Mn=501K) ---------------------------------------------- 28
3.3 用圖形控制PS-b-PMMA(Mn=501K)二維結構製作------------ 30
3.4 PS-b-PMMA(Mn=67K)
3.4-1 改變溶劑誘導時間觀察微相分離結構---------------------- 31
3.4-2 改變薄膜厚度觀察微相分離結構---------------------------- 31
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 PS-b-PMMA(Mn=501K)
4.1-1 平放樣品溶劑誘導環境溫度為10oC微相分離之研究------ 32
4.1-2 斜放樣品溶劑誘導環境溫度為35oC微相分離之研究------ 35
4.1-3 平放樣品溶劑誘導環境溫度為35oC微相分離之研究------ 41
4.1-4 圖形控制PS-b-PMMA(Mn=501K)二維結構製作之研究-- 43
4.2 PS-b-PMMA(Mn=67K)
4.2-1 溶劑誘導時間控制微相分離結構之研究 -------------------- 46
4.2-2 膜厚控制微相分離結構之研究--------------------------------- 49
第五章 結論------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
參考文獻------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
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