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研究生(外文):Ching-Hui Chang
論文名稱(外文):Using BSC in Assessing the Performance of e-SCM Diffusion: A Multi-stage Perspective
外文關鍵詞:e-supply chain managementinterorganizational systemsinnovation diffusion theorybalance scorecardorganizational performance
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E-supply chain management (e-SCM), a specific form of interorganizational systems, has generally regarded as one of major strategies to improve organizational performance and create competitive advantage. In order to generate speed, agility, lower cost, and customer satisfaction in supply chain, organizations are willing to implement e-SCM. Besides, the diffusion issue for e-SCM is important for the final successful use. Innovation diffusion theory (IDT) is defined for exploring diffusion process with multiple stages. Moreover, empirical researches have found inconclusive results of IT values due to inadequacy measures. The balanced scorecard (BSC), including financial and non-financial measures, is an appropriate approach for accessing IT performance. Based on IDT and BSC, this study proposes a novel framework for exploring the relationship between the three-stage e-SCM diffusion and the four performance perspectives in BSC. A field survey method was adopted for this study. Results demonstrated that the two earlier stages, involving adoption and internal diffusion, had significant impacts on the four performance perspectives. At external diffusion stage, four perspectives except financial performance showed significant.
Figure Contents......................................V
Table Contents......................................VI
1. Introduction......................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation...............1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions................3
1.3 Research Procedure...............................5
2. Literature Review.................................7
2.1 SCM..............................................7
2.2 IDT and e-SCM Diffusion.........................12
2.3 BSC Concept and Measuring e-SCM Value...........17
2.3.1 BSC Concept...................................17
2.3.2 Measuring e-SCM Value.........................19
3. Research Methodology.............................26
3.1 Research Model..................................26
3.2 Hypotheses Development..........................28
3.2.1 Learning and Growth Perspective...............28
3.2.2 Business Process Perspective..................29
3.2.3 Customer Perspective..........................29
3.2.4 Financial Perspective.........................30
3.2.5 Control Variables.............................30
4. Research Design..................................32
4.1 Instrument......................................32
4.1.1 Basic Information.............................32
4.1.2 E-SCM diffusion...............................32
4.1.3 Organizational Performances...................33
4.1.4 Control Variables.............................34
4.2 Sample Organizations and Respondents............35
4.3 Scale Validation................................38
4.3.1 Analytic Techniques...........................38
4.3.2 Analysis of the Measurement Model.............39
5. Hypotheses Testing...............................45
6. Findings and Discussions.........................48
7. Conclusions, Implications, and Suggestions.......52
Appendix: Questionnaire.............................64
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