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研究生(外文):Che-wei Yang
論文名稱(外文):Distributed Frequent Pattern Mining Using Time-slice Method
指導教授(外文):Fan Wu
外文關鍵詞:Parallel.Frequent patternTidset
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使用tid而不掃描資料庫,交易的次數與內容可以直接取得。雖然Tidset改善了資料交換的效率,但很多的議題包含了這一個並沒有研究花了多少處理時間在他們第一次掃描資料庫上。我們提出time-slice 方法在處理頻繁的項目送至中央節點的這一個階段。另外,在樹的交換階段,各地方的節點可以從中央節點取得頻繁項目以及他們的次數,而從其它的地方節點取得非頻繁項目和次數。在這篇論文,我們不僅能提升中央節點的效能也能避免廣播所帶來的成本。
Mining frequent pattern itemsets in databases is popular in the mining for association rules. There were many methods such as Apriori-like or FPgrowth-like algorithms proposed to find frequent patterns. But both of them cannot be applied nowadays because database grows extremely fast that even the FP-tree cannot entirely fit into main memory. Hence, many parallel and distributed algorithms were later proposed to solve such problems. But they require obtaining infrequent patterns by scanning the disk. Hence, the Tidset method based on Parallel FP-tree algorithm was then proposed. With Tidset instead of scanning database, the number of times of occurrences can be obtained directly. Although Tidset improves the efficiency of information exchange, lots of paper including this one didn’t study on how much process time spent on scanning the database in its first scan. This study proposes time-slice method in the stage when frequent itemsets are collected to the central node. Furthermore, in the tree exchange stage, local nodes obtain the frequent items and counts from central node, and obtain infrequent items from other local nodes. In this case, we not only improve the central node’s utility rate but also avoid broadcasting transactions cost.
Chapter 1 Introduction 6
1.1 Background 6
1.2 Motivation 7
1.3 The concept of our method 8
Chapter 2 Related Work 10
2.1 Apriori algorithm 10
2.2 Frequent pattern growth algorithm 11
2.3 Parallel data mining 14
2.4 Parallel FP-tree algorithm 16
2.5 Tidset based FP-tree algorithm 17
Chapter 3 Our method 19
3.1 Basic Notation 19
3.2 Time slice transmitting 20
3.2.1 Transmitting to central node 20
3.2.2 Getting request message 21
3.2.3 Modification of request message 24
3.2.4 Transaction sets 24
3.3 Transactions with array list 26
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 33
Chapter 5 Discussion 38
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 39
Reference 40
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