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研究生(外文):Wei Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study of Sensitivity and Light Effect for pH Sensor with Hafnium Dioxide Sensing Membrane
指導教授(外文):C. S. Lai
外文關鍵詞:ISFETEISHafnium DioxideLight effectRTA post treatment
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ISFET, one of the most important bio-devices, has been investigated extensively in recent year. Comparing with traditional ion electrode, this device has several advantages such as , small size, short response time, firm and resistant to impacts, fewer test solution and compatible with CMOS VLSI technology. As the size of silicon dioxide-based transistors continues to be sized down in order to obtain faster devices and good performance, the high-k dielectric material was used to replace silicon dioxide to overcome leakage current issue of MOSFET. Above mention, hafnium dioxide as promising high-k material to replace silicon dioxide was used as sensing membrane of ISFET in order to compatible with CMOS fabrication process in the future.
In this work, we used hafnium dioxide as sensing insulator of EIS (electrolyte-insulator-Si substrate) structure which is convenient to fabricate without considering source/drain effect to investigate the sensing properties. The experiments were divided into three parts: first, the sensing character and light effect on single and stacked EIS structure was studied; second, we adjusted the thickness of sensing membrane to investigate the influence of sensing character and light effect; third, we adjusted the RTA post treatment temperature to improve the sensing character and light effect.

Key words: ISFET, EIS, Hafnium Dioxide, light effect, RTA post treatment.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
Figure Captions and Table iV
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Origination and motivation…...………………….…...1
1.2 The purpose of this work………………………….…..4
1.3 Research process and Organization…………………..7
1.3.1 Research process…………………………….….7
1.3.2 Charter planning…………………………..8
Chapter 2 Basic Theory 16
2.1 Basic theory………………………….………….....16
2.1.1 MOSFET principle…………………….........16
2.1.2 ISFET principle……………………………….19
2.1.3 EIS principle………………………………….23
2.2 Definition of experiment conditions…....……...……25
2.2.1 Selection of sensing membrane………….…25
2.2.2 Selection of experiment light source………25
2.2.3 Selection of measurement conditions….......26
2.3 The light effect……………………………………….30
2.3.1 Production of light effect…………..…………30
2.3.2 Improvement method of light effect.…………32
2.3.3 Measurement of pH sensitivity and light effect….35
Chapter 3 Experiment design and practice 50
3.1 The setup of measured condition….......…………..…50
3.1.1 Introduction…………………………………50
3.1.2 Experiment…………………………………50
3.1.3 Selection of C-R mode………………………..52
3.2 Comparison of single and stacked structure…………56
3.2.1 Introduction……………………….…………..56
3.2.2 Experiment……………………………………56
3.2.3 Results and discussion………………………..57
3.3 Changing the thickness of sensing membrane…….…59
3.3.1 Introduction…………………………………...59
3.3.2 Experiment…………………………………....60
3.3.3 Results and discussions……………………….60
3.4 RTA temperature adjustment………...………..….….62
3.4.1 Introduction……………………………...……62
3.4.2 Experiment……………………………………62
3.3.3 Results and discussions………………………63
3.5 Summary…………………………………………….65
Chapter 4 Comprehensive discussion of different membrane thickness and RTA temperature adjustment 78
4.1 Experiment of different membrane thickness and RTA temperature adjustment………………………………..78
4.1.1 Introduction………….………………………..79
4.1.2 Experiments procedure……………………….79
4.1.3 Results and discussion………………………..80

4.2 Light induced drift…...………….……………...……84
4.2.1 Introduction…………………….……………..84
4.2.2 Measurement methods and steps……………84
4.2.3 Results and Analysis………………………….85
4.3 Conclusion………..……………………….................87
Chapter 5 Summary 95
5.1 Conclusion…….………………………….….……....95
5.2 Future work…………………………….…...….........98

Figure Captions and Tables

Fig. 1-1 Research process diagram.
Table 1-1 The comparison of relevant properties for high-k candidates [20].
Fig. 2-1 The schematic cross section of the CMOS.
Fig. 2-2 The schematic cross section structure of the MOSFET.
Fig. 2-3 The pinch-off sketch map.
Fig. 2-4 The schematic cross section of the ISFET.
Fig. 2-5 The schematic cross section of the site dissociation model.
Fig. 2-6 The schematic cross section of the EIS.
Fig. 2-7 The pH sensitivity with different CMAX.
Fig. 2-8(a) Light induced shift effect C-V curve.
Fig. 2-8(b) Light induced memory effect C-V curve.
Fig. 2-9 The standard C-V curve.
Fig. 2-10 The equivalent circuit of (a) CS-RS mode and (b) CP-RP mode in C-V measurement.
Fig. 2-11 Relation of frequency and C-V.

Fig. 3-1(a) The C-V curve with different frequency in CP-RP mode.
Fig. 3-1(b) The C-V curve with different frequency in Cs-Rs mode.
Fig. 3-2 The C-V curve during the illumination.
Fig. 3-3 The different ratio with the CMAX diagram.
Fig. 3-4 The process flow of single and stacked structure.
Fig. 3-5 The process flow of different thickness of sensing membrane
Fig. 3-6 The pH sensitivity of different thickness sensing membrane
Fig. 3-7 The voltage shift of light induced shift effect with different sensing thickness.
Fig. 3-8 The voltage shift of light induced memory effect with different sensing thickness.
Fig. 3-9 The process flow of different RTA post treatment temperature.
Fig. 3-10 The pH sensitivity in 10 nm thickness with different RTA post treatment temperature.
Fig. 3-11 The voltage shift of light induced shift effect in 10 nm thickness with different RTA post treatment temperature.
Fig. 3-12 The voltage shift of light induced memory effect in 10 nm thickness with different RTA post treatment temperature.
Table 3-I The CMAX in the different frequency with CP-RP and CS-RS mode.
Table 3-II The pH sensitivity with different thickness and ratio of CMAX.
Table 3-III The error of CMAX with different ratio.
Table 3-IV The pH sensitivity of different structure and w/o illumination.
Table 3-V The voltage shift of light induced memory effect with different thickness and ratio of CMAX.

Fig. 4-1 The fabrication process flow for HfO2 EIS.
Fig. 4-2 The pH sensitivity of all thickness and RTA post treatment temperature.
Fig. 4-3 The voltage shift of light induced shift effect with all thickness and RTA post treatment temperature.
Fig. 4-4 The voltage shift of light induced memory effect with all thickness and RTA post treatment temperature.
Fig. 4-5 The light induced drift w/o annealing sample.
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