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研究生(外文):Chun Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Energy-Saving Glass Application and Development for Taiwan Regions
指導教授(外文):W. Y. Lee
外文關鍵詞:global warmingsustainable lifeenergy-saving glassgreen buildingwindow-opening ratesunlight penetration rate
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由於能源短缺、地球暖化、自然生態、受到人類史上最嚴重的打擊,終於讓世人開始注意到,人類再不去重視與保護地球的資源,在50年或許100年後人類也將消失在這個星球。有一位經濟學家曾說 :第二次世界大戰後,人類史上最偉大的二個人,一個是蘇聯的史達林、另一位是中國的毛澤東。因為這二人在二戰後,把三分之二的人類直接或間接的關入鐵幕,讓地球的資源消耗減緩,人類至今才還有石油及鐵礦等天然資源可以利用。因為如果以現在蘇聯、中國、巴西、印度等新興大國,開始大量使用天然資源,問題在30年前就會發生,而當時人類的科技並無法解決這些問題。
As a result of energy shortages, global warming and the harshest ever attack in human history on nature and ecology; people began to notice that the Earth’s resources would disappear in 50 to 100 years if we continue to ignore the importance of protecting the planet’s resources. According to a young economist, “There have been two great men in human history since WWII; Stalin of the Soviet Union and Mao Zedong of China. These men locked up two-thirds of the world behind the ‘iron curtain’ after WWII. Either directly or indirectly, they have slowed down the consumption of resources on Earth, thus reserving the oil and iron resources for us today. If the BRIC had begun to consume natural resources from the beginning, the above problems would have happened 30 years ago at a time when our science and technology were unable to handle them.
In this case, history teachers, who have been teaching us since we were children, should re-consider this historical issue. Industrial powers like Europe, the USA and Japan were the culprits of these problems and have never been condemned. We see both crises and opportunities in energy shortages because environmental and energy-saving products are finally entering the market instead of being neglected. The construction industry is a highly polluting and energy-consuming industry, especially for construction materials using a large amount of metal coatings such as reflecting glasses, electroplated aluminum, steel and coatings. The contamination brought to the earth by too many construction materials will not disappear until centuries later. Yet, no one is willing to face up to this fact.
The aim of this study is to investigate the application and future of energy-saving glass in Taiwan. Glass is the most used walling and construction material in Taiwan. From the construction industry’s viewpoint, it is necessary to understand what green building is and why the sustainable life of green building is widely discussed across the world. High-performance energy-saving glass contains no glare contamination. Its high transparency can enhance natural lighting performance, reduce lighting fees, prevent heat from directly radiating indoors, and effectively lower air conditioning needs.
No one currently cares about water and electricity prices because they are very cheap in Taiwan. However, energy expenses will become a major source of spending for households and enterprises in the future. According to many studies home and abroad, air conditioning, window opening rates and sunlight penetration rates are directly correlated, and the heat-insulation efficiency of glass will have an influence of 50%. Therefore, knowing how to choose energy-saving glass suitable for use in subtropical areas is indispensable for people living in Taiwan. It is exceptionally important when initially selecting construction materials or glass. Instead of emphasizing the showy interior decorations, walling glass heat-insulation and warmth-keeping features are key to making people comfortable when living inside. Walling glass must be able to function like human skin: radiate heat in summer and keep warmth in winter. This study hopes to make contributions to saving energy and promote the sustainable human survival by providing correct energy-saving methods and excellent glass construction materials
長庚大學博碩士論文著作授權書摘要 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究背景 - 1 -
第二節 研究動機及目的 - 1 -
第三節 研究方法 - 2 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 3 -
第一節 Low-E節能玻璃之定義與種類 - 5 -
第二節 Low-E玻璃之特性 - 8 -
第三節 Low-E節能玻璃與一般玻璃效能比較 - 11 -
第三章 研究內容 - 16 -
第一節 綠建築節能玻璃設計重點分析 - 16 -
第二節 亞熱帶地區建築物開窗之節能計劃 - 22 -
第三節 如何選用優良節能玻璃 - 27 -
第四節 節能玻璃SWOT分析 - 29 -
第五節 Low-E節能玻璃產業五力分析 - 31 -
第四章 研究成果 - 35 -
第一節 落實我國綠建築發展之對策 - 35 -
第二節 落實建築節能法制化 - 37 -
第三節 落實節能玻璃推廣計劃 - 38 -
第四節 與世界綠色建築接軌及創造商機 - 40 -
第五節 國內專家學者訪談記錄 - 43 -
第五章 結論與建議 - 45 -
參考文獻 - 46 -
附錄 - 51 -

圖 1:圖解Low-E複層玻璃日射透過率 - 7 -
圖 2:不同Low-E鍍膜於陽光譜中透過率比較 - 10 -
圖 3:各種玻璃的光學特性 - 12 -
圖 4:6mm一般清玻璃熱透過率說明 - 15 -
圖 5:由辦公建築空調耗電量變化觀察外遮陽的節能效益 - 19 -
圖 6:外殼保溫設計的節能效益 - 21 -
圖 7:不同地區之辦公建築空調耗能量與開窗率關係圖 - 26 -
圖 8:產業競爭分析架構 - 32 -

表 1: EU各國的複層玻璃普及率 - 4 -
表 2: 電磁波及其頻率(波長) - 9 -
表 3: 玻璃的熱傳透率與日射透過率表 - 13 -
表 4: 辦公建築外殼因子對全年空調耗電量變動的影響率 - 17 -
表 5: 台灣綠建築EEWH 評估系統 - 36 -
表 6: 『綠建築標章審查制度』之執行成果效益估算表 - 39 -
表 7: 世界各國綠建築評估系統之比較 - 42 -
A. 雜誌或期刊
1. 王朝仁,〈玻璃相關科技趨勢〉,《經濟日報出版》,頁4~9,2006。
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8. 鄭元良,〈如何落實法制化〉,《台灣建築》,9月,頁49~50,2004。

B. 研討會論文
1. 丁育群,〈永續發展與綠建築〉,《綠建築實務國際研討會論文集》,中華綠建築協會,頁4-1~4-10,2004.05.06~07。
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6. 林憲德,〈熱濕氣候玻璃帷幕牆節能設計〉,《環亞熱帶綠建築國際研討會論文集》,內政部建築研究所,頁79~89,2006.08.23~25。
7. 高嘉隆,蔡宜中,〈綠建材標章制度推廣策略之研究〉,《自辦研究計畫成果發表會論文集》,內政部建築研究所,頁1~8,2003.12.09。
8. 張世典,蔡必超,楊謙柔,〈辦公大樓能源管理技術之現況分析與問題探討〉,《建築物能源管理技術國際研討會論文集》,經濟部能源委員會及財團法人中華建築中心,頁1-14,2002.09.10。
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11. 蔡尤溪,陳瑞玲,李文興,〈醫療百貨類建築耗能總量調查之研究〉,《環境計畫與管理研討會論文集》,內政部建築研究所,頁1~27,2000.10.05。
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15. Nils, L., “Developing a building-sector strategy for the challenge of climate change in southeast Asia,” 2005 Subtropical Green Building International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, November 21, 2005.
C. 單行本或叢書
1. 二間瀨敏史,麻生修,《電磁波》,初版,日本,夏目出版社,頁138~141,2003。
2. 丁育群,《綠建築政策說帖-有綠建築真好》,初版,台灣,內政部建築研究所,頁1~16;67~74,2006。
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4. 林憲德,《綠色建築》,初版,台灣,詹氏書局,頁153~182,2006。
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D. 碩博士論文
1. 張晏維,〈建築外部因素對內部環境品質之影響-以住宅大樓為例〉,朝陽科技大學,碩士論文,2005。
2. 李靖男,〈建築節約能源設計分析與全尺度實驗印證〉,國立中山大學,博士論文,2002。
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