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研究生(外文):Wei Chung Pan
論文名稱(外文):Development of microfluidic alginate microsphere generator with its performance tunable by pulsed airflow injection for the encapsulation of cells
指導教授(外文):M. S. Wu
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利用微流體系統進行細胞微包埋已經被廣泛的應用在不同的目的上,然而這些類型的研究不管在技術層面或是製程上要求嚴苛,這些嚴苛的條件可能會限制這類研究發展;為了在一個簡單、可控制及均一的環境下進行細胞包埋,故本研究開發一套微球製備裝置,此裝置是以PDMS為材料配合軟刻蝕的技術製造而成,其特點在於操控脈動式氣體並將連續式的懸浮液截成液體片段,其目的在於精準控制微球的粒徑大小,簡單來說,一個T型的微流體管路被設計出,在此T字管路中,其中一個管道,由針筒注射幫浦注入樣品並驅動連續式流體,另一管道則是輸入脈動式氣體,此脈動式氣體的頻率控制是由一組電磁閥及一組可控制式電子迴路模組配合而成,在此研究中,透過不同流速及不同脈動式氣體頻率的控制下,可得到不同片段大小的液體體積,這些存在於微管道中的液體段,最後藉由晶片末端毛細管(內徑 75 μm) 離開晶片本體,並在毛細管外形成微滴,接著將此毛細胞浸入氯化鈣溶液內而凝膠形成微球,透過這種方法,我們可以簡易的控制細胞包埋的粒徑大小,並在相同流速下2 μl/min 配合不同的脈動式氣體在35、7.8 及 0.56 Hz的頻率下,可製造出粒徑150、250以及350 μm 的褐藻膠微粒,最後運用於細胞包埋上,其細胞存活率達95%以上,表示此包埋系統運用於細胞包埋,是可行的且對於細胞是友善的。
Microencapsulation of cells using microfluidic technology has been actively pursued recently for varied purposes. However, most of these studies were quite technically demanding or required delicate fabrications, which could hinder their widespread application. To microencapsulate cells in a simple, controllable and uniform manner, this study proposes a microfluidic microsphere generator, which was designed and was fabricated based on soft lithography of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The key feature of the device is the manipulation of a pulsed air flow to segment a continuous suspension (e.g. alginate) flow in order to fine-tune the size of the resulting microsphere. Briefly, microchannels with T junction layout were designed. One of the microchannels was for a continuous suspension flow driven by a syringe pump and another one was for a pulsed air flow input controlled by an electromatgnetic valve coupled with a control circuit. In this study, the fragments of suspension with varied size in the microchannel can be created either by controlling the flow rate of suspension flow or the frequency of the pulsed air flow. The multiple generated suspension fragments in the microchannel were then delivered out of the system through a capillary tube (D: 75 μm) and the droplets formed at the tip of capillary tube were subsequently immersed into calcium chloride solution with a thin layer of sunflower oil covered. By this arrangement, cells-encapsulated micro-alginate beads can be created in a controllable manner. Our preliminary results showed that uniform micro-alginate beads with the size of 150, 250 and 300 μm in diameter can be generated at the set pulsed frequencies of 35, 7.8 and 4.4 Hz respectively under a fixed suspension flow rate of 2 μl/min. Finally, using the microencapsulated microfluidic chip to encapsulate cell, the cell viability is over 95% presents it is cell friendly.
指導教授推薦書 i
口試委員會審定書 ii
長庚大學博碩士論文著作授權書 iii
致 謝 iv
摘 要 v
Abstract vi
目 錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xviii
Chapter I Introduction - 1 -
1.1 Microencapsulation - 1 -
1.2 Cell microencapsulation - 3 -
1.2.1 Articular cartilage tissue engineering - 8 -
1.3 The conventional methods for preparing microbeads for cell microencapsulation. - 18 -
1.3.1 Spray drying: - 19 -
1.3.2 Spray cooling/chilling: - 21 -
1.3.3 Extrusion: - 22 -
1.3.4 Fluidized bed: - 23 -
1.3.5 Coacervation: - 24 -
1.3.6 Liposome: - 24 -
1.4 Microfluidic technology - 25 -
1.4.1 Laminar flow: - 26 -
1.4.2 Diffusion: - 26 -
1.4.3 Fluidic Resistance: - 27 -
1.4.4 Surface area to volume ratio: - 27 -
1.4.5 Surface tension: - 27 -
1.4.6 Micromachining: - 27 -
1.4.7 Soft lithography: - 28 -
1.5 Microemulsification-droplet formation: - 28 -
1.5.1 Conventional emulsification: - 30 -
1.5.2 Membrane emulsification: - 31 -
1.5.3 Microfuidic-based microchannel emulsification: - 32 -
1.5.4 Microfuidic-based three-dimensional coaxial microcapillary device: - 33 -
1.5.5 Microfuidic-based two- dimension microfluidics: - 35 -
1.5.6 Other droplet formation technologies: - 42 -
1.6 Segment formation: - 44 -
1.6.1 Liquid-liquid plug formation: - 44 -
1.6.2 Gas-liquid slug formation: - 50 -
1.7 Motivation and objection: - 55 -
1.8 Alginate: - 57 -
Chapter II Material and method - 62 -
2.1 Design: - 62 -
2.2 Microfabrication: - 65 -
2.3 Experimental Setup: - 68 -
2.4 Evaluation of the alginate segment performance: - 71 -
2.5 Alginate beads formation: - 71 -
2.6 Chondrocyte isolation: - 72 -
2.7 Cell viability assay: - 72 -
2.8 Mirobeads size analysis: - 73 -
Chapter III Result and discussion - 74 -
Chapter IV Conclusions - 82 -
References - 83 -
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