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研究生(外文):Fu-Chuan, Wang
論文名稱(外文):Hydrothermal synthesis of α- Al2O3 powder
外文關鍵詞:Hydrothermal methodα-Alumina oxide powderautoclave
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This study mainly develops the synthesizing process of α-alumina oxide (α-Al2O3) powder by hydrothermal method. The aluminum hydrate (Al(OH)3)) powders and ammonium hydrogen-carbonate (NH4HCO3) solution were charged into the vessel simultaneously. Then, the aluminum hydrate was transformed into α-alumina oxide in high-pressure as well as high-temperature state. X-ray diffraction was employed to analyze the constituting phases of the finished α-alumina oxide powders. The profile, surface, size, and lattice morphology of the powders were observed by scanning electron microscope. The particle size of powders was examined by laser scanning diameter analyzer.
The results revealed that AlO(OH) powders was obtained as a transitional product when the heat-treated temperature was below 400℃. The α-alumina oxide was obtained successfully when the heat-treated temperature increased above 450℃, and held over 5 hours. The amount of residual aluminum hydrate was decreased as heat-treated temperature increased. The average size of α-alumina oxide powders is 20~30μm, and the profile is hexagonal. The synthesis mechanism of α-alumina oxide was primarily aluminum hydrate dehydrated and transformed into α-alumina oxide, as well as a little aluminum hydrate was dissolved and precipitated to become α-alumina oxide. The optimum process parameter to produce α-alumina oxide was heat-treated temperature above 450℃, concentration of ammonium hydrogen-carbonate 10%, and held for more than 10 hours.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究背景與動機 2
1-3 研究方法 2

第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 氧化鋁介紹 4
2-1-1 熱性質 5
2-1-2 物理與機械性質 5
2-1-3 硬度 5
2-1-4 化學反應性 6
2-1-5 電性 6
2-2 氧化鋁同質多晶形態 6
2-3 粉末之備製方法 8
2-4 水熱法 9
2-4-1 水熱法發展過程 9
2-4-2 水熱法生長單晶之方式與特性 9
2-4-3 水熱法之應用 10
2-4-4 水熱法製造粉體之優點 11
2-5 α相氧化鋁粉末之製造方法 12
2-5-1 機械球磨法 12
2-5-2 氣相反應法 13
2-5-3 沉澱法 13
2-5-4 溶膠凝膠法 14
2-5-5 燃燒法 15
2-5-6 水熱法 16

第三章 材料與實驗方法 37
3-1 實驗目的 37
3-2 實驗材料 37
3-3 實驗設備與分析儀器 37
3-3-1 加熱爐 37
3-3-2 壓力釜 38
3-3-3 原料罐 38
3-4 實驗設定 38
3-4-1 製程溫度 39
3-4-2 礦化劑水溶液之濃度比例 39
3-4-3 持溫時間 39
3-5 實驗程序 39
3-5-1 前置作業 39
3-5-2 生產作業 40
3-6 分析 42
3-6-1 X光繞射分析 42
3-6-2 顯微結構分析 42
3-6-3 雷射粒徑分析 42

第四章 結果與討論 55
4-1 XRD繞射分析 55
4-1-1 氫氧化鋁殘留量定性分析 58
4-2 氧化鋁粉微結構分析 59
4-3 氧化鋁粉粒徑分析 61

第五章 結論 91

第六章 參考文獻 92

作者簡介 97

附錄 98
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