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外文關鍵詞:Kano’s modelPiecewise regressionDiscriminant analysisLikert scale
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傳統上運用Kano二維品質模式進行品質屬性分類是依作者提出之評估表的建議來做決策,但已有許多學者提出以此評估表進行之一些缺點,並提出一些新的方法加以改善。但這些方法多仍是從操作的有效性之角度來衡量,而並未充份呈現品質屬性與顧客滿意之非線性關係,恐可推論其有一維品質被低估,而魅力品質、必須品質、反向品質與無差異品質則高估之可能。本研究以多變量分析提出兩個Kano模式屬性分類之新方法,首先以專家會議與區別分析建立四品質屬性區別模式,再求取各品質要素在各群體之區別分數,以區別分數高低來做為分類之依據。經實例之驗證,比較此方所得到之分類結果與傳統方法之差異性,發現此方確實具可行性與有效性。其次,提出以分段迴歸分析建立來納入更貼近原始Kano模式對各品質屬性在品質績效與滿意度之非線性概念。經實證驗證,此結合統計與繪圖技巧的方式可取代原Kano的評估表。最後,為說明各品質屬性績效與滿意度之不同非線性關聯,結合Tan and Shen’s (2000)與Matzler and Hinterhuber’s (1998)之概念,提出新的評估應用,本研究將基於二維品質模式將李克特5與7尺度量表之測量尺度予以修正。最後並以實證比較新方法與傳統處理所得結果之差異。
Quality attribute classification by applying Kano’s model is determined by evaluation table of author, however, a few scholars has pointed out weakness of proceeding the evaluation table and propose new methods to revise. Most of these methods are measured from the perspective of operational validity which does not sufficiently reflect the non-linear relationship between quality attribute and customer satisfaction. Therefore, one-dimensional quality may be under estimated while attractive quality, must-be quality, reverse quality and indifferent quality may be over estimated. This paper conducts multivariate analysis to propose new method for two attribute classification in Kano’s model. Firstly, expertise meeting and discriminant analysis will build up four quality attributes discriminant function and then to obtain discriminant score of each quality factor in each group. The classification will base upon the score sequence for discrimination. Within the test in case study, it will compare the classification result of this method and difference of traditional method. As a consequence, the result indicates that the new method is practical and has its validity. Secondly, piecewise regression analysis will be set up to meet the non-linear conceptual work of quality performance and satisfaction in Kano’s model. The result of test shows that the combination of statistic and graph technique will replace original Kano’s evaluation table. Consequently, combination of Tan and Shen (2000) and Matzler and Hinterhuber (1998) will illustrate the non-linear relationship in each quality attribute performance and satisfaction which propose new evaluations’ calculation conform from Kano’s model, to modify the scale value on options to 5-points or 7-points Likert scale and duly illustrate it. As a consequence, the case study will be undertaken to compare the result diversity of new method and traditional method.
摘要 ii
Section 1 Research Background 1
Section 2 Research Limitations 2
Section 1 Kano’s Model Basis 4
Section 2 Evaluation of Quality Elements 7
Section 3 To Evaluate Customer Satisfaction Basing on Kano’s model 13
Section 1 Background and Research Purpose 18
Section 2 Research methodology 19
Section 3 Case Study 22
Section 1 Introduction 35
Section 2 The New Kano Categories Way by Piecewise Regression 36
Section 3 Case Study 38
Section 1 Introduction 44
Section 2 Research Methodology 45
Section 3 Empirical Example of Customer Satisfaction Analysis 49
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